"You will please me best if you kill them all before they have a chance to realize that surrender is their only chance of survival."
"Some people are just too stupid to be allowed to remain in the gene pool."
(About killing) "It's what I do. It's what I am."
I grabbed his arm and twisted it up behind his back, starting to walk him toward the rest of the group. "You have the right to remain silent," I snapped. On the word "silent," I tripped him, and let him fall face down into the largest mud puddle. Not even breaking my stride, I marched up onto his back and stood there, reciting the Miranda rights as best I could recall them -- sue me; I'm not a cop -- while the bubbles came up on either side of his head.
(This one's actually the climax of a dream I had.)
(Do you notice a kind of pattern here?)-----
Those who believed the laws of physics made things "possible" or "impossible" were mistaken. Time travel violated one of those laws. Physics took its *revenge*.
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
"Some people are just too stupid to be allowed to remain in the gene pool."
(About killing) "It's what I do. It's what I am."
I grabbed his arm and twisted it up behind his back, starting to walk him toward the rest of the group. "You have the right to remain silent," I snapped. On the word "silent," I tripped him, and let him fall face down into the largest mud puddle. Not even breaking my stride, I marched up onto his back and stood there, reciting the Miranda rights as best I could recall them -- sue me; I'm not a cop -- while the bubbles came up on either side of his head.
(This one's actually the climax of a dream I had.)
(Do you notice a kind of pattern here?)-----
Those who believed the laws of physics made things "possible" or "impossible" were mistaken. Time travel violated one of those laws. Physics took its *revenge*.
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.