Okay. Thanks for the feedback. I figured that with the bump in technology and the slightly more optimistic outlook of the IST world, maybe the scrubbed Apollo missions continued and the Soviets got a little more daring and we ended up with at least a pair of token moonbases up there, a couple of Skylab style habitats and such. Maybe the UN had a couple of ESA backed spaceworthy supers who helped set up a HE3 mining operation to support the fusion monopoly.
Mostly I wanted witnesses to the weird thing that happens there in my timeline in the late sixties that adds the word "parachronics" to the vocabulary of the Warehouse. Always nice to see if anyone else had done any prior art for the concept.
Michael R. Smith (lastfreehuman@gmail.com)
GURPS IST Aleph Wordpress (http://istaleph.wordpress.com/)
GURPS IST Aleph Twitter (http://twitter.com/IstAleph/)
Trek This! Wordpress (http://dthiller.wordpress.com/)
My Blog (http://lastfreehuman.wordpress.com/)
Mostly I wanted witnesses to the weird thing that happens there in my timeline in the late sixties that adds the word "parachronics" to the vocabulary of the Warehouse. Always nice to see if anyone else had done any prior art for the concept.
Michael R. Smith (lastfreehuman@gmail.com)
GURPS IST Aleph Wordpress (http://istaleph.wordpress.com/)
GURPS IST Aleph Twitter (http://twitter.com/IstAleph/)
Trek This! Wordpress (http://dthiller.wordpress.com/)
My Blog (http://lastfreehuman.wordpress.com/)