Joyce swallowed dryly. "This is-"
"Disaster?" Buffy broke in. "Catastrophe? Cataclysm? Lady Une having a glasses moment? Tell me when I'm getting warm!" Oh man, I know exactly what Une going glasses-maniacal looks like. Just like I know what it's like to shoot someone, to crush them under Deathscythe, to knife them from behind...
"Catastrophe?" Cordelia burst out. "It's Armageddon!"
Dazed, everyone stared at her.
"My entire wardrobe! Useless! Nothing goes with lavender hair!"
"Oro..." Kenshin sighed.--
"I give you the beautiful... the talented... the tirelessly atomic-powered...
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
"Disaster?" Buffy broke in. "Catastrophe? Cataclysm? Lady Une having a glasses moment? Tell me when I'm getting warm!" Oh man, I know exactly what Une going glasses-maniacal looks like. Just like I know what it's like to shoot someone, to crush them under Deathscythe, to knife them from behind...
"Catastrophe?" Cordelia burst out. "It's Armageddon!"
Dazed, everyone stared at her.
"My entire wardrobe! Useless! Nothing goes with lavender hair!"
"Oro..." Kenshin sighed.--
"I give you the beautiful... the talented... the tirelessly atomic-powered...
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.