Quote: The image is on danbooru.donmai.us - this image is safe, but there's a lot of NSFW images on that site.
Hmmm. I don't know why, especially since the comments suggest that the other guys have looked at it, but when I click that link I get an error message:
"Forbidden 403." Whatever the Warp that means. My computer has cheerfully taken me to sites that caused me to back away,
pale and shaking, "Oops that definitely is not what I wanted to see," so it's not as if my protective settings, if I even have
any active, are rejecting Danbooru.
Showing once again how not-with-it I am, it took me nearly a full minute to remember hearing about Mahoro's catch phrase regarding
ecchi things. (Yet another anime I haven't seen. I'm retired -- because it sounds nicer than "unemployed" -- so I can't afford to pick up
most of these anime about which I hear such great things.)
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.