Quote:Actually that is fairly reasonable as a realistic crossover.... or fusion really. The Powerpuff Girls are creations made by a mad scientist taking 'Chemical X' from Dexter's Laboratory and mixing the things from an old poem together... and not just making a mess. One of the features of Chemical X is it grants superpowers somewhat randomly to those exposed to it. In one of the episodes of Dexter's Lab they show his Father having a conversation and deal with a squirrel which was speaking squirrel at the time (the episode with The Muffins). Bubbles has the ability to speak squirrel also... which her siblings fail to believe she can actually speak. Until she gets info from a squirrel infront of the them and then they don't know what to think. The proffessor calls it something like 'just one of her abilities, like her ability to speak Spanish from creation'. Blsoom once gained 'ice breath' as a new ability meaning they do get new ones.
Powerpuff Girl Geniuses?
From this and the shows in general we can conclude that what Chemical X actually does is absorb abilities from people nearby. Dexter's father has been in his lab... he just keeps getting the memories erased as shown in the episode with the axe headed giant monster they fight in the megazord. So this leaves us with a few avenues of plot.
1) One of the PPGs randomly gains the Spark from Chemical X that either Dexter or Mandark laced it with by proximity.
2) The PPGs go to pick up a shipment from Dexter and wackiness ensues involving DeeDee being DeeDee and Dexter's interdimensional portal. Or MoJo Jojo makes a gun that opens a portal to somewhere random and counters a charge by putting a random portal in the way.
3) Some random Spark banish's themselves to Townville. Some random Spark attempts to invade another dimension and gets really unlucky with his random target for conquest. PPGs eventually go through the portal to stop it at the source... whether or not they get to leave or not is the difference between a spamfic and epic.