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Gate song to leave 'Pirates of the Carribean' step
Gate song to leave 'Pirates of the Carribean' step
Or any other nautical-style step - Horatio Hornblower, for example.
Schooner Fare's Rolling Home
Call all hands to man the capstan,
See the cable run down clear
Heave away, and with a will, boys,
For New England we will steer.
Rollin' home, rollin' home,
Rollin' home across the sea,
Rollin' home to old New England,
Rollin' home, dear land, to thee.
Many thousand miles behind us,
Many thousand miles before,
Ancient oceans lead us homeward,
To our own New England shore.
To the friends we leave behind us
We will bid a fond adieu,
We'll remember tears and laughter,
And the joys we've spent with you.
The main flaw, of course, is that it lands him in New England, not London, but that's just a hop, skip, and plane ride away...
Or not, if he isn't -home- home. Would make a good intro to a step set in that area.--
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Messages In This Thread
Gate song to leave 'Pirates of the Carribean' step - by ECSNorway - 06-22-2007, 02:23 AM
Re: Gate song to leave 'Pirates of the Carribean' step - by Kokuten - 06-22-2007, 02:34 AM

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