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Bodyguard training montage - Do It for Her (Steven Universe)
Bodyguard training montage - Do It for Her (Steven Universe)

Quote:Pearl: All right. Everything begins with your stance. Remember:

You do it for him
And you would do it again
You do it for her, that is to say
You'll do it for him.

Keep your stance wide,
Keep your body lowered,
As you're moving forward
Balance is the key

Right foot; left foot,
Now go even faster
And as you're moving backwards
Keep your eyes on me.

[Connie] Keep my stance wide, (Good)
Keep my body lowered, (Right)
As I'm moving forward (Concentrate!)
[Pearl] Don't you want him to live!?

[Connie] Right foot; left foot
[Pearl] Yes, but put your whole body into it!
Everything you have, everything you are
You've got to give–

On the battlefield
When everything is chaos,
And you have nothing but the way you feel, your strategy and a sword;
You just think about the life you'll have together after the war!

And then you do it for her,
That's how you know you can win,
You do it for her, that is to say
You'll do it for him.

Deep down you know
You weren't built for fighting,
But that doesn't mean
You're not prepared to try.

What they don't know
Is your real advantage,
When you live for someone
You're prepared to die.

[Connie] Deep down I know
That I'm just a human (True)
[Connie] But I know that I can draw my sword and fight
(But you know that you can draw your sword and fight)

With my short existence, (Good)
I can make a difference, (Yes, excellent!)
I can be there for him
I can be his knight

I can do it for him,
[Both] You'd do it for her
[Pearl] Okay, now do that again (Yes, ma'am.)
You do it for her, and now you say:
[Connie] I'll do it for him.
I can't see this song having any power other than the purpose it served in the show, being the background for a training montage for a bodyguard.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.

Messages In This Thread
Bodyguard training montage - Do It for Her (Steven Universe) - by Jorlem - 08-11-2016, 05:53 PM
[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 11-11-2016, 03:39 AM
[No subject] - by Jorlem - 02-07-2017, 04:35 AM
[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 02-07-2017, 04:27 PM
[No subject] - by Jorlem - 02-07-2017, 09:25 PM

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