Indeed it does - and my point was that it *also* made it more stylish - though I admit I was perhaps excessively subtle.
We are in violent agreement.
Also, keyed by a reminder from another thread...
"Sarcasm, Daddy! Sarcasm!" Selena slammed the fork and knife on the table top, shaking it from the force of the blow. "Is it too much to ask for a normal breakfast, like all the other kids get? Maybe you could serve eggs that aren't two years old and come in a foil covered square? Milk that was never in something other than liquid form? Maybe even, *gasp*, some kind of fresh meat?"
"All perishables. The food we have now is more practical. Not only does it fill all of your nutritional requirements, but it's easy to transport and will last months if we come under siege."
"We live in the suburbs! No one lays siege to anyone out here, Goddammit!" Habit made her grab onto her braid, threatening to pull it out by its roots in frustration.
Heero looked disapprovingly at the gesture. "You really ought to cut that hair short and lose the braid. It's too easy for an opponent to grab onto it and gain an advantage."
Selena looked aghast at the very idea. "Where else would I hide my lock picks and collapsible stiletto?"
"So that's where you put them. I hadn't considered that. Very ingenious." Heero gave her a flat stare of approval. "You can keep the hair."
and also
They were almost finished when Selena said, "Oh, by the way, Jimmy Lopez is coming over to play with me today. I'm warning you in advance since he's the first friend I've had that's willing to come over since the last time you screwed everything up with Tommy Thorton."
Heero looked at her in confusion. "Screwed everything up? I have no idea what you mean."
"You locked him in a full nelson and mashed his face into the ground, shouting out, 'Who sent you?' over and over again!"
"When I see some complete stranger furtively looking around my house, I disable first and interrogate later."
"He was a scrawny eight-year-old looking for the bathroom!"
"He could have been a highly trained midget commando that was disguised to look like a scrawny eight-year-old in order to lull us into a false sense of security." Heero snatched the butter knife thrown at him out of mid-air. "You're getting faster."
Yardwork, with Heero Yui
We are in violent agreement.
Also, keyed by a reminder from another thread...
"Sarcasm, Daddy! Sarcasm!" Selena slammed the fork and knife on the table top, shaking it from the force of the blow. "Is it too much to ask for a normal breakfast, like all the other kids get? Maybe you could serve eggs that aren't two years old and come in a foil covered square? Milk that was never in something other than liquid form? Maybe even, *gasp*, some kind of fresh meat?"
"All perishables. The food we have now is more practical. Not only does it fill all of your nutritional requirements, but it's easy to transport and will last months if we come under siege."
"We live in the suburbs! No one lays siege to anyone out here, Goddammit!" Habit made her grab onto her braid, threatening to pull it out by its roots in frustration.
Heero looked disapprovingly at the gesture. "You really ought to cut that hair short and lose the braid. It's too easy for an opponent to grab onto it and gain an advantage."
Selena looked aghast at the very idea. "Where else would I hide my lock picks and collapsible stiletto?"
"So that's where you put them. I hadn't considered that. Very ingenious." Heero gave her a flat stare of approval. "You can keep the hair."
and also
They were almost finished when Selena said, "Oh, by the way, Jimmy Lopez is coming over to play with me today. I'm warning you in advance since he's the first friend I've had that's willing to come over since the last time you screwed everything up with Tommy Thorton."
Heero looked at her in confusion. "Screwed everything up? I have no idea what you mean."
"You locked him in a full nelson and mashed his face into the ground, shouting out, 'Who sent you?' over and over again!"
"When I see some complete stranger furtively looking around my house, I disable first and interrogate later."
"He was a scrawny eight-year-old looking for the bathroom!"
"He could have been a highly trained midget commando that was disguised to look like a scrawny eight-year-old in order to lull us into a false sense of security." Heero snatched the butter knife thrown at him out of mid-air. "You're getting faster."
Yardwork, with Heero Yui