>Who? From where? I was thinking more of the usual result
>of Doug going into something with half-knowledge and
>one-and-a-half confidence -- he sorta gets what he wants,
>but with unexpected side effects.
Ah. Well, Athena is Ami's past life, from Biles and Hosmer's Sailor Moon Z. She's, ah, different.
>Well, the bit in "One Week" is a dead giveaway, if you ask
>me: "Got to get in tune with Sailor Moon 'cause that
>cartoon has the boom anime babes that make me think the
> wrong thing."
If it weren't for that, then yeah, I'd probably be going 'Hm. Creepy coinkydink.' But still. It's Pluto!
Blessed be.
("Oh, that doth look -so- nice..." (Wondering how many people will get -that-.))
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
>of Doug going into something with half-knowledge and
>one-and-a-half confidence -- he sorta gets what he wants,
>but with unexpected side effects.
Ah. Well, Athena is Ami's past life, from Biles and Hosmer's Sailor Moon Z. She's, ah, different.
>Well, the bit in "One Week" is a dead giveaway, if you ask
>me: "Got to get in tune with Sailor Moon 'cause that
>cartoon has the boom anime babes that make me think the
> wrong thing."
If it weren't for that, then yeah, I'd probably be going 'Hm. Creepy coinkydink.' But still. It's Pluto!
Blessed be.
("Oh, that doth look -so- nice..." (Wondering how many people will get -that-.))
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."