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Since I depressed the {expletive deleted} out of myself...
Since I depressed the {expletive deleted} out of myself...
...with the posts to the banned songs thread, I had to go cheer myself up again.
So: Doug, I'd like to introduce you to sisters Sara, Hannah, Eva and Liza Holbrook, collectively known as SHEL.
potential Gate song; it would be presumptious of me to say where...but the lyric is pretty clear.(Whether it works or not, I'll bet it would be one he tries, if he heard it.)
to stealth and Walk In Shadows...but only for acts that are clearly against the law in that world.
to boost persuasion skills to bring a dubious audience around to Doug's point of view.
a simulacrum of a sleeping P. T. Barnum. As long as the song lasts, wistful memories of circuses past surround him in illusionary form. (Yeah, it's weird, but...)

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Since I depressed the {expletive deleted} out of myself... - by Duane Peters - 04-11-2015, 03:44 AM

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