Dead? Really? Hmm. The phrase 'You and I will never die' and 'How many times can I tell you I love you' and
'Don't think about all the space in-between us' Imply life and love and contacting people to me... although thinking about it it could just as
easily be 'never die' as in the memories of a person never dying as well, which would imply the dead part. Hmm. So, so far we have,
1) A time/dimension spanning power to briefly contact those you love
2) A simple way to broadcast and access radio transmissions
3) Granting the ability to contact the dead.
I wonder what others could be coaxed from this one?
'Don't think about all the space in-between us' Imply life and love and contacting people to me... although thinking about it it could just as
easily be 'never die' as in the memories of a person never dying as well, which would imply the dead part. Hmm. So, so far we have,
1) A time/dimension spanning power to briefly contact those you love
2) A simple way to broadcast and access radio transmissions
3) Granting the ability to contact the dead.
I wonder what others could be coaxed from this one?