Quote:Bob Schroeck wrote:Ah. I'd figured Doug was using the Room to guide those students, in a manner akin to how it's begun helping Luna. And that preconception made me miss the indication that it was in her bedroom, or else I thought the RoR had given her an illusion of her bedroom....
Oh, and that Pansy teaser wasn't in the RoR. It was in her bedroom at the Parkinson home over the Christmas break.
Given that I still think there're legitimate grounds to execute Umbridge for high treason (she thinks Muggles should be subjugated or even wiped out, and I doubt she thinks the Royal Family, Prime Minister, et al, are wizards), I'll be a touch unhappy with anything other than her death or imprisonment for the rest of her life. Nonetheless, I fondly hope the punishment Doug hands her will be ... "humorous" -- in ways she'll find unendurable and inescapable.
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.