Mamorien from the Whole Earth Grimoire" thread Wrote:(Speaking of Necron, I've thought for a while that the vignette for the "Magic" chapter should involve him muttering to the effect that he could've started the Mage Age a decade early if those fools at the University had only listened to him...)I've got vague ideas for the other chapter vignettes as well; this is where I throw them open for bouquets, brickbats, better ideas, and other brainstorming -- even for Bob to share his ideas on the matter, since it is after all his sandbox that he's being nice enough to let us frolic in.
The World Today...: I'm picturing a Supertemps reunion. Reverend Chrome touching base with other formerly-teen supers -- Julie Yamashita, Betty Smith, Andrea Northcliff -- I'm thinking The Big Chill meets The Incredibles.
...And Yesterday: Until I sat down to write this post, and even during much of the process, I had serious option paralysis. Even when I decided that I wanted to cover one or all of the 40s, the 60s and the 90s, I had nothing -- until I thought of characters who bridge all those timeframes. Now? John Bull's thoughts, or maybe a speech, at Monique Cluny's funeral. It's so obvious, I'm not surprised it took me so long to think of it.
Playing An IST: Witchwind looking over the latest Academy graduating class and feeling a pang of sympathy for what Dimitra had to deal with.
Characters: The same scene from the viewpoint of one of those graduates, or possibly how said graduate feels in the aftermath.
Extraterrestrials: The idea that leaps out at me most strongly is a glimpse of some recreational politicking on Myrr, specifically with regard to the Confederation insisting on Meeranar cooperation in getting Jhemma vra Xönen extradited from Earth. The Meeranon are willing to cooperate with their new partners, but they're also willing to provide Touchstone with legal aid.
Technology: Earth's gadgeteers are starting to reliably duplicate offworld tech.
Magic: See above.
IST and Infinite Worlds: Something about the WWIII realpolitik option, either from Homeline's side or Krypton-1's. Alternatively, if we end up making room for Kirby-2, somebody at an appropriate Infinity division (Nexus Oversight, Records & Research, Sheldrake Section) studying its relationship to Krypton-1.
Does anyone have any questions? Any answers? Anyone want a snack?