>I don't buy that. It's like starting a field test on a tank, >and having the first complaint be about the color of the >fourth bolt on the 96th tread. Instead of something >important.
How, exactly, would that work? What is important? If I find some minor issues do I need to first post something important, or can I post them if someone else posts something important?
IMHO it's much better to post when you find an issue, than wait for some theoretical time in the future when all the major issues have been found...and you've forgotten about the little things.
How, exactly, would that work? What is important? If I find some minor issues do I need to first post something important, or can I post them if someone else posts something important?
IMHO it's much better to post when you find an issue, than wait for some theoretical time in the future when all the major issues have been found...and you've forgotten about the little things.