Ninpou: Ikuji wo Korosu! (Ninja Arts: Kill Self-Confidence!) There were some gasps at the name (including one from Kurenai, who couldnt imagine a genjutsu powerful enough to change a persons self-perception), but he ignored them.
Neji, barely able to move at all, curled himself into a ball and started sobbing. It was a terrifying sight, and one that left Shimaru looking like some kind of sadistic freak. All of Nejis thoughts were suddenly about his own inabilities, weaknesses, problems, and failures. He was completely without happy thoughts, and was even beginning to doubt that he was capable of being happy.
Temari-nee-san, go ahead and fight him.
Gaara, are you insI have no chance against him! Oh yeah, great save
I would appreciate it if you fought him. It could be a favor to me.
Well crap. Damned if you do, damned if you dont, eh? That Naruto guy probably wont kill me, and Gaara will probably be pretty pissed off if I refuse the first favor hes ever asked of me Chikushou She jumped down into the ring, an action she regretted almost immediately.
Whoops I guess I should have toned it down a bit more. The large number of dents in the walls made him cringe, as he just knew that Anko was going to make him fix them all. Uh, Senbon-guy I think shes out Looking around, he realized that more than half of the people in the room were unconscious, including Gaara (whose sand hadnt reacted quickly enough to the unexpected attack). Oh you are too. Baa-chan, is there some way we can declare me the winner without waiting for him to wake up?
Naruto, the idiot that he was, actually believed that Gai wouldnt care who it was.
Well, if you really dont care Its Anko-chan! Unable to imagine a less appropriate teacher, Gai almost fainted. Lee, on the other hand, did faint, and Gai didnt even notice.
Youre training with Mitarashi Anko?
What could possibly make her a better teacher than me! Shes not even a jounin!
I thought you said you wouldnt be mad.
Im not mad!
D for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Ninpou: Ikuji wo Korosu! (Ninja Arts: Kill Self-Confidence!) There were some gasps at the name (including one from Kurenai, who couldnt imagine a genjutsu powerful enough to change a persons self-perception), but he ignored them.
Neji, barely able to move at all, curled himself into a ball and started sobbing. It was a terrifying sight, and one that left Shimaru looking like some kind of sadistic freak. All of Nejis thoughts were suddenly about his own inabilities, weaknesses, problems, and failures. He was completely without happy thoughts, and was even beginning to doubt that he was capable of being happy.
Temari-nee-san, go ahead and fight him.
Gaara, are you insI have no chance against him! Oh yeah, great save
I would appreciate it if you fought him. It could be a favor to me.
Well crap. Damned if you do, damned if you dont, eh? That Naruto guy probably wont kill me, and Gaara will probably be pretty pissed off if I refuse the first favor hes ever asked of me Chikushou She jumped down into the ring, an action she regretted almost immediately.
Whoops I guess I should have toned it down a bit more. The large number of dents in the walls made him cringe, as he just knew that Anko was going to make him fix them all. Uh, Senbon-guy I think shes out Looking around, he realized that more than half of the people in the room were unconscious, including Gaara (whose sand hadnt reacted quickly enough to the unexpected attack). Oh you are too. Baa-chan, is there some way we can declare me the winner without waiting for him to wake up?
Naruto, the idiot that he was, actually believed that Gai wouldnt care who it was.
Well, if you really dont care Its Anko-chan! Unable to imagine a less appropriate teacher, Gai almost fainted. Lee, on the other hand, did faint, and Gai didnt even notice.
Youre training with Mitarashi Anko?
What could possibly make her a better teacher than me! Shes not even a jounin!
I thought you said you wouldnt be mad.
Im not mad!
D for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.