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Doug's FUZION character sheet
Re: Dexterity
Firstly, I know the Agility conversion is problematic. As I said on the webpage:
As for what it should be, well, I'm with the others in that 12 is too low. Doug is the second most... um, I can't find a good general adjective -- acrobatic, dextrous, graceful -- of the Warriors. I think only Hexe has a higher Agility, and that by not much.

I would be curious to see what all the Agility scores are. But I'm getting the impression here that maybe my assumption of him as primarily a martial artist might be in question. I went and reread selected portions of text in the story and keep getting references to "blinding" speed when others view him in action. But it seems that he's not getting off significantly more combat actions per turn than what I posited above. This would argue for a high REF/DEX score, but not a corresponding leap in SPD. In other words, I still think he's not moving at an 8 SPD, but more like a 6. I think you can buy back SPD from DEX in Fuzion, but I don't have the Core rulebook with me right now.
All the other Warriors who are faster in combat than him get that way with the initiative bonus from the Heightened Speed super power. (How fast are we, in general? Well, our rule of thumb for a combat is that if the enemy is still standing after 15 seconds, they're tough.)

So, one turn of combat, eh? Leaves more room in the game session for character stuff certainly. ^_^
I don't have the V&V manuals with me right now, or I could give a more exact response here. But in trying to remember what the conversion process from V&V to Champions was, I seem to recall that initiative and initiative bonuses were more directly correlated to Hero SPD than DEX.
Initiative in V&V is how many times you move in a single turn and who moves first in that order. And there's no upper limit to that as long as you have the bonuses (gah, trying to piece this together solely from memory) I think. So V&V Initiative roughly = SPD(Speed) and Agility = DEX in Champions/Hero. I'll have to find the exact formula later. But it does exist.
If I recall correctly, V&V Superheroes tend to convert to very high DEX and SPD in Champions. That no upper limit on initiative might be one reason. Theoretically, if you rolled during character creation and kept getting Initiative bonuses, you could stack them extremely high.
Yup - paradigm problem here, if I'm right.
To get a way from that, a question on Strength. Doug mentions way back in, um, chapter 9, that he can get an adrenal burst to his strength in crisis situations. Maybe we should put a limitation on that STR score to cover it?
Sure. You could lower his regular STR, and then buy extra STR in powers, with a limitation that it uses more endurance.
I don't think the original Champions: New Millenium book had that in the rules. The powers section was woefully inadequate. But I think the new Fuzion Core rules might have it. In any case, it would mirror Hero System. So we can build it that way and port over.
In Hero System, Doug currently has a Fuzion STR 7 (Hero STR 35). We could lower that to Fuzion STR 4 (Hero STR 20) and then do the following in Hero-
+15 STR, x 2 END (-1/2)
Which would be 15 points divided by 1.5 for the limitation.
That reduces the point cost from 15 to 10. The cost in Fuzion would be 2 Power Points (STR is bought at 1-1)
STR costs 1 point of END for 10 points used in Hero. Translated to Fuzion, that means that Doug's current STR 7 costs him 3 END to use everytime he has an action where he utilizes it. (Which for him, is almost everytime) BTW, he'd use the identical amount of END in Hero.
But if we use the above, then Doug has a STR of 4, which only costs him 2 END to use. But if he uses his extra STR, he has to spend 5 END to use it instead of 3.
We could even go more costly in the END penalty than that if we wanted to. Make it even cheaper, but more costly for him to use.
Oh, and I (obviously) don't have EX -- I only have Before and After, which I only got a couple months ago. Everything up to now has been using the original book.
Okay, here's where I'll put in the caveat. I think that Doug isn't anywhere near as overpowered compared to those stats than I think he would be to the EX stats. If you are just going from those, then Doug is almost reasonable.
It's just that I don't think the original BGC stats are right either, in terms of how they translate to other systems. (BTW, this is only in regard to the character stats. All the devices and mecha listed in all 3 BGC books is good as far as I'm concerned.)
I think a bunch of hero-worshipping fanboys wrote the first BGC book with an over the top attitude towards what their favorite characters were capable of. That's okay, within context, for the most part with a few notable exceptions. (Leon throwing motoslaves around - twitch... twitch...)
And for your purposes in "reality checking" Doug against the Sabers. His original stats probably are just fine.
But I guess what my mindset is right now is - I think I'm trying to "reality check" Doug for anywhere he might go after this that you have reference for gamewise.
At the same time, I'm suggesting that the toned down EX character stats might work better overall for most purposes in actually portraying the Knight Sabers and other characters next to everything else in the books in terms of reference. They also are a better source for porting over to Hero. Which (in my not so humble opinion) is the absolute best gaming system for simulating - well - anything you want to. And that the toned down version of Doug would work better with the EX stats, and by extension, would be easier to "cross-check" against other characters. (BTW - There's a metric butt-load of write-ups for anime characters over at Surbrook's Stuff Character Archive if you're interested. Including a take on Belldandy, Urd and Skuld!)
Your additions to the set are good; I certainly approve of them. The only thing I'd add would be Valdemaran, which is inexplicably missing from the web page, and which he speaks like a native. (Just as a certain young Herald has a native grasp of American English, Southern California dialect...)

Consider it done! [Image: smile.gif]
Thanks for calculating them out. I really had no idea how to do that -- nor the information to do it.
Like I indicated above - in a pinch, you can use the Hero system to completely stat out a power, and then just divide the cost by 5 to get the Fuzion version. Differences should be almost negligible. There should be a more comprehensive powers list in the latest iteration of the Fuzion rules.
In regards to the "niche" he occupies, he is no speedster -- the Warriors have several speedster characters, and he's on the low end of the middle range of ground speed. He is a martial artist, although that was a skill he acquired after character creation. In old Champions terms, though, he is mostly an Energy Projector, although a very, very different one.
Understood. Although I'm beginning to think he might be justified in the lower end stats of as much as a REF/DEX 12. Conveniently enough, if we bumped him to an 11 or 12 in REF, he wouldn't have to pay the extra OP cost for his 6 SPD. It would be inherent.
And don't worry about having offended. I'm in fact very grateful that you took the time to make him work out right in the system -- I knew I had to have bungled it somewhere, simply by virtue of the fact that I was working with a system that I didn't really know. I'd like to put your version up on the Fuzion page, if you don't mind -- with proper credit, of course.
By all means, good sir! ^_^ But let's get things finalized first. I suspect there's some tweaking left to do here.
Um. Just had a thought -- I choreographed some combat in the coming chapter 12 using the first book's stats. EX's recalcs might change things. For instance, what's the lifting capacity of Nene's hardsuit now?
It's the same. They didn't change her STR any. (How can you go lower than 1? >_

Messages In This Thread
Re: Doug's FUZION character sheet - by Morgan Champion - 10-12-2002, 10:43 PM
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Re: Dexterity - by Logan Darklighter - 10-13-2002, 04:22 AM
Re: Dexterity - by Bob Schroeck - 10-13-2002, 05:33 AM
Re: Dexterity - by Logan Darklighter - 10-13-2002, 06:04 AM
Re: Dexterity - by Bob Schroeck - 10-13-2002, 06:26 AM
Re: Dexterity - by Logan Darklighter - 10-13-2002, 09:26 AM
Ah HAH! - by Logan Darklighter - 10-13-2002, 06:21 PM
Re: Dexterity - by Bob Schroeck - 10-14-2002, 12:44 AM
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Re: Spellsinger - by Bob Schroeck - 10-17-2002, 01:51 PM
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Re: Expanded Martial Arts - by Bob Schroeck - 10-17-2002, 07:04 PM
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Re: Expanded Martial Arts - by Logan Darklighter - 10-20-2002, 03:36 AM
Re: Expanded Martial Arts - by Bob Schroeck - 10-21-2002, 05:53 AM
Re: Expanded Martial Arts - by Logan Darklighter - 10-22-2002, 11:29 PM
Re: Expanded Martial Arts - by Logan Darklighter - 10-22-2002, 11:40 PM
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Re: Updated Character Sheet - by Bob Schroeck - 10-23-2002, 01:37 PM
Re: Updated Character Sheet - by Bob Schroeck - 10-24-2002, 04:41 AM
Re: Updated Character Sheet - by Bob Schroeck - 10-24-2002, 01:53 PM
Re: Updated Character Sheet - by Bob Schroeck - 10-24-2002, 06:52 PM

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