I decided to take the figures as stated and see where they led me. Self-imposed challenges are, after all, the most fun kind.
At 1075 ly ± 75, we have one target that might be within the range -- the Ptolemy Cluster, somewhere between 945 and 1011 light years from Earth -- and another that definitely is -- IC 4665, whose distance of 352 parsecs from Earth actually translates to about 1148 ly, not 1400 as its Wikipedia page has it. I'm leaning toward the Index Catalogue one, but if you'd prefer M7, I'll bow to your judgment, even if it's currently impaired.
And congratulations on the brewing! My dad had to give it up shortly after we moved from Mississippi to central PA (he didn't actually finish his last batch or formally abandon it; Bilious only knows what it's turned into by now).
At 1075 ly ± 75, we have one target that might be within the range -- the Ptolemy Cluster, somewhere between 945 and 1011 light years from Earth -- and another that definitely is -- IC 4665, whose distance of 352 parsecs from Earth actually translates to about 1148 ly, not 1400 as its Wikipedia page has it. I'm leaning toward the Index Catalogue one, but if you'd prefer M7, I'll bow to your judgment, even if it's currently impaired.
And congratulations on the brewing! My dad had to give it up shortly after we moved from Mississippi to central PA (he didn't actually finish his last batch or formally abandon it; Bilious only knows what it's turned into by now).