The Chinese attack South Korea and Hong Kong with fully-metahuman brigades. Further, successful attacks are made against India, Japan and Russia.
Using a refined jugo the Colombian drug cartels launch a relentless attack on the southern United States. The berserker supers are able to disrupt the embargo around Cuba to allow Guatemalan relief to reach the island. The US responds by creating official, government super teams. President Buchanan declares a state of emergency and declares Martial Law.
Hard-liners in the PLO launch nuclear attacks on Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv. Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria all invade Israel. Israel retaliates with nuclear attacks that completely obliterate Beirut and Damascus. All Palestinians within Israel are rounded up and deported to Saudi Arabia. Those that resist are executed.
Moammar al-Qadaffi begins a sustained terrorist attack against Europe. Numerous nuclear devices are detonated across Europe. Starting in Italy and France, but, eventually encompassing all European nations.
South Africa launches a full-scale invasion of Angola after weakening their military and the IST embassy with the use of nuclear terror attacks.
An undetected terrorist bomb detonates in the council chambers during a Security Council debate over the Chinese invasions. Another bomb simultaneously detonates in the General Assembly chambers. Four more bombs detonate in key locations of the building. The United Nations building collapses under the onslaught.
The Blue Demon appeared in Rome, after the Libyan nuclear attack. It was defeated by a Vatican super team.
A seriously-wounded young woman appears in IST London clutching numerous pages of research. After recovering, undergraduate college student, Jillian Michaels, admits to fleeing from US Soldiers after they tried to confiscate her temporal anomaly research. Her metahuman genes activated, allowing her to, somehow, teleport to London, bypassing all of their security.
China deploys a division of metahuman soldiers to Cuba to reinforce them. Within days of arrival, the Cuban people are imprisoned, and China declares Cuba a holding of the PRC. Battles rage across Asia. China takes Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar and Vietnam. Battles rage in the Assam region of India and Bangladesh.
The US government mandates police troops to use their own derivative of jugo in battling the ongoing terror attacks from Colombia. Several strategic bombers, loaded with environmentally unfriendly defoliants make numerous passes over Colombia. Mexican troops, backed by Colombia invade the southern United States.
Chinese terrorists detonate three nuclear devices on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. The bridge is completely eradicated. Nearly two-hundred thousand civilians are killed in the attack.
The U.N. Plaza is finally cleared of rubble in time for President Buchanan to expel the U.N. from American shores. He mandates that all US citizens serving in the IST have one month to return to the US to be assigned to military forces or they will be tried, in absentia and convicted of High Treason. All US IST members stay where they are assigned. All U.N. workers leave the United States.
Several nuclear devices detonate in Gaza and Amman. Israel claims these were terrorist devices that were handled incorrectly. Israeli Special Forces engaged in Cairo accidentally destroy the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx during a running battle. Israel takes the entire west bank and the Gaza Strip and expels all Palestinians.
South Africa finishes overrunning Angola. Fanning out, they capture numerous cities and nations, unable to resist. They lay claim to all of Africa, but only control from Latitude 8 south to Latitude 35. They round up and execute any blacks that exhibit any level of metahuman ability.
Numerous undetectable suicide bombers detonate across Europe, though only with conventional explosives. Ten or more explosions a day wrack the cities of Europe. The police and military seem powerless to stop it. The European metavillians make themselves available to the authorities to help stop the attacks.
Jillian, with help with several U.N. scientists decipher her research and discover a number of anomalies in the time-space continuum.
Chinese forces take Bangladesh, Bhutan, Mongolia and the Assam region of India. An assault by the patients of IST Alice Springs breaks the back of the Chinese attack in Japan. I-Beam, Johnny T-Rex and Starchild are killed in the attack. Starchild’s daughter is missing from the embassy when they return. By the end of the year, all Chinese troops have been cleared from Japan.
The United States begins carpet bombing northern Mexico. US supers begin pulling debris from orbit and smashing it into targets in Central and South America. The NASA employee, Shunt, tenders his resignation and teleports to IST London seeking asylum. The U.N. welcomes one of the most powerful teleporters on Earth.
Israeli supers manage to route the Egyptian army. As the Egyptian army retreats through Sinai, they are pursued by the supers and the army is wiped out. The PLO and their allies detonate dozens of nuclear devices throughout Israel in an attempt to weaken Israel. All it seems to do is make them angry and bring more metahumans to their side. Saudi Arabia denounces Israel’s aggression, but agrees to stay out of the war, so long as it does not spill into their territory.
With no organized resistance, South Africa claims all of Africa south of the equator. It consolidates its hold on the continent and continues its execution of black metahumans.
Discoveries are made that the suicide bombers are regular people who have, somehow, been altered to explode. The unknown process turns a person into an equivalent weight of industrial explosives. The process is undetectable by all but the most dedicated and invasive of metahuman scanning equipment. It is assumed that this was the same process by which the U.N. Headquarters was destroyed.
Jillian, with the help of IST Alice Springs team member Running Gag, discovers that the anomalies form a network across the globe, linking all of the hotspots together.
ETA--Changed Jillian's last name. The original Jillian was "Dr. Anderson." Decided, just to keep things simple, to use her married name, Michaels, even though she's not married yet.
The Chinese attack South Korea and Hong Kong with fully-metahuman brigades. Further, successful attacks are made against India, Japan and Russia.
Using a refined jugo the Colombian drug cartels launch a relentless attack on the southern United States. The berserker supers are able to disrupt the embargo around Cuba to allow Guatemalan relief to reach the island. The US responds by creating official, government super teams. President Buchanan declares a state of emergency and declares Martial Law.
Hard-liners in the PLO launch nuclear attacks on Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv. Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria all invade Israel. Israel retaliates with nuclear attacks that completely obliterate Beirut and Damascus. All Palestinians within Israel are rounded up and deported to Saudi Arabia. Those that resist are executed.
Moammar al-Qadaffi begins a sustained terrorist attack against Europe. Numerous nuclear devices are detonated across Europe. Starting in Italy and France, but, eventually encompassing all European nations.
South Africa launches a full-scale invasion of Angola after weakening their military and the IST embassy with the use of nuclear terror attacks.
An undetected terrorist bomb detonates in the council chambers during a Security Council debate over the Chinese invasions. Another bomb simultaneously detonates in the General Assembly chambers. Four more bombs detonate in key locations of the building. The United Nations building collapses under the onslaught.
The Blue Demon appeared in Rome, after the Libyan nuclear attack. It was defeated by a Vatican super team.
A seriously-wounded young woman appears in IST London clutching numerous pages of research. After recovering, undergraduate college student, Jillian Michaels, admits to fleeing from US Soldiers after they tried to confiscate her temporal anomaly research. Her metahuman genes activated, allowing her to, somehow, teleport to London, bypassing all of their security.
China deploys a division of metahuman soldiers to Cuba to reinforce them. Within days of arrival, the Cuban people are imprisoned, and China declares Cuba a holding of the PRC. Battles rage across Asia. China takes Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar and Vietnam. Battles rage in the Assam region of India and Bangladesh.
The US government mandates police troops to use their own derivative of jugo in battling the ongoing terror attacks from Colombia. Several strategic bombers, loaded with environmentally unfriendly defoliants make numerous passes over Colombia. Mexican troops, backed by Colombia invade the southern United States.
Chinese terrorists detonate three nuclear devices on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. The bridge is completely eradicated. Nearly two-hundred thousand civilians are killed in the attack.
The U.N. Plaza is finally cleared of rubble in time for President Buchanan to expel the U.N. from American shores. He mandates that all US citizens serving in the IST have one month to return to the US to be assigned to military forces or they will be tried, in absentia and convicted of High Treason. All US IST members stay where they are assigned. All U.N. workers leave the United States.
Several nuclear devices detonate in Gaza and Amman. Israel claims these were terrorist devices that were handled incorrectly. Israeli Special Forces engaged in Cairo accidentally destroy the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx during a running battle. Israel takes the entire west bank and the Gaza Strip and expels all Palestinians.
South Africa finishes overrunning Angola. Fanning out, they capture numerous cities and nations, unable to resist. They lay claim to all of Africa, but only control from Latitude 8 south to Latitude 35. They round up and execute any blacks that exhibit any level of metahuman ability.
Numerous undetectable suicide bombers detonate across Europe, though only with conventional explosives. Ten or more explosions a day wrack the cities of Europe. The police and military seem powerless to stop it. The European metavillians make themselves available to the authorities to help stop the attacks.
Jillian, with help with several U.N. scientists decipher her research and discover a number of anomalies in the time-space continuum.
Chinese forces take Bangladesh, Bhutan, Mongolia and the Assam region of India. An assault by the patients of IST Alice Springs breaks the back of the Chinese attack in Japan. I-Beam, Johnny T-Rex and Starchild are killed in the attack. Starchild’s daughter is missing from the embassy when they return. By the end of the year, all Chinese troops have been cleared from Japan.
The United States begins carpet bombing northern Mexico. US supers begin pulling debris from orbit and smashing it into targets in Central and South America. The NASA employee, Shunt, tenders his resignation and teleports to IST London seeking asylum. The U.N. welcomes one of the most powerful teleporters on Earth.
Israeli supers manage to route the Egyptian army. As the Egyptian army retreats through Sinai, they are pursued by the supers and the army is wiped out. The PLO and their allies detonate dozens of nuclear devices throughout Israel in an attempt to weaken Israel. All it seems to do is make them angry and bring more metahumans to their side. Saudi Arabia denounces Israel’s aggression, but agrees to stay out of the war, so long as it does not spill into their territory.
With no organized resistance, South Africa claims all of Africa south of the equator. It consolidates its hold on the continent and continues its execution of black metahumans.
Discoveries are made that the suicide bombers are regular people who have, somehow, been altered to explode. The unknown process turns a person into an equivalent weight of industrial explosives. The process is undetectable by all but the most dedicated and invasive of metahuman scanning equipment. It is assumed that this was the same process by which the U.N. Headquarters was destroyed.
Jillian, with the help of IST Alice Springs team member Running Gag, discovers that the anomalies form a network across the globe, linking all of the hotspots together.
ETA--Changed Jillian's last name. The original Jillian was "Dr. Anderson." Decided, just to keep things simple, to use her married name, Michaels, even though she's not married yet.