Quote:Um, no. Dwimanor did all that research and spell design. Doug's participation in the devamping consisted of holding Shadowwalker in the center of Stonehenge and playing Kansas' "Hopelessly Human".
Doug and Dwalinor worked on a means of restoring her for about a year. If they take as their start point, any magical texts written in the Middle ages or earlier, both of then would certainly have needed a working knowledge of Latin and Greek and possibly Celtic and Germanic at the minimum for the Western world. Ancient Egytian, Medean, Akkadian and Arabic for the Middle East.
As for Doug's knowledge of magical theory, none of that required the comprehension of any ancient languages, any more than learning calculus requires you to learn German just because Leibniz spoke and wrote in it.
-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.