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A couple more that you probably wont' want, but might find interesting.
A couple more that you probably wont' want, but might find interesting.
I know that Doug's not really grabbing from recent stuff, but I ran into these two today, and Doug powers for them just hit me and I wanted to share.
- Kelly Clarkson: Stronger (What doesn't kill you makes you) - inverts wound penalties, disabling effects, and other debuffs for the duration of the song.  Additionally, while the song plays, can't be knocked out or otherwise rendered ineffective by anything short of actual death.  Carries with it a sort of combat euphoria - he wont' stop dodging or anything, but he's also not going to be paying a whole lot of attention to any additional injuries he takes - after all, they're only making him stronger.  Something of a last-ditch song, with a pretty serious downside risk, but if he's in bad enough shape that he's considering using it, it'll make him a heck of a fighter while the music plays (with a good chance of him just dropping when the song stops).  Possible side effects of hampering his teamwork and/or extending a weaker form of the effect to any allies he might have (or even to everyone in the area).

- Pitbull/Christina Aguilera: Feel This Moment: Accelerates time for Doug so that the entire song plays out over literally, a moment.  In that time, he's basically unable to move, as his mind is assaulted by something like a watered-down version of omniscience.  The song also boosts his already impressive intellect - but not enough to actually handle the influx of data.  At best, the end fo the song leaves him mentally half wiped-out, with a few useful insights or scraps of pertinent information that he managed to identify and hang on to while he was under, along with some jagged shards of images and datapoints in no particular order and with no particular frame of reference.  At worst, it leaves him entirely wiped out, and the jagged shards are all he gets.  For obvious reasons he doesn't enjoy the process, and may have concerns about how it fits in with the divinities.

Sadly, both songs were made *less* cool by their respective music videos.  Ah, well.

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A couple more that you probably wont' want, but might find interesting. - by Sirrocco - 05-09-2013, 06:03 AM

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