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Yeah, after looking at it some more, Bang skills are, really, only suited for narrow-focus, limited-scope games where rule of awesome overrides anything else--especially logic, and where the ridiculousness of the power wouldn't be overbearing. A TL0 caveman with Science! would have no problem or penalty using TL12 scientific equipment (Bang skills have no TL, and include all TLs for free!). He would be understand quantum mechanics at a level that defies modern science, even though he's just a caveman who has had no tools better than what TL0 could provide.
They're bascially horribly overpowered and underlimited. Pretty much pure, unadulterated munchkinism given form. From Monster Hunters 1:
Monster Hunters 1; pg 28 Wrote:A wildcard skill is not merely shorthand for a collection of “normal” skills. It embodies a specific concept. A hero can buy every specialty of BeamWeapons, Crossbow, Gunner, Guns, and Liquid Projector, and be able to shoot anything with a trigger . . . but to a hero with Gun!, such weapons are practically a part of him – he can answer any question about guns, perform any action involving guns, and recognize any issue pertaining to guns. The descriptions below include several uses for wildcard skills, but these are only examples – any action that is directly related to the concept behind the skill is a legitimate use!
Emphasis from book.
There are examples of using Gun! for First Aid--seriously.
Wildcard skills are "optional" and should remain so. Multiplicitive Modifers are far more useful to Supers than Wildcard skills. If you want an optional rule to make "standard," I'd suggest that.

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