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Apocalyptic Illusions
Apocalyptic Illusions
Here's a song with a fairly terrifying power, by my estimation at least. I mentioned it in another thread as a 34 minute long song. There are two version though. The original is split into two parts, listed as Phase 1 and Phase 2, on opposite ends of the album. Each one is around 17 minutes in length, and only Phase 1 has vocals (about 5 minutes worth). The alternate version, on the other hand, is one looong 34 minute long song. Personally, I find it superior to the original, though the vocals are the exact same in both versions.
Sorry for the rambling explanations, but one more note: some people will not like this song. It's very much prog.
The Sky Moves Sideways
Porcupine Tree
Phase 1 (original) - 18:39
Alternate Version - 34:37
We lost the skyline
We stepped right off the map
Drifted in to blank space
And let the clocks relapse
We laughed the rain down
Slow burn on the lawn
Ghosts across the delta
Swallowed up the storm
Sometimes I feel like a fist
Sometimes I am the colour of air
Sometimes it's only afterwards
I find that I'm no there
In the dream dusk
We walked beside the lake
We watched the sky move sideways
And heard the evening break
Power: I think that this would create very intense and realistic illusions of a possible apocalypse. First, day would become night and the stars would begin to disappear (a la Arthur C. Clarke, from The Nine Billion Names of God). Then, acid rain would fall in a scalding downpour that could burn straight through steel plating. Next, people would (seemingly) disappear at random, simply being there one second, and gone the next. Finally, the air would begin to swirl violently, and the earth and sky would crack open.
All of these would register on every sense a person has, completing the illusion. It could be very effective for incapaciting a group with absolute terror, though I think Doug might be too much of a nice guy to use it. After all, a half-hour can be a long time.
If y'all want to make any suggestions or changes, feel free.*********
I am a very sensitive person! I can go from laughing to crying with just a kick to the face.
- Dave Attell

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Apocalyptic Illusions - by HoagieOfDoom - 04-09-2005, 05:01 AM

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