"You think this is a joke, you bastards? I'm a Jounin of the Hidden Sand Village! Me and my three Chuunin will flay you alive!"
The ex-waitress fixed him with a closer look, and then turned away in disgust.
"Your kunai holster is on backwards, you're wearing noisy-ass metal bracelets on both wrists, and your clothes are brighter than your vest. Who the hell made you a Jounin?"
At this, the enemy shinobi (if you could call him that) had the grace to look sheepish.
"I'm the first cousin of the brother of the childhood sweetheart of the roommate of the Kazekage's wet nurse's father-in-law! Oh, and I play a mean shakuhachi in the village quartet!"
"That's just great," Setsuna growled, "It's the Attack of the Killer Shinobi Dweebs."
- at the height of the Sand-Sound invasion, the Sand assigned one squad the 'important' target of a civilian noodle bar
"Wow, big men. You attack out of nowhere, mess up the peace, ally with Orochimaru and now you want to slaughter a bunch of civilians. I should have been born in the Sand; I'd be Kazekage by now with those standards."
Kunimitsu looked up to see four Leaf Genins on a neighboring roof, two male and two female. The blonde boy in the middle appeared to be the source of the previous comment. Lackey #1 was not about to let that slide, even if was technically true.
"You've got a big mouth, kid. Let's see you back it up against a Jounin and three Chuunin!"
The other Leaf boy made a sound halfway between a snort and a laugh.
"A Jounin and three Chuunin? If translated into our ranks, given your plan I think it comes out to a fifth-year senior at the Academy and several toddlers."
- having been driven out of the bar by a ninja wanna-be shortorder chef, an academy dropout and an untrained waitress, the Killer Shinobi Dweebs run into Naruto, Neji, Ino and Tenten
Anko ordering him around was one thing, but to lose the initiative to a student was something even Iruka couldnt abide.
You stand back. Anko wanted you to watch, remember? With her snake its three against three again. Stay behind cover and let me worry about these fellows.
The purple-haired Genin rolled her eyes and moved behind a stack of boxes in the alleyway.
Oh, the shame. For even the most timid of his former students to think him a wimp? Not even as battle-ready as Anko? Umino Iruka burned with a silent rage. It was time to open a can of Super Hyper Triple-Strength Whoop Ass on his foes. Unfortunately, all he had was a bunch of kunai and his wits.
- Iruka, battlehardened by class after class of konoha brats, goes to war
Senei Jashuu!
Iruka, Anko and the two Sound-nin all shifted their attention when they heard the young girl call out one of Orochimarus signature jutsu. Whether they were looking at her in shock, pride or disdain, all eyes were on the former Hyuga heir to see what she could do. At least, they were until ten seconds had passed with nothing emerging from the girls dark jacket. Large sweatdrops emerged on the two Leaf adults heads. Hinata didnt have time for that; she was too busy looking inside the sleeve shed thrown outwards, an irritated expression on her face.
Look, how are you ever going to grow if you dont try to fight?
Anko heard a faint hiss of displeasure and a little fear - from inside the jacket. Hinata kept arguing with the unknown serpent.
If they had big snakes, theyd have brought them out by now!
- In all fairness, Hinata wasn't having much more luck.
Ankos eyes flew wide open as she recognized the baby snake.
A black mamba?
The Special Jounin sighed to herself. Only Hinata would have the dumb luck to survive summoning the wrong kind of snake with a Senei Jashuu by calling on one of the deadliest snakes known to man. Sensing her Chuunin stirring, Anko headbutted him again to keep him quiet. Stunned again, it took her a few seconds to react to her studentswell, you couldnt call it a failure, but it was no huge success either (even if the mambas venom would kill the Chuunin in mere minutes).
Damn it, Hinata! I said pythons! The Senei Jashuu involves pythons!
Gingerly rising to one knee, her student shook her head and kept an eye on the last Sound-nin, who had staggered to his knees, breathing ragged.
But theyre scary!
- and this was such a serious fic up until the last couple of chapters...
Keep your eyes open and your reflexes primed, Naruto muttered. That chicks plenty twisted.
Oh, Naruto, she said, voice syrupy sweet, hands clasped together in front of her and batting her eyes at him in exaggerated fashion, You care! You really care!
He had the grace to look embarrassed.
Dont get too excited. I need someone around who thinks Im sane. Helps me feel normal.
- Naruto and Ino... flirting... I think...
D for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
The ex-waitress fixed him with a closer look, and then turned away in disgust.
"Your kunai holster is on backwards, you're wearing noisy-ass metal bracelets on both wrists, and your clothes are brighter than your vest. Who the hell made you a Jounin?"
At this, the enemy shinobi (if you could call him that) had the grace to look sheepish.
"I'm the first cousin of the brother of the childhood sweetheart of the roommate of the Kazekage's wet nurse's father-in-law! Oh, and I play a mean shakuhachi in the village quartet!"
"That's just great," Setsuna growled, "It's the Attack of the Killer Shinobi Dweebs."
- at the height of the Sand-Sound invasion, the Sand assigned one squad the 'important' target of a civilian noodle bar
"Wow, big men. You attack out of nowhere, mess up the peace, ally with Orochimaru and now you want to slaughter a bunch of civilians. I should have been born in the Sand; I'd be Kazekage by now with those standards."
Kunimitsu looked up to see four Leaf Genins on a neighboring roof, two male and two female. The blonde boy in the middle appeared to be the source of the previous comment. Lackey #1 was not about to let that slide, even if was technically true.
"You've got a big mouth, kid. Let's see you back it up against a Jounin and three Chuunin!"
The other Leaf boy made a sound halfway between a snort and a laugh.
"A Jounin and three Chuunin? If translated into our ranks, given your plan I think it comes out to a fifth-year senior at the Academy and several toddlers."
- having been driven out of the bar by a ninja wanna-be shortorder chef, an academy dropout and an untrained waitress, the Killer Shinobi Dweebs run into Naruto, Neji, Ino and Tenten
Anko ordering him around was one thing, but to lose the initiative to a student was something even Iruka couldnt abide.
You stand back. Anko wanted you to watch, remember? With her snake its three against three again. Stay behind cover and let me worry about these fellows.
The purple-haired Genin rolled her eyes and moved behind a stack of boxes in the alleyway.
Oh, the shame. For even the most timid of his former students to think him a wimp? Not even as battle-ready as Anko? Umino Iruka burned with a silent rage. It was time to open a can of Super Hyper Triple-Strength Whoop Ass on his foes. Unfortunately, all he had was a bunch of kunai and his wits.
- Iruka, battlehardened by class after class of konoha brats, goes to war
Senei Jashuu!
Iruka, Anko and the two Sound-nin all shifted their attention when they heard the young girl call out one of Orochimarus signature jutsu. Whether they were looking at her in shock, pride or disdain, all eyes were on the former Hyuga heir to see what she could do. At least, they were until ten seconds had passed with nothing emerging from the girls dark jacket. Large sweatdrops emerged on the two Leaf adults heads. Hinata didnt have time for that; she was too busy looking inside the sleeve shed thrown outwards, an irritated expression on her face.
Look, how are you ever going to grow if you dont try to fight?
Anko heard a faint hiss of displeasure and a little fear - from inside the jacket. Hinata kept arguing with the unknown serpent.
If they had big snakes, theyd have brought them out by now!
- In all fairness, Hinata wasn't having much more luck.
Ankos eyes flew wide open as she recognized the baby snake.
A black mamba?
The Special Jounin sighed to herself. Only Hinata would have the dumb luck to survive summoning the wrong kind of snake with a Senei Jashuu by calling on one of the deadliest snakes known to man. Sensing her Chuunin stirring, Anko headbutted him again to keep him quiet. Stunned again, it took her a few seconds to react to her studentswell, you couldnt call it a failure, but it was no huge success either (even if the mambas venom would kill the Chuunin in mere minutes).
Damn it, Hinata! I said pythons! The Senei Jashuu involves pythons!
Gingerly rising to one knee, her student shook her head and kept an eye on the last Sound-nin, who had staggered to his knees, breathing ragged.
But theyre scary!
- and this was such a serious fic up until the last couple of chapters...
Keep your eyes open and your reflexes primed, Naruto muttered. That chicks plenty twisted.
Oh, Naruto, she said, voice syrupy sweet, hands clasped together in front of her and batting her eyes at him in exaggerated fashion, You care! You really care!
He had the grace to look embarrassed.
Dont get too excited. I need someone around who thinks Im sane. Helps me feel normal.
- Naruto and Ino... flirting... I think...
D for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.