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NaNoWriMo 2007: Warrior Peoples
NaNoWriMo 2007: Warrior Peoples
Jack blinked as he saw the door of his cell slide up into the ceiling. Hed done his damnedest to find another way out only to come up dry even the air seemed to cycle only through from below the bed, which was pretty mind-boggling since it was an airbed. Since then hed been simply trying to get some sleep, and wondering if (or more positively when) the still nameless captors of SG-1 would feed him.
Looking up, he saw the same corridor as before (not always a given) and the same officer, but behind him, other cells were being opened and Daniel, Sam and Tealc were emerging from them. Hey Danny. Long time no see. He stood up. So, are you letting us go and do we get our boots back?
Well, you can have your boots back, the officer reported. However there are a couple of little details that we need to clear up before you leave. The Admiral wants to talk to you about those.
The Admiral? Jack asked. I guess were working up the chain of command. So, what are ou guys called? I just realised you never said who you are.
How terribly remiss of me. You are aboard the Confederacy of Free Systems warship Leonidas and I have the privilege of being Lieutenant von Pinn of the 33rd Heinessen Light Infantry Regiment.
The Confederacy of Free Systems? Sam asked curiously. Who are you free of?
Why, the Goauld, von Pinn replied in surprise. Surely you have encountered the self-important popinjays in your explorations?
You were once enslaved by the False Gods? Tealc asked.
Von Pinn shook his head. Fortunately not. The Confederacy is sworn never to submit to their tyranny. He gestured for them to follow him out of the cellblock. Please, follow me. The Admiral is attending to a small matter of diplomacy and has invited you to join him for a light meal in a few moments. Your boots are waiting for you, he added, opening the door to a small side room, as well as facilties if you would like to tidy up.
The Admiral apparently didnt stay down on the deck with the rest of the peons, Jack noted. After giving them time to tidy up in a room that conveniently had an attached washroom, von Pinn had led them deeper into the hull of the warship and up flight after flight of steps there were lifts apparently but the young officer had advised that they were used only for emergencies or dignitaries who felt that their tender feet were too precious to be walked on for any great distance.
How far up are we going? Daniel asked.
Oh, not much further, von Pinn assured him. The Admirals quarters are quite close to the command tower, for convenience and Im sure you can understand that it wouldnt make a great deal of sense to have the detainment facilties close to such an important area.
Sure enough, after the next flight of stairs von Pinn led them away from the stairs and into a slightly more comfortably furnished deck. Please wait here, he said pleasently, ushering them into an small lounge. Ill just find out if the Admiral is ready.
Jack glanced around the room. It was a lot fancier than hed expected several well stuffed chairs and a couple of coffee tables. Coffee. He could really do with some coffee right now. The door closed behind them with the guards outside. Is everyone okay? he asked. No concussion this time, Daniel?
No Jack, Im fine, the archeologist protested. Theyve been very civil so far, I had more trouble last time I went through customs on my way back from a dig apart from getting zatted the first time.
So what do you make of them? Jack enquired.
Well theyre almost certainly not backed by the Goauld, Daniel said. No Goauld, not even the Tokra, would use this much technology they use the bare minimum to get the job done and the rest is as lowtech as possible to keep their slaves from learning too much.
But theyre human, right?
It seems like it. The Angrezi sounded like they might have originated from the Indian subcontinent. Von Pinn sounds germanic, but judging by his accent hes more accustomed to something like Hindi as well. Punjabi possibly.
So theyve got more than one culture then?
Yes. Its possible that they come from several worlds that were colonised by Goaald and later abandoned.
But didnt he say that they had never been enslaved by the Goauld? Sam asked. I mean, they had to come from Earth originally, so who else could have brought them out here?
Jack looked at the last member of his team. Tealc? What do you make of this? He paused. Tealc, what are you doing?
The Jaffa turned away from the wall that he had pressed his ear against. I can hear voices in the next room, ONeill. I believe that someone is telling a story. To children?
Children on a warship? Jack asked. What is this, Star Trek?
There was a cough from the door and Jack turned to see von Pinn standing in the doorway. Well, he said, diplomatically ignoring anything that might have been said in his hearing. The Admiral is just about done, so if youd like to follow me.
He led to them next room and the door slid open to reveal a large room, furnished just as comfortably as the lounge but for at least a hundred occupants. A large buffet had been set up along one wall, and the past tense was approporiate for it was clear that the buffet had been ravaged by the dozens of the now quite sticky faced children gathered at one end of the room.
However it was the huge floor to ceiling window that caught the eyes of SG-1. Covering one long side of the wall, broken only occasionally by ornamental bracing, it showed a planet above them, presumably the same Angrezi that they had been captured on. And below the planet, above the long and tapering foredeck of the ship that they had been brought aboard, could be seen the sterns of more ships diamond-shaped sterns with three huge thrusters lined within them, command towers rearing above them and, barely visible, tapering delta-shaped hulls reaching forwards.
Someones gonna get sued over this, Jack muttered to himself.
Shh, von Pinn hushed him, gesturing to the bearded man that the children were facing. He was wearing the same uniform as the lieutenant, but with a braid on his jacket epaleuttes and he sat in a comfortable looking armchair with a large book in his lap. As they watched he closed the book with an air of solemnity.
That was many, many years ago, he said in a low, slightly raspy voice. And still we remember them.
We remember them, the children chanted back to him, almost ritualistically.
We remember that few stood against many, the man, presumably this mysterious admiral, rasped.
We remember that few stood against many.
That free men stood against tyranny.

That free men stood against tyranny, they chanted.
And, the admiral said, setting the book aside as his eyes began to glow with that familiar golden light, that even a god-king, his voice taking that booming quality that was the trademark of the Goauld, can bleed!
HUA! the children shouted, many of them leaping to their feet. HUA!
HUA! shouted von Pinn from beside SG-1. HUA! HUA! the soldiers behind them bellowed, making the same fist against shoulder salute that Jack had seen before. Their voices were almost as enthusiastic as those of the children, some of whom turned in surprise to see the new arrivals.
The Goauld smiled benevolently, letting the light fade from his eyes. We still remember, he repeated once more. But now, my young Spartans, I believe that the hour grows late and like Leonidas, I have emissaries to greet. Besides, he pulled an antique looking pocket watch from his jacket. I am sure that your parents are waiting to hear how your day was.
There was a concerted awwwww from the children and he shook his head firmly. No no, I was told that you had all been especially good so that you could come up here and look down on Angrezi from the sky, eat my food and listen to an old snake tell you his stories. Dont spoil it now.
There was more shuffling of feet before the children began to leave the room in little clusters, more soldiers appearing to guide them away. I thought you said that this Confederacy of yours had nothing to do with the Goauld, Jack hissed to von Pinn.
I said that we werent enslaved by the Goauld, the lieutenant replied with a roll of his eyes. I didnt say we had never had contact with them. He led our ancestors to these worlds eons ago and has worked alongside us to make the Confederacy a reality. Admiral Ayodhya was honored to carry him to Angrezi for the ceremonies to admit them to the Confederacy.
How kind of you to say so, the Admiral said, brushing down his jacket as he stood up. Please, he said to SG-1, seat yourselves. Ive ordered a light meal be prepared but if youd rather not wait, I dont believe that the children finished absolutely everything at the buffet so please help yourselves.
So, he said, eyeing them as they all gingerly took seats facing his. You are the famous SG-1 whose exploits have become legend anywhere one can tap into the gossip of the System Lords. Three of the long forgotten Tauri, and of course the quite infamous sholva Tealc, once the First Prime to Apophis. I am honored to meet you.
And youre, well, that guy with the star destroyers? Jack asked warily.
Yes, well, the Admiral said amiably. Theyre not really all that impressive. For impressive, youd have to wait until we finish building the battlestation.
Hes not serious, Jack told himself. He doesnt really know what that means in that context does he? Sounds like it would be quite a sight to see, he said. So, am I speaking to the man or the snake?
A little of both, Ayodhya told him with a smile. Then he frowned. Ah, I see. My apologies. I thought that I was talking to Colonel ONeill. But I see that the Taure have sent MacGuyver instead. Lieutenant, make sure that he has no paperclips or chewing gum on him.
Jacks eyes went wide. Youve been to Earth! he accused. How else could he have known about the coincidental resemblence between Jack and an obscure TV actor.
Why, yes, Ayodhya no, the snake - agreed. Not with the Admiral of course, but in another host. I must admit I only discovered that you had found the Stargate again after Apophis discovered what had happened to Ra. Not that its at all relevant to the business at hand.
The business at hand? Sam asked.
Two days ago you arrived on Angrezi via the stargate and after something of a hike, rummaged around in my old villa. Not that I object, you understand I havent used it in almost four hundred years but just for reference. All of this is exactly what you told my officers and I dont doubt it for a minute. However, and he leant forwards, eyes glowing once more, there are two items of information that suggest that there may be more going on here than you have stated. Firstly, less than an hour before your arrival, someone else came through the stargate. From the same coordinates as you. Quite a coincidence, eh? And secondly, about an hour before dawn, there was an attack on a small Angrezi armoury quite a distance to the south of my villa. Not a simulated attack as part of the exercises, a very real attack by soldiers with firearms very similar to yours that left over a dozen of their soldiers dead. Now, is there anything that you want to tell me?
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.

Messages In This Thread
NaNoWriMo 2007: Warrior Peoples - by drakensis - 11-01-2007, 02:37 PM
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NaNoWriMo 2007: Warrior Peoples - by drakensis - 11-26-2007, 04:04 PM
NaNoWriMo 2007: Warrior Peoples - by drakensis - 11-27-2007, 05:21 PM

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