Chapter eight? Hmm... Ah, that's right before the Revenge and Rebirth chapters, which are a good bit of fun. Especially Ranma's... "assault" on Setsuna.
From Splitting Heirs, a Ranma/Tenchi crossover:
Misaki's eyes sparkled in wide-eyed wonder at the dream come true before her. There are perhaps three things that Misaki, Second Queen of Jurai, enjoyed more than life itself: her baby girls, adorable, cuddly little things, and sweets. The order, of course, depended entirely on which caught her eye first.
Currently her attention was focused entirely on the mountainous triple-fudge marshmallow and whipped cream brownie parfait that rested on the table in front of her.
Sasami, bless her little heart, loved her Mommy more than anyone else in the world. And this treat proved it! Little did Misaki know that this was simply a diversionary tactic, employed by the little blue-haired princess to escape the torrential ball of matronly emotions known as Mommy.
The tactic was well appreciated by Ayeka, who had desperately wanted to avoid embarrassment while entertaining the shrine's guests. It had been a draining endeavor that required all of her attention. An impromptu affectionate bear hug the moment Misaki's eyes wandered in Ayeka's direction, holding her hand beneath the table while eating, and watching the eyes began to sparkle with tears of love each caused a desperate search for Ryo-Ohki, or some other equally cute and plush distraction.
Mihoshi sat opposite of Misaki with more than a little drool clinging to her tanned chin. The event set off alarms in everyone's mind that knew Misaki. Tension grew to a palpable level as Misaki took her first spoonful. The taste was so heavenly it was sinful. A small whimper escaped from Mihoshi's throat, causing Misaki to savor the treat all the more. Being a Queen had its perks.
The second and third bites continued to torture the blonde-haired detective. Each spoonful elicited a groan. Every "clink" of metal chiming against the china bowl caused Mihoshi's body to twitch involuntarily. And for the second time that day, Washu, along with the rest of the inhabitants of the room, moved as far away from the table as possible.
Kasumi and Sasami made a mad dash to the kitchen while Akane and Nodoka huddled together in a corner as far from Mihoshi as possible. Both had witnessed the wrath of Mihoshi vented on poor Ranma earlier that evening, and neither had the desire to become her next victim. Ryoko and Ayeka feared something much worse: Misaki unleashed.
Funaho sipped her tea as if nothing out of the ordinary was transpiring.
And the ultimate horror:
"What shall we make them?" Ayeka asked as she surveyed the kitchen in dismay. She had never truly felt at home in the place. There were too many foreign concepts here that eluded her.
"Well." Akane paused for a moment, following Ayeka's line of thought almost precisely. "I'm not really that good of a cook." She hated to admit it, but she might as well get it out in the open before Ranma did. "So I think we should keep it simple."
Ayeka looked at Akane with a smile of understanding. "I am not well-practiced in cooking either." She was glad that she had found a kindred soul of sorts in the Tendo girl. "What would you suggest?"
Akane returned Ayeka's smile happily. "How about some chocolate chip cookies?" An easy recipe. Surely they could pull it off together. This was going to be fun!
The universe, for one single instant, shuddered with fear.
From Why Sailor Pluto Hates the Bet:
"Nothing personal, Lhu, but I just can't let you make your own
entry. Sorry."
The great Cthulhu pondered the situation for a moment.
Toltiir waited patiently.
At length, Cthulhu spoke (so to speak, heh heh heh): *I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse.* it said.
*If you let me make my own bet entry, I will agree to eat you
Toltiir thought about it for a moment. "... well, since you put
it THAT way, how can I say no?"
This time from Benjamin Oliver's Nuke 'em 'till They Glow!!! reader interactive sidestory:
The results of the voting for chapter 4 are as follows:
Question 1: What kind of evil things would you like to see invade the headquarters of the British Motor Boat Police?
The winner at 69% is: All of the above! And throw in some of Brian Randall's Reavers! Coming in a distant second is answer #3: Ninjas, ninjas, ninjas!, at 21%.
Question 2: And you STILL want to have S and V win?!
The answer is: Yes! Of course!!!, at 67%.
Question 3: Want some WAFF beforehand?
The answer is: Eh, sure. It's good for the soul, at
Most amazing attack ever:
Something that you never want to see in the Author's Notes from a lemon:
"I started writing this during breaks while playing Doom 3."*********
There's no need to hear, I can shout you.
From Splitting Heirs, a Ranma/Tenchi crossover:
Misaki's eyes sparkled in wide-eyed wonder at the dream come true before her. There are perhaps three things that Misaki, Second Queen of Jurai, enjoyed more than life itself: her baby girls, adorable, cuddly little things, and sweets. The order, of course, depended entirely on which caught her eye first.
Currently her attention was focused entirely on the mountainous triple-fudge marshmallow and whipped cream brownie parfait that rested on the table in front of her.
Sasami, bless her little heart, loved her Mommy more than anyone else in the world. And this treat proved it! Little did Misaki know that this was simply a diversionary tactic, employed by the little blue-haired princess to escape the torrential ball of matronly emotions known as Mommy.
The tactic was well appreciated by Ayeka, who had desperately wanted to avoid embarrassment while entertaining the shrine's guests. It had been a draining endeavor that required all of her attention. An impromptu affectionate bear hug the moment Misaki's eyes wandered in Ayeka's direction, holding her hand beneath the table while eating, and watching the eyes began to sparkle with tears of love each caused a desperate search for Ryo-Ohki, or some other equally cute and plush distraction.
Mihoshi sat opposite of Misaki with more than a little drool clinging to her tanned chin. The event set off alarms in everyone's mind that knew Misaki. Tension grew to a palpable level as Misaki took her first spoonful. The taste was so heavenly it was sinful. A small whimper escaped from Mihoshi's throat, causing Misaki to savor the treat all the more. Being a Queen had its perks.
The second and third bites continued to torture the blonde-haired detective. Each spoonful elicited a groan. Every "clink" of metal chiming against the china bowl caused Mihoshi's body to twitch involuntarily. And for the second time that day, Washu, along with the rest of the inhabitants of the room, moved as far away from the table as possible.
Kasumi and Sasami made a mad dash to the kitchen while Akane and Nodoka huddled together in a corner as far from Mihoshi as possible. Both had witnessed the wrath of Mihoshi vented on poor Ranma earlier that evening, and neither had the desire to become her next victim. Ryoko and Ayeka feared something much worse: Misaki unleashed.
Funaho sipped her tea as if nothing out of the ordinary was transpiring.
And the ultimate horror:
"What shall we make them?" Ayeka asked as she surveyed the kitchen in dismay. She had never truly felt at home in the place. There were too many foreign concepts here that eluded her.
"Well." Akane paused for a moment, following Ayeka's line of thought almost precisely. "I'm not really that good of a cook." She hated to admit it, but she might as well get it out in the open before Ranma did. "So I think we should keep it simple."
Ayeka looked at Akane with a smile of understanding. "I am not well-practiced in cooking either." She was glad that she had found a kindred soul of sorts in the Tendo girl. "What would you suggest?"
Akane returned Ayeka's smile happily. "How about some chocolate chip cookies?" An easy recipe. Surely they could pull it off together. This was going to be fun!
The universe, for one single instant, shuddered with fear.
From Why Sailor Pluto Hates the Bet:
"Nothing personal, Lhu, but I just can't let you make your own
entry. Sorry."
The great Cthulhu pondered the situation for a moment.
Toltiir waited patiently.
At length, Cthulhu spoke (so to speak, heh heh heh): *I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse.* it said.
*If you let me make my own bet entry, I will agree to eat you
Toltiir thought about it for a moment. "... well, since you put
it THAT way, how can I say no?"
This time from Benjamin Oliver's Nuke 'em 'till They Glow!!! reader interactive sidestory:
The results of the voting for chapter 4 are as follows:
Question 1: What kind of evil things would you like to see invade the headquarters of the British Motor Boat Police?
The winner at 69% is: All of the above! And throw in some of Brian Randall's Reavers! Coming in a distant second is answer #3: Ninjas, ninjas, ninjas!, at 21%.
Question 2: And you STILL want to have S and V win?!
The answer is: Yes! Of course!!!, at 67%.
Question 3: Want some WAFF beforehand?
The answer is: Eh, sure. It's good for the soul, at
Most amazing attack ever:
Something that you never want to see in the Author's Notes from a lemon:
"I started writing this during breaks while playing Doom 3."*********
There's no need to hear, I can shout you.