robkelk Wrote:I've noticed that in March of 2012, you also initiated a thread titled "Probably not a scene from that un-numbered Step," in which it was Naru who criticized Usagi for accepting empowerment from strange cats....DHBirr Wrote:Quote:"Are you normally in the habit of accepting magical powers from random stray animals, with no questions asked?"As Dennis would say, "Strange cats jumpin' through windows distributin' powers is no basis for a system of government!"
I already mentioned that in the Crossovers That Should Not Be thread, back in late-April:
robkelk Wrote:Sailor Moon, by way of Monty Python:
"Listen -- strange animals leaping in windows distributing brooches is no basis for a system of empowerment. Supreme magical power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical feline ceremony..." (at which point the speaker experiences the violence inherent in the Moon Tiara) "Help! Help! I'm being refreshed!"
Bob, I enjoyed it, and of course it left me wanting to read more. But as I've noted before, my knowledge of Sailor Moon is almost completely limited to what I've read here, so constructive or, for that matter, destructive criticism about this are a little beyond my competence.
That said, one thing I wondered about, and which led to another question. You had Doug's cubemate named Soichiro -- and you indicated that's Dr. Tomoe's name, too. So, first I wondered if that's simply a common name, and then if working for Hudson Soft is the mad scientist's day job. But when I tried looking him up in hopes of some hint, I found that Wikipedia and ATT both cite his given name as simply Souichi.
Incidentally, I don't know if you intended it as an Ironic Echo or what, but I was kind of amused when Tuxedo Mask thinks of Doug's bike as having "waited obediently at the curb," and a paragraph or two later Doug describes his bike "waiting obediently at the curb."
Edit: Whoops, error, TM is shown thinking that about the "obedient" motorcycle immediately after Doug makes that remark. (I tried to verify before posting, but the server chose just then to declare that the Access Denied! page wasn't accessible.)
Edit again: I originally misspelled "Soichiro."
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.