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So what happens if a real disaster/crisis shows up?
RE: So what happens if a real disaster/crisis shows up?
he lives and works in Naples, if he truly believes what you all say he is spouting he won't be on air much longer

that said, i have never said myself that there is not climate change, i just argue that the "Evidence" in support of "Man made Global Warming" has always been bullshit. Our recorded history of weather is way to short to make any realistic and accurate predictions where the weather is concerned, to a degree and on a smaller scale Irma being a prime example. Over the course of about 24-30 hours that one storm's course predictions were changed from the East side of the state to the West side. Right now i sit with most of my windows boarded up because i feel relatively paranoid about this storm coming as far west as Pensacola, or even close enough to seriously effect us. Tomorrow i will finish boarding up my windows and then hunker down and wait.

The entire East Anglia issue didnt help matters in my mind either. We have argued all that before and i won't bother getting into that argument and will agree to disagree with the majority of you.

Final thoughts; I don't know how old each of you are, i am 38 myself and if my mind isnt running summers together i have seen back to back storms like this before, damn conga line of them stretching back across the damn Atlantic a couple of times. But then again my memory could be screwing with me, i would have to check.

Also, Irma is the strongest Atlantic storm ON RECORD, you do realize that this record does not include the unnamed hurricane that WIPED PENSACOLA OFF THE MAP, unnamed because in the 1600's they didnt do that. But for that storm, Pensacola would be the oldest settlement in the US, not Saint Augustine.
Wolf wins every fight but the one where he dies, fangs locked around the throat of his opponent. 
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RE: So what happens if a real disaster/crisis shows up? - by Rajvik - 09-09-2017, 10:04 PM

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