The weird-science aspect doesn’t have to drive the TL up, but it should.
TL10 is a massive step up, but, I think we just might be okay. If it’s anything like our world, TL is going to range across the planet. Even so, the majority of the first world will probably be firmly TL9, with a few TL10 objects. The U.N. will be firmly TL10. I thought this bit from UltraTech was fairly interesting.
If the U.N. develops artificial gravity/contragravity, that would give them another “Fusion Power” cash cow to draw upon. Assuming that it hasn’t been discovered by the Meeranon or the Confederation, it could provide the U.N. a place of authority and respect amongst them as well as a hefty income from off planet. That was actually where I was taking them with Unity Station.
As for the Nuclear Dampers . . . tell me the U.N. wouldn’t be “frothing at the mouth” to get those.
However, if the technology gets too much higher, we’ll be looking at my Supers Trek game . . . as opposed to IST. Which I always thought was an interesting world idea.
As for your Conqueror, I’ll see about getting you a copy of Creatures of the Night so you can look up Fabricants.
With my method of metahuman manufacturing, China takes about 2.5 months to spit out around 25,000 low-powered (200-300 points, with some higher) indoctrinated, trained methumans, at the cost of 100,000 attempts. Dr. Fox’s Fabricant army can grow every 2d6 days, with no fatalities (though he’d “lose” some people, citing problems, just to have extra spare parts), and they’re fully indoctrinated as he re-writes their programming to be loyal to him. Plus they’re natively TL10 to boot.
Though, he’s not likely to be much better than China (Fabricants hate the living), he’s smart enough to take the opportunity to grow his army with the help of any group who will provide it . . . until they discover his ultimate plan of world domination and human extinction. Mwa ha, ha ha ha!
As an aside, a few other culprits who could be responsible for the bombing of the U.N. are good old Centrum and Homeline. Okay, according to the Infinite Worlds: IST pamphlet, the world is inaccessible to Centrum, so, they’re sort of off the table. Regardless, neither of them wants to have to deal with reality-hopping supers, and the U.N. is organizing them into a military force the likes of which no non-conquered metahuman reality could stand up to. That was where Dr. Michaels was between 2000 and 2004. Her dimensional travel powers activated and she was found and impressed by ISWAT to work for them. When she figured out how her powers worked, she went to get help, coming back with IST New York’s Alpha Team to rescue her children who were being held hostage.
We could also consider Centrum and Homeline as potential backers for China. A China/Centrum alliance would be pretty frightening, but not untenable. While Centrum would be interested by the manufacturing metahumans ability, they wouldn’t want a process that kills almost three-quarters of the potential supers. Just because Centrum can't get to China doesn't mean that China can't get to Centrum.
TL10 is a massive step up, but, I think we just might be okay. If it’s anything like our world, TL is going to range across the planet. Even so, the majority of the first world will probably be firmly TL9, with a few TL10 objects. The U.N. will be firmly TL10. I thought this bit from UltraTech was fairly interesting.
UltraTech, pg 7 Wrote:Superscience: Gravity control technology leads to artificial gravity and contragravity being used in personal vehicles, houses, and weapons, as well as reactionless space drives. Nuclear dampers can neutralize the threat of nuclear weapons. New superscience weaponry becomes available, notably plasma guns and exotic sonic beams.
If the U.N. develops artificial gravity/contragravity, that would give them another “Fusion Power” cash cow to draw upon. Assuming that it hasn’t been discovered by the Meeranon or the Confederation, it could provide the U.N. a place of authority and respect amongst them as well as a hefty income from off planet. That was actually where I was taking them with Unity Station.
As for the Nuclear Dampers . . . tell me the U.N. wouldn’t be “frothing at the mouth” to get those.
However, if the technology gets too much higher, we’ll be looking at my Supers Trek game . . . as opposed to IST. Which I always thought was an interesting world idea.
As for your Conqueror, I’ll see about getting you a copy of Creatures of the Night so you can look up Fabricants.
With my method of metahuman manufacturing, China takes about 2.5 months to spit out around 25,000 low-powered (200-300 points, with some higher) indoctrinated, trained methumans, at the cost of 100,000 attempts. Dr. Fox’s Fabricant army can grow every 2d6 days, with no fatalities (though he’d “lose” some people, citing problems, just to have extra spare parts), and they’re fully indoctrinated as he re-writes their programming to be loyal to him. Plus they’re natively TL10 to boot.
Though, he’s not likely to be much better than China (Fabricants hate the living), he’s smart enough to take the opportunity to grow his army with the help of any group who will provide it . . . until they discover his ultimate plan of world domination and human extinction. Mwa ha, ha ha ha!
As an aside, a few other culprits who could be responsible for the bombing of the U.N. are good old Centrum and Homeline. Okay, according to the Infinite Worlds: IST pamphlet, the world is inaccessible to Centrum, so, they’re sort of off the table. Regardless, neither of them wants to have to deal with reality-hopping supers, and the U.N. is organizing them into a military force the likes of which no non-conquered metahuman reality could stand up to. That was where Dr. Michaels was between 2000 and 2004. Her dimensional travel powers activated and she was found and impressed by ISWAT to work for them. When she figured out how her powers worked, she went to get help, coming back with IST New York’s Alpha Team to rescue her children who were being held hostage.
We could also consider Centrum and Homeline as potential backers for China. A China/Centrum alliance would be pretty frightening, but not untenable. While Centrum would be interested by the manufacturing metahumans ability, they wouldn’t want a process that kills almost three-quarters of the potential supers. Just because Centrum can't get to China doesn't mean that China can't get to Centrum.