Quote:I hate to say this, Aleh, but this seems to be at least partly plagiarized from Larry Niven's 1978 essay "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex" (which is hysterical, by the way).
These sperm are pretty damn tough. If they possess even the smallest fraction of Vegetas strength at that time, they most likely can take high heat, cold, toxins and a lot of other things and just shrug it off. They are miniscule but dangerous, for each possesses a small version of Vegetas power.
I can just see it. Japan is shaken by tiny sonic booms. Wormholes, charred by heat, sprout magically in all kinds of things: plate glass, masonry, antique ceramics, electric mixers, wood, household pets, and citizens. Some of the sperm will crack light speed. The night of Japan will come alive with a network of narrow, eerie blue lines of Cherenkov radiation.
Relevant portion:
Consider: these sperm are virtually indestructible. Within days or weeks they will die from lack of nourishment. Meanwhile they cannot be affected by heat, cold, vacuum, toxins, or anything short of green kryptonite.
There they are, minuscule but dangerous; for each has supernormal powers.
Metropolis is shaken by tiny sonic booms. Worm-holes, charred by meteoric heat, sprout magically in all kinds of things: plate glass, masonry, antique ceramics, electric mixers, wood, household pets, and citizens. Some of the sperm will crack lightspeed. The Metropolis night becomes alive with a network of narrow, eerie blue lines of Cherenkov radiation.
And women whom Superman has never met find themselves in a delicate condition.
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.