As for IST Academy being another e23 release . . . I think that's putting the cart before the horse. Let's get IST25 done before we go putting another book on Bob's plate. (Don't stop with that idea, though--it's awesome!) I think our focus should be more on having it be a sub-section, like the individual embassies in the original book.
As for it being the actual Warrior's Academy . . . that seems quite small. I think a conservative estimate would put at least 100 students at each of the three schools. More if we accept non-super, IST Family members.
And they would have to be boarding schools . . . not that I think that comes as a surprise to anyone.
As for it being the actual Warrior's Academy . . . that seems quite small. I think a conservative estimate would put at least 100 students at each of the three schools. More if we accept non-super, IST Family members.
And they would have to be boarding schools . . . not that I think that comes as a surprise to anyone.