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Late Spring, 1996
Oh, and since the lyric snippet has been identified, here's one version of the song I'm rather fond of.  The performer, for those who don't know, is Kerry Ellis, who understudied and succeeded Idina Menzel as Elphaba in the original London production of Wicked.  This version uses a lyric set that replaces most of the lyrics that are very specific to the story, so if you notice things you don't recognize or miss bits you know should be there, that's why.  (I'd love to see a performance of the stage lyrics with this styling...)  And if you're really interested, there's a YouTube video of her singing this live on stage with Brian May of Queen backing her up.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

Messages In This Thread
Late Spring, 1996 - by Bob Schroeck - 04-09-2013, 07:15 PM
[No subject] - by DHBirr - 04-09-2013, 11:15 PM
[No subject] - by Hazard - 04-09-2013, 11:29 PM
[No subject] - by Cobalt Greywalker - 04-09-2013, 11:36 PM
[No subject] - by Hazard - 04-10-2013, 12:22 AM
[No subject] - by robkelk - 04-10-2013, 12:35 AM
[No subject] - by DHBirr - 04-10-2013, 01:02 PM
[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 04-10-2013, 02:43 PM
[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 04-10-2013, 02:50 PM
[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 09-29-2015, 03:30 AM
[No subject] - by DHBirr - 09-30-2015, 04:25 AM
[No subject] - by Proginoskes - 10-10-2015, 03:21 PM
[No subject] - by Labster - 10-14-2015, 06:49 AM
[No subject] - by robkelk - 10-14-2015, 02:56 PM
[No subject] - by Vulpis - 11-09-2015, 05:37 AM
[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 11-10-2015, 03:17 AM
[No subject] - by DHBirr - 11-10-2015, 04:10 AM
[No subject] - by ClassicDrogn - 11-10-2015, 05:46 AM
[No subject] - by Vulpis - 11-25-2015, 06:11 AM

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