And now, a PGC from me:
Svetlana "Ice Angel" Potemkin (750 points)Age 19; Metahuman; 5'7"; 105 lbs
ST 9 [-10]; DX 14 [80]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 13 [30].Damage 1d-2/1d-1; BL 16 lbs.; HP 9 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 13 [0].Basic Speed 7 [5]; Basic Move 7 [0]; Block 8 (DX); Dodge 10; Parry 10 (DX).
Social BackgroundTL: 8 [0].CF: Western (Native) [0].Languages: English (Accented) [4]; Korean (Accented) [4]; Russian (Native) [0].
AdvantagesAllure 2 [10]; Appearance (Very Beautiful) [16]; Fit [5]; Flexibility [5]; Ice/Cold Talent 1 [5]; Legal Enforcement Powers 2 [10]; Military Rank 4 [20]; Patrons (United Nations) (Equipment: more than starting wealth; 9 or less; Minimal Intervention; Special Abilities: extensive social or political power) [38]; Reputation (IST Team Member) 3 (All the time; Almost everyone, except large class) [10]; Voice [10].
Perks: High-Heeled Heroine; Nonprotective Clothing; Quick-Sheathe (Sword) [3].
Super PowersFlight (Elemental: Cold/Ice; Small Wings; Super) [28]; Ice Shield (Damage Resistance) 30 (Can't Wear Armor; Elemental: Cold/Ice; Force Field; Super) [72]; Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction (Extended) (/5); Super) [113]; Striker (Cutting) (Ice Wings) (Cannot Parry; Elemental: Cold/Ice; Limited Arc; Super; Switchable) [2]; Temperature Control 11 (Cold; Elemental: Cold/Ice; Reduced Range (x1/5); Reduced Time (+4); Super) [20]; Temperature Tolerance (between -30 and 155) 10 (Elemental: Cold/Ice; Super) [8].
Ice Rapier [40], Alternate AttacksIce Rapier Slash (Cutting Attack) 1 (Cosmic: Attack with a lingering special effect (Natural Healing Only); Cosmic: Irresistible attack; Melee Attack: Reach 1,2; ST-Based; Super) [30]; Ice Rapier Thrust (Impaling Attack) 1 (Cosmic: Attack with a lingering special effect (Natural Healing, only); Cosmic: Irresistible attack; Melee Attack: Reach 1,2; ST-Based; Super) [34].
Icy Blast [109], Alternate AttacksFrozen Bolt (Binding) 31 (Accurate (+2); Elemental: Cold/Ice; Engulfing; Persistent; Reduced Range (x1/5); Super) [79]; Ice Shard (Impaling Attack) 5 (Accurate (+5); Armor Divisor (5); Elemental: Cold/Ice; Increased Range (1/2D Range only) (x10); Reduced Range (x1/5); Super) [70]; Snowball (Crushing Attack) 18 (Accurate (+2); Double Knockback; Elemental: Cold/Ice; Increased Range (1/2D Range only) (x10); Reduced Range (x1/5); Super) [79].
Icy Sheen [86], Alternate AbilitiesEnhanced Move (Air) (3) (Elemental: Cold/Ice; Super) [48]; Enhanced Move (Ground) (2) (Cosmic (Complete Maneuverability); Cosmic (Instantaneous Acceleration); Elemental: Cold/Ice; Super) [64]; Wing Shards (Cutting Attack) 5 (Armor Divisor (3); Cone (+6); Elemental: Cold/Ice; Increased Range (1/2D Range only) (x10); Reduced Range (x1/10); Super) [57].
DisadvantagesCurious (9 or less) [-7]; Duty (IST U.N.) (15 or less (almost always)) (Extremely Hazardous) [-20]; Honesty (12 or less) [-10]; Impulsiveness (12 or less) [-10]; Low Pain Threshold [-10]; Reputation (Criminals) -3 (All the time; Small class) [-5]; Reputation (Non-UN Member Nations) -1 (All the time; Large class) [-2]; Selfless (9 or less) [-7]; Skinny [-5]; Xenophilia (9 or less) [-15].
Quirks: Careful; Congenial; Dislikes Asian Food; No body modesty; Wears inappropriately skimpy outfits all year round [-5].
SkillsAcrobatics-14 (DX+0) [4]; Acting-11 (IQ-1) [1]; Area Knowledge (Seoul)-12 (IQ+0) [1]; Area Knowledge (South Korea)-12 (IQ+0) [1]; Carousing-14 (HT+1) [2]; Computer Operation/TL8-12 (IQ+0) [1]; Connoisseur (Dance)-12 (IQ+0) [1]; Cooking-11 (IQ-1) [1]; Current Affairs/TL8 (Sports)-12 (IQ+0) [1]; Dancing-16 (DX+2) [2]; Diplomacy-13 (IQ+1) [2]; First Aid/TL8 (Human)-12 (IQ+0) [1]; History (International, U.N.)-11 (IQ-1) [2]; Innate Attack (Projectile)-16 (DX+2) [4]; Judo-14 (DX+0) [4]; Makeup/TL8-14 (IQ+2) [1]; Mind Block-12 (Will+0) [2]; Observation-11 (Per-1) [1]; Performance-14 (IQ+2) [2]; Rapier-20 (DX+6) [24]; Research/TL8-11 (IQ-1) [1]; Sex Appeal (Human)-22 (HT+9) [1]; Singing-17 (HT+4) [1]; Skating-16 (HT+3) [16]; Stealth-13 (DX-1) [1]; Strategy (Super)-11 (IQ-1) [2]; Swimming-13 (HT+0) [1]; Tactics-11 (IQ-1) [2].
A Russian figure skater who was disqualified from the 1998 Winter Olympics when her powers manifested. Joined up with the IST in the aftermath to avoid any unpleasantness.
Svetlana "Ice Angel" Potemkin (750 points)Age 19; Metahuman; 5'7"; 105 lbs
ST 9 [-10]; DX 14 [80]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 13 [30].Damage 1d-2/1d-1; BL 16 lbs.; HP 9 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 13 [0].Basic Speed 7 [5]; Basic Move 7 [0]; Block 8 (DX); Dodge 10; Parry 10 (DX).
Social BackgroundTL: 8 [0].CF: Western (Native) [0].Languages: English (Accented) [4]; Korean (Accented) [4]; Russian (Native) [0].
AdvantagesAllure 2 [10]; Appearance (Very Beautiful) [16]; Fit [5]; Flexibility [5]; Ice/Cold Talent 1 [5]; Legal Enforcement Powers 2 [10]; Military Rank 4 [20]; Patrons (United Nations) (Equipment: more than starting wealth; 9 or less; Minimal Intervention; Special Abilities: extensive social or political power) [38]; Reputation (IST Team Member) 3 (All the time; Almost everyone, except large class) [10]; Voice [10].
Perks: High-Heeled Heroine; Nonprotective Clothing; Quick-Sheathe (Sword) [3].
Super PowersFlight (Elemental: Cold/Ice; Small Wings; Super) [28]; Ice Shield (Damage Resistance) 30 (Can't Wear Armor; Elemental: Cold/Ice; Force Field; Super) [72]; Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction (Extended) (/5); Super) [113]; Striker (Cutting) (Ice Wings) (Cannot Parry; Elemental: Cold/Ice; Limited Arc; Super; Switchable) [2]; Temperature Control 11 (Cold; Elemental: Cold/Ice; Reduced Range (x1/5); Reduced Time (+4); Super) [20]; Temperature Tolerance (between -30 and 155) 10 (Elemental: Cold/Ice; Super) [8].
Ice Rapier [40], Alternate AttacksIce Rapier Slash (Cutting Attack) 1 (Cosmic: Attack with a lingering special effect (Natural Healing Only); Cosmic: Irresistible attack; Melee Attack: Reach 1,2; ST-Based; Super) [30]; Ice Rapier Thrust (Impaling Attack) 1 (Cosmic: Attack with a lingering special effect (Natural Healing, only); Cosmic: Irresistible attack; Melee Attack: Reach 1,2; ST-Based; Super) [34].
Icy Blast [109], Alternate AttacksFrozen Bolt (Binding) 31 (Accurate (+2); Elemental: Cold/Ice; Engulfing; Persistent; Reduced Range (x1/5); Super) [79]; Ice Shard (Impaling Attack) 5 (Accurate (+5); Armor Divisor (5); Elemental: Cold/Ice; Increased Range (1/2D Range only) (x10); Reduced Range (x1/5); Super) [70]; Snowball (Crushing Attack) 18 (Accurate (+2); Double Knockback; Elemental: Cold/Ice; Increased Range (1/2D Range only) (x10); Reduced Range (x1/5); Super) [79].
Icy Sheen [86], Alternate AbilitiesEnhanced Move (Air) (3) (Elemental: Cold/Ice; Super) [48]; Enhanced Move (Ground) (2) (Cosmic (Complete Maneuverability); Cosmic (Instantaneous Acceleration); Elemental: Cold/Ice; Super) [64]; Wing Shards (Cutting Attack) 5 (Armor Divisor (3); Cone (+6); Elemental: Cold/Ice; Increased Range (1/2D Range only) (x10); Reduced Range (x1/10); Super) [57].
DisadvantagesCurious (9 or less) [-7]; Duty (IST U.N.) (15 or less (almost always)) (Extremely Hazardous) [-20]; Honesty (12 or less) [-10]; Impulsiveness (12 or less) [-10]; Low Pain Threshold [-10]; Reputation (Criminals) -3 (All the time; Small class) [-5]; Reputation (Non-UN Member Nations) -1 (All the time; Large class) [-2]; Selfless (9 or less) [-7]; Skinny [-5]; Xenophilia (9 or less) [-15].
Quirks: Careful; Congenial; Dislikes Asian Food; No body modesty; Wears inappropriately skimpy outfits all year round [-5].
SkillsAcrobatics-14 (DX+0) [4]; Acting-11 (IQ-1) [1]; Area Knowledge (Seoul)-12 (IQ+0) [1]; Area Knowledge (South Korea)-12 (IQ+0) [1]; Carousing-14 (HT+1) [2]; Computer Operation/TL8-12 (IQ+0) [1]; Connoisseur (Dance)-12 (IQ+0) [1]; Cooking-11 (IQ-1) [1]; Current Affairs/TL8 (Sports)-12 (IQ+0) [1]; Dancing-16 (DX+2) [2]; Diplomacy-13 (IQ+1) [2]; First Aid/TL8 (Human)-12 (IQ+0) [1]; History (International, U.N.)-11 (IQ-1) [2]; Innate Attack (Projectile)-16 (DX+2) [4]; Judo-14 (DX+0) [4]; Makeup/TL8-14 (IQ+2) [1]; Mind Block-12 (Will+0) [2]; Observation-11 (Per-1) [1]; Performance-14 (IQ+2) [2]; Rapier-20 (DX+6) [24]; Research/TL8-11 (IQ-1) [1]; Sex Appeal (Human)-22 (HT+9) [1]; Singing-17 (HT+4) [1]; Skating-16 (HT+3) [16]; Stealth-13 (DX-1) [1]; Strategy (Super)-11 (IQ-1) [2]; Swimming-13 (HT+0) [1]; Tactics-11 (IQ-1) [2].
A Russian figure skater who was disqualified from the 1998 Winter Olympics when her powers manifested. Joined up with the IST in the aftermath to avoid any unpleasantness.