Horrifying Window, GURPS Horror 4e, p. 12 was what I was thinking of. Admittedly this is actually an Affliction. Again, YMMV when it comes to designing the Blue Demon. It has always been more of a physical presence than anything. For enhanced senses I would consider for my build of it See Invisible, possibly some flavor of Detect (Souls, Living Beings, etc.). Other ideas that had occurred to me were Obscure (Precognition) to prevent psychics and mystics from accurately predicting where it would strike next and the aforementioned Lifebane. For my money, I would give a level of AP just because sometimes you want a nightmarish powerhouse that is just an ugly bag of overkill.
I'll see if I can coax life out of my copy of GCA long enough this weekend to write something up.
Michael R. Smith (lastfreehuman@gmail.com)
GURPS IST Aleph Wordpress (http://istaleph.wordpress.com/)
GURPS IST Aleph Twitter (http://twitter.com/IstAleph/)
Trek This! Wordpress (http://dthiller.wordpress.com/)
My Blog (http://lastfreehuman.wordpress.com/)
I'll see if I can coax life out of my copy of GCA long enough this weekend to write something up.
Michael R. Smith (lastfreehuman@gmail.com)
GURPS IST Aleph Wordpress (http://istaleph.wordpress.com/)
GURPS IST Aleph Twitter (http://twitter.com/IstAleph/)
Trek This! Wordpress (http://dthiller.wordpress.com/)
My Blog (http://lastfreehuman.wordpress.com/)