Quote:UF:FI Titans 1: Convergence--
"Wonder if we get cable," he said, then turned on the TV. Immediately the huge screen was filled with a larger-than-life image of a garage. Several anti-gravity swoop bikes were up on service lifts in various stages of assembly. A large, muscular man with iron-grey hair and a handlebar mustache was yelling at a rotund younger man with curly dirty-blond hair.
"Mikey! Where the hell are my freakin' bits?"
"How should I know?" the younger man replied. "Why'n't you use the Force to make Pauly tell you where he left 'em?"
"BOO-yah! Just in time for 'Avalon Chopper'," said Stone. "Life is good."
"No, you know what, the hell with it," a big, burly guy with a handlebar mustache was saying as Gar entered the room. "Mikey! Get your ass to the office, get Jack at Speedline Racing on the phone, and tell him I find my lack of parts disturbing." The end of the sentence was punctuated by an angry metallic bang as he left the room and slammed the door behind him.
On the TV, the man who had earlier been addressed as "Mikey" was shown in a cluttered office, speaking into a telephone.
"Jack? Mike Teutul. Listen - you've failed us for the last time, buddy."
and introducing
His Dark Lordship Paul Teutul, Sr., AOOS
"I give you the beautiful... the talented... the tirelessly atomic-powered...
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.