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Instant Army. Just add music...
Instant Army. Just add music...
Well...maybe not. Doug was having a hard enough time creating the copies of the Warriors. On the other hand...the simulacrums created by this song are simple humans and, theoretically, SHOULD be easier to create/maintain than metahuman versions. So you might not get an army...but a squad or two, capable of creating a diversion? Possibly.
Nahr Al-Kalb
Words by L. Sprague de Camp
Music by Juanita Coulson
Performed by Andrea Dale on her CD Zen Cappuccino (4:35)
I stopped beside Dog River, and I watched the water pour
From Lebanon's gray, craggy height to wash the Punic strand,
And scanned the old inscriptions, and recalled the men of yore.
I tarried at Dog River, and I saw a warlike band
Of swarthy archers and of wicker-shielded spearman slow,
With Ramses in his golden car, the lord of all the land.
I stood beside Dog River, and I saw an army go
Of curly-bearded, hook-nosed men, in crested copper helm
Sennacherib's grim horde, who made such seas of blood to flow.
I waited by Dog River, in the days of Persia's realm,
And Alexander's kilted Greeks went by with measured stride,
Their red-haired godlet on his way the King of Kings to whelm.
I lingered near Dog River, in the days of Roman pride;
With iron helms, and hobnailed boots, and eagles borne before,
March Antoninus' legions with the Spanish sword at side.
I sat beside Dog River, when a swarm of camels bore
The Prophet's sheeted Bedouin, inflamed with holy zest
To wreak upon the unbeliever, Allah's righteous war.
I lay beside Dog River, as with crosses on their breast,
The mailed crusaders jingled past, to keep the oath they swore
To see the Holy Sepulcher, from turbaned Turk to wrest.
I dozed beside Dog River, when during the Kaiser's war,
A British army plodded through, with Anzac hats awry,
And Highland kilts and armored cars, and cannons by the score.
I dreamt beside Dog River as the Free French rumbled by
In jeeps and tanks and cannons, with eager, martial glee
They yelled and waved their jugs of wine, as airplanes stitched the sky.
I woke beside Dog River, and the thought occurred to me:
These gallant fighters all are dust, as those to come will be;
But Nahr al-Kalb flows ever from the mountain to the sea.

Doug can chose whatever types of fighters he wants - anything from ancient Egypt all the way up to WWII...possibly even further. Any type of troop indicated in the inscriptions along Nahr al-Kalb is fair game.

Messages In This Thread
Instant Army. Just add music... - by Feinan - 02-12-2006, 09:50 AM
Re: Instant Army. Just add music... - by robkelk - 02-14-2006, 05:02 AM
Re: Instant Army. Just add music... - by Feinan - 02-14-2006, 08:02 AM

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