Madame Pomfrey gave Ron a Pepper-Up Potion, which, given that he wasn't really ill, meant that he was manic for the rest of the day. Needless to say, manic plus Weasley does not a good combination make. Ron had to be restrained from knocking Draco's head off no less than six times that day; a record, even for him. The less said about his behavior in Transfiguration, the better. On the plus side, Ron actually managed to make his potion correctly that day in class, surprising Professor Snape so much that he gave Ron a detention as he was sure the boy had cheated. Ron didn't care and was currently looking in to laying in a supply of Pepper-Up Potion.
Assault on the Senses
This is from some random sig file I found:
*opens fortune cookie*
"All their base will soon belong to you."
We've all seen really bad fic summaries over at FFnet, right? This one takes the cake:
I suck a summaries so spear me.*********
There's no need to hear, I can shout you.
Assault on the Senses
This is from some random sig file I found:
*opens fortune cookie*
"All their base will soon belong to you."
We've all seen really bad fic summaries over at FFnet, right? This one takes the cake:
I suck a summaries so spear me.*********
There's no need to hear, I can shout you.