Alpha Company is in position, von Pinn reported, his words relayed by a tightbeam signal to the Leonidas and then down to a receiver that was pressed against the ear of Admiral Sario Ayodhya. Beta and Gamma companies also report as ready.
Excellent, Ayodhya approved. I have my own companies in position to close the door any time so we can begin any time. Whats the best estimate of when theyll finish bringing through the current batch of Jaffa?
Not long, sir, replied von Pinn. There are about eight hundred there at the moment, so judging by the previous deployments we theyll be forming up to move out in about five minutes. The operations plan called for the attack to be launched just as a unit of Jaffa were about to move out, in order to ensure that the previous group would be as far away as possible when the attack came. Of course that would put just a little over five hundred Confederate infantry up against around three thousand Jaffa who were in prepared defensive positions.
One of the squad sergeants had enquired if they were perhaps being a little unfair on the Jaffa. Von Pinn had reminded the younger man that unfairness in warfare was something of a given and that at least it was on their side this time. In a gesture that could have been mistaken for chivalry, Beta Company had offered to share any candy in their field rations with any Jaffa that might be taken prisoner, as compensation for the asskicking that they would be facing. Of course, given that field rations were made by the lowest bidder, that wasnt necessarily a kindness.
On a side-issue, von Pinn enquired. I realise its a bit late to do anything about it, but are you sure that you want the Tauri wandering around. Even the most favorable reports on them say that they are a mite unpredictable is the word, I think.
They have something to prove, Ayodhya growled.
Von Pinn hesitated. I know that diplomatic concerns arent exactly my responsibility but if they get their heads shot of by the Jaffa
Then Ill send their bodies back to Earth, with a message telling whoever reads it exactly who was responsible for their deaths, Ayodhya growled. Maybe Captain Carters father will feel a pang or two when he finds out that it was his loose tongue that killed his daughter.
His father, sir? von Pinn asked and then frowned. Never mind sir, no time. Time is minus sixty seconds and counting. He gestured sharply and one of his soldiers brought a low powered laser designator up, aiming it at the foot of the Stargate.
Sixty seconds, Ayodhya confirmed. Captain Carters father is host to a Tokra, Lieutenant.
The younger mans head jerked upwards at that little revelation. Not all of the Confederates citizens were descended from tribes abandoned by the Tokra to face Goauld wrath but enough of them were that the stories were an inescapable part of the Confederacys mythology. I see, he said after a few seconds. von Pinn out.
Stowing the transceiver handset he glanced left and then right, even with his nightvision goggles barely able to pick out the shapes of his soldiers. They were good men, damn good. And there were a lot more good men that were about to die on both sides, he conceded to himself. It wasnt the fault of the Jaffa that they had been born slaves.
Fire blazed in the sky as a Death Glider exploded suddenly and then a squadron of fighter-bombers from the carrier Sparta slashed through the sky and missiles carved fiery lines across the blackness to hammer into the ground around the DHD and the Stargate. Dirt and Jaffa flesh went flying.
Men of the 33rd! von Pinn screamed. THIS IS WHERE WE FIGHT! He brought up his carbine and let the fully charged underbarrel cannon hammer a bolt of energy through one of the crude fortifications, blasting it to rubble. THIS IS WHERE THEY DIE!
He came up from where he had knelt just behind the ridge overlooking the Stargate and charged down the slope, carbine spitting blue death into the ranks of the shocked and disorganised Jaffa.
A wave of light infantry followed him down as the bombers swept across the sky again, laying cluster munitions across the hollow.
Almost a mile away, Jack swallowed a curse and hugged the ground as the Jaffa that he was trailing turned almost as a man to stare in the direction of the loud noises and bright lights that were coming from the direction of the Stargate. They couldnt have started the attack maybe five minutes later? Jack complained mentally.
Fortunately, the Jaffa, in staring at the bright lights on the horizon, seemed to have done various unpleasent things to their night vision so they didnt spot Jack.
There was a whoosh and something big and fast went across the sky not so far above their heads.
This is insane, Jack noted. Ive gone completely insane. I could have sworn that I saw a X-Wing just fly overhead.
Name of Apophsis! one of the Jaffa exclaimed. Was that one of our Death Gliders?
No, an older Jaffa corrected him. One of the evil god Nekhruns. See how it hugs the ground because it fears the wrath of our righteous lord.
There was an explosion in the sky and Jack was pretty sure that it wasnt the X-Wing lookalike that had just bought a farm. Fear, the younger Jaffa repeated weakly. Yes, of course.
Just remember, boy, the older man advised. There are plenty of things out there that can kill you, but there is nothing there that you cant kill. Come dawn, well crush the Jaffa of Nekhrun and bring him before our lord in chains. Then there will be glory and feasting.
I kind of doubt it, Jack said, rising to his feet, P90 aimed at the two of them. Put the staff weapons down youre surrounded.
The older Jaffa was old enough to know when someone had the drop on him. The younger, presumably, had been raised on too many stories of daring heroes who could react swiftly enough to turn the tables on their captors. He was fast enough to bring the relatively clumsy staff weapon almost halfway around towards Jack when a shot by Tealc caught him squarely in the back, dropping him to the floor to roll down the hill, unconcious.
Hes lucky that was a zat, Jack observed, otherwise someone would have to pick what was left of his chainmail out of his spine before they buried him.
Hes young, the older jaffa said, holding his own staff weapon in an obviously non-threatening posture. At a gesture from Jack he lowered the weapon to the ground. Will he have the chance to grow older?
That depends, Jack told him. If your god wins then hes probably in a lot of trouble. The Goauld arent noticeably forgiving of failure in my experience.
The Jaffa closed his eyes. If you expect me to betray my God then kill me now.
Oh, Jack said and grinned suddenly as inspiration struck him. Im not asking you to betray your master. Although I have to wonder which of the Goauld was stupid enough to walk into a trap like this. I mean, no ones seen Nekhrun for what a thousand years? but as soon as word gets out that hes back bang! - several thousand Jaffa come running through the Stargate. He stared at the Goaulds forehead, but it was too dark to make out any details of the tattoo. So which idiot is it that you work for?
He serves Heru-ur, Tealc said firmly, stepping out from the darkness. I recognise your voice, VNeef.
VNeef stiffened. Tealc! he exclaimed, throwing a glance over his shoulder. You are but you are Sholva. You serve the Tauri. He paled. So Nekhrun is truly not here.
Tealc simply fired his zat again, dropping the Goauld where he lay. VNeef once served Ra, he advised. After the death of Ra he entered Heru-urs service. He would never reveal anything to us.
Heru-ur, Jack said thoughtfully. Hes a fairly hands on Goauld, isnt he. Think he might have come here himself?
It is most probable, Tealc confirmed. Heruur entrust such a large number of Jaffa only to his most trusted lieutenants or to himself and he would trust no other Goauld with access to a world as rich as Angrezi.
Daniel and Sam joined them. But he wouldnt come here without some means of escape, Jack, Daniel pointed out. Which means that there must be a cloaked ship nearby, ready to evacuate him.
Jack blinked and then looked at Sam. Carter, if we can find that ship before Heruur gets his butt kicked then weve got our source of information for Nekhrun.
Sam frowned. Sir, Im not a miracle worker. I cant just defeat a cloak with what Ive got in my pack.
But you could break the cloak on, say, an Alkesh?
Well Ive got a theory.
What do you need?
Ayodhyas communicator chirped and he ducked down behind cover to take the call. A staff weapon blast hit the piled dirt in front of him, sending a spray of dirt over him but doing nothing productive. The fight at the Stargate was going fairly well, but the nearest unit of Jaffa had responded quickly and only the all too thin lines of the improvised battalion that he had pieced together out of the troop detachments aboard his cruisers were holding them back.
Ayodhya, he snapped. Whats the situation?
Fumizuki here, came the voice of Leonidas captain. Kou Fumizuki hadnt been ecstatic about his Admiral running off with a bunch of groundpounders, but Nekhruns experience in combat on every level was too great an advantage for the Admiral to keep it penned up on the bridge of the powerful destroyer. We have a request from the Tauri for some technical support. They think that Heru-ur may be leading the attack personally and want to lay a little trap for him.
Heru-ur? Nekhrun mused. Interesting. Alright, Captain. Youre authorised to assist them, but keep an eye on them.
Both eyes, when I can afford them, Fumizuki confirmed and ended the call.
With a shake of his head Ayodhya banished all thought of what SG-1 might be up to it didnt matter now. The Jaffa were spreading out to work their way around the flanks of the thin line and something needed to be done about that. Pulling a pair of flare grenades out of his field vest, the Goauld yanked both tabs and flung the first towards the scanty cover that the Jaffa were working with and then pause a moment before throwing the second towards the front of his lines.
The flares did exactly what they were supposed to bright purple-white light erupting from two points in their lines, sending startled Jaffa scattering for cover. Blue bolts of energy lashed out from the troops around Nekhrun, picking off the suddenly illuminated Jaffa with their carbines. The Goauld slave soldiers who had learned from their previous experiences dropped and played dead. Those who hadnt dropped as well, although their deaths were no pretense.
There was a roar and two X-wings raced across the Goauld lines, their wingtip cannons blazing as they strafed the enemy positions.
It wouldnt stop Heru-urs soldiers from pushing the Confederate soldiers again, Nekhrun noted, but it would buy more time and that was all that was needed.
His communicator chirped again, a longer and more complex sequence this time and Ayodhya smiled. That call didnt need to be answered it was a predetermined signal. Back to the next line, he ordered on the battalions tactical command channel. Dont leave anyone behind.
The Jaffa wouldnt have any of his dead to gloat over when they realised that the defenses had been abandoned, he swore to himself. And theyd get a nasty surprise at the next line of defenses, for that signal had been confirmation that the Stargate had been secured so that no further reinforcements could arrive for the invaders. Which meant that the next line of defenses would be manned already, by Shakuntalas battalion of the Angrezi Royal Brigade of Guards.
Ready to receive my men, your Highness? he asked on another frequency.
Confirmed, she replied coolly. We have firebases on the heights either side of the road, just move right past us and theyll get a nasty surprise when they think they have you broken.
Ill do that, Ayodhya agreed and reached over to pick up the body of a luckless infantryman next him. It would be a closed coffin funeral for the poor lad, a staff weapon blast had caught him just below the throat and decapitated him, but with his strength augemented by Nekhrun, the admiral could easily carry the body and keep up with the rest of the men.
The almost two hundred Confederate Light Infantry turned and ran, trusting to darkness and surprise to cover them as they headed for the gap in the hills that led to the Stargate.
Are you sure this will work? Jack asked as Sam fiddled with the equipment shed requisitioned from the Leonidas.
No, she replied honestly. But Ive been thinking about how the cloaks work for a while and theres a possibility that I might be able to detect it while its in the atmosphere.
And if its in orbit? asked Daniel.
Then were out of luck, Sam said. Im going to be scanning for ionised particles in the atmosphere caused by interactions between -
Stop! Jack protested. Itll sniff out the cloak right?
Uh, if the theory I have is correct, Sam conceded.
Right, okay. Thats all I gotta know, he explained. When can we start?
She finished twisting together a set of wires and crystals that didnt make any sense at all to Jack, Right now.
The device burbled for a moment and then proceeded to do well, nothing that Jack could determine.
Is it working?
Its working, Sam promised. Its just that there arent any of the particles here. Well need to move around to find some.
That could take forever, Carter.
Jack, Daniel sighed. Arent you forgetting something?
Jack frowned. What do you mean?
Well the Leonidas has ring transporters, right? And they presumably have a good idea of the weather patterns on the island. So cant they just move us up whatever side of the island the prevailing winds are blowing?
Jack sighed and reached for his radio again. I hope that Captain Fumizuki is still feeling accomodating.
As dawn broke over the island, more than a thousand engines roared to life and more than ten thousand Angrezi soldiers moved out from hidden armories around the coasts. The air battle was still raging above them as their own Aspic jets launched to support the Confederate X-Wings in hunting down the remaining Death Gliders. At least two dozen of the latter had been on the ground waiting for dawn and the renewed attack so control of the air was still contested and two full regiments of jump infantry had to remain in reserve, waiting for the opportunity to make a run towards the Stargate.
On the ground, the Jaffa had begun to retreat towards their only means to receive reinforcements. Only one unit continued to advance and a ferocious firefight broke out at one armory as they clashed with half their number of Angrezi mechanised infantry. The sideshow drew off two more battalions from the main clash around the Stargate, but ultimately it wouldnt change anything.
The decision over Angrezis continued freedom would take place in the hills around the Stargate. And it would be at least three hours before the first of reinforcments could reach Nekhrun and Shakuntalas positionsD for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
D for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Excellent, Ayodhya approved. I have my own companies in position to close the door any time so we can begin any time. Whats the best estimate of when theyll finish bringing through the current batch of Jaffa?
Not long, sir, replied von Pinn. There are about eight hundred there at the moment, so judging by the previous deployments we theyll be forming up to move out in about five minutes. The operations plan called for the attack to be launched just as a unit of Jaffa were about to move out, in order to ensure that the previous group would be as far away as possible when the attack came. Of course that would put just a little over five hundred Confederate infantry up against around three thousand Jaffa who were in prepared defensive positions.
One of the squad sergeants had enquired if they were perhaps being a little unfair on the Jaffa. Von Pinn had reminded the younger man that unfairness in warfare was something of a given and that at least it was on their side this time. In a gesture that could have been mistaken for chivalry, Beta Company had offered to share any candy in their field rations with any Jaffa that might be taken prisoner, as compensation for the asskicking that they would be facing. Of course, given that field rations were made by the lowest bidder, that wasnt necessarily a kindness.
On a side-issue, von Pinn enquired. I realise its a bit late to do anything about it, but are you sure that you want the Tauri wandering around. Even the most favorable reports on them say that they are a mite unpredictable is the word, I think.
They have something to prove, Ayodhya growled.
Von Pinn hesitated. I know that diplomatic concerns arent exactly my responsibility but if they get their heads shot of by the Jaffa
Then Ill send their bodies back to Earth, with a message telling whoever reads it exactly who was responsible for their deaths, Ayodhya growled. Maybe Captain Carters father will feel a pang or two when he finds out that it was his loose tongue that killed his daughter.
His father, sir? von Pinn asked and then frowned. Never mind sir, no time. Time is minus sixty seconds and counting. He gestured sharply and one of his soldiers brought a low powered laser designator up, aiming it at the foot of the Stargate.
Sixty seconds, Ayodhya confirmed. Captain Carters father is host to a Tokra, Lieutenant.
The younger mans head jerked upwards at that little revelation. Not all of the Confederates citizens were descended from tribes abandoned by the Tokra to face Goauld wrath but enough of them were that the stories were an inescapable part of the Confederacys mythology. I see, he said after a few seconds. von Pinn out.
Stowing the transceiver handset he glanced left and then right, even with his nightvision goggles barely able to pick out the shapes of his soldiers. They were good men, damn good. And there were a lot more good men that were about to die on both sides, he conceded to himself. It wasnt the fault of the Jaffa that they had been born slaves.
Fire blazed in the sky as a Death Glider exploded suddenly and then a squadron of fighter-bombers from the carrier Sparta slashed through the sky and missiles carved fiery lines across the blackness to hammer into the ground around the DHD and the Stargate. Dirt and Jaffa flesh went flying.
Men of the 33rd! von Pinn screamed. THIS IS WHERE WE FIGHT! He brought up his carbine and let the fully charged underbarrel cannon hammer a bolt of energy through one of the crude fortifications, blasting it to rubble. THIS IS WHERE THEY DIE!
He came up from where he had knelt just behind the ridge overlooking the Stargate and charged down the slope, carbine spitting blue death into the ranks of the shocked and disorganised Jaffa.
A wave of light infantry followed him down as the bombers swept across the sky again, laying cluster munitions across the hollow.
Almost a mile away, Jack swallowed a curse and hugged the ground as the Jaffa that he was trailing turned almost as a man to stare in the direction of the loud noises and bright lights that were coming from the direction of the Stargate. They couldnt have started the attack maybe five minutes later? Jack complained mentally.
Fortunately, the Jaffa, in staring at the bright lights on the horizon, seemed to have done various unpleasent things to their night vision so they didnt spot Jack.
There was a whoosh and something big and fast went across the sky not so far above their heads.
This is insane, Jack noted. Ive gone completely insane. I could have sworn that I saw a X-Wing just fly overhead.
Name of Apophsis! one of the Jaffa exclaimed. Was that one of our Death Gliders?
No, an older Jaffa corrected him. One of the evil god Nekhruns. See how it hugs the ground because it fears the wrath of our righteous lord.
There was an explosion in the sky and Jack was pretty sure that it wasnt the X-Wing lookalike that had just bought a farm. Fear, the younger Jaffa repeated weakly. Yes, of course.
Just remember, boy, the older man advised. There are plenty of things out there that can kill you, but there is nothing there that you cant kill. Come dawn, well crush the Jaffa of Nekhrun and bring him before our lord in chains. Then there will be glory and feasting.
I kind of doubt it, Jack said, rising to his feet, P90 aimed at the two of them. Put the staff weapons down youre surrounded.
The older Jaffa was old enough to know when someone had the drop on him. The younger, presumably, had been raised on too many stories of daring heroes who could react swiftly enough to turn the tables on their captors. He was fast enough to bring the relatively clumsy staff weapon almost halfway around towards Jack when a shot by Tealc caught him squarely in the back, dropping him to the floor to roll down the hill, unconcious.
Hes lucky that was a zat, Jack observed, otherwise someone would have to pick what was left of his chainmail out of his spine before they buried him.
Hes young, the older jaffa said, holding his own staff weapon in an obviously non-threatening posture. At a gesture from Jack he lowered the weapon to the ground. Will he have the chance to grow older?
That depends, Jack told him. If your god wins then hes probably in a lot of trouble. The Goauld arent noticeably forgiving of failure in my experience.
The Jaffa closed his eyes. If you expect me to betray my God then kill me now.
Oh, Jack said and grinned suddenly as inspiration struck him. Im not asking you to betray your master. Although I have to wonder which of the Goauld was stupid enough to walk into a trap like this. I mean, no ones seen Nekhrun for what a thousand years? but as soon as word gets out that hes back bang! - several thousand Jaffa come running through the Stargate. He stared at the Goaulds forehead, but it was too dark to make out any details of the tattoo. So which idiot is it that you work for?
He serves Heru-ur, Tealc said firmly, stepping out from the darkness. I recognise your voice, VNeef.
VNeef stiffened. Tealc! he exclaimed, throwing a glance over his shoulder. You are but you are Sholva. You serve the Tauri. He paled. So Nekhrun is truly not here.
Tealc simply fired his zat again, dropping the Goauld where he lay. VNeef once served Ra, he advised. After the death of Ra he entered Heru-urs service. He would never reveal anything to us.
Heru-ur, Jack said thoughtfully. Hes a fairly hands on Goauld, isnt he. Think he might have come here himself?
It is most probable, Tealc confirmed. Heruur entrust such a large number of Jaffa only to his most trusted lieutenants or to himself and he would trust no other Goauld with access to a world as rich as Angrezi.
Daniel and Sam joined them. But he wouldnt come here without some means of escape, Jack, Daniel pointed out. Which means that there must be a cloaked ship nearby, ready to evacuate him.
Jack blinked and then looked at Sam. Carter, if we can find that ship before Heruur gets his butt kicked then weve got our source of information for Nekhrun.
Sam frowned. Sir, Im not a miracle worker. I cant just defeat a cloak with what Ive got in my pack.
But you could break the cloak on, say, an Alkesh?
Well Ive got a theory.
What do you need?
Ayodhyas communicator chirped and he ducked down behind cover to take the call. A staff weapon blast hit the piled dirt in front of him, sending a spray of dirt over him but doing nothing productive. The fight at the Stargate was going fairly well, but the nearest unit of Jaffa had responded quickly and only the all too thin lines of the improvised battalion that he had pieced together out of the troop detachments aboard his cruisers were holding them back.
Ayodhya, he snapped. Whats the situation?
Fumizuki here, came the voice of Leonidas captain. Kou Fumizuki hadnt been ecstatic about his Admiral running off with a bunch of groundpounders, but Nekhruns experience in combat on every level was too great an advantage for the Admiral to keep it penned up on the bridge of the powerful destroyer. We have a request from the Tauri for some technical support. They think that Heru-ur may be leading the attack personally and want to lay a little trap for him.
Heru-ur? Nekhrun mused. Interesting. Alright, Captain. Youre authorised to assist them, but keep an eye on them.
Both eyes, when I can afford them, Fumizuki confirmed and ended the call.
With a shake of his head Ayodhya banished all thought of what SG-1 might be up to it didnt matter now. The Jaffa were spreading out to work their way around the flanks of the thin line and something needed to be done about that. Pulling a pair of flare grenades out of his field vest, the Goauld yanked both tabs and flung the first towards the scanty cover that the Jaffa were working with and then pause a moment before throwing the second towards the front of his lines.
The flares did exactly what they were supposed to bright purple-white light erupting from two points in their lines, sending startled Jaffa scattering for cover. Blue bolts of energy lashed out from the troops around Nekhrun, picking off the suddenly illuminated Jaffa with their carbines. The Goauld slave soldiers who had learned from their previous experiences dropped and played dead. Those who hadnt dropped as well, although their deaths were no pretense.
There was a roar and two X-wings raced across the Goauld lines, their wingtip cannons blazing as they strafed the enemy positions.
It wouldnt stop Heru-urs soldiers from pushing the Confederate soldiers again, Nekhrun noted, but it would buy more time and that was all that was needed.
His communicator chirped again, a longer and more complex sequence this time and Ayodhya smiled. That call didnt need to be answered it was a predetermined signal. Back to the next line, he ordered on the battalions tactical command channel. Dont leave anyone behind.
The Jaffa wouldnt have any of his dead to gloat over when they realised that the defenses had been abandoned, he swore to himself. And theyd get a nasty surprise at the next line of defenses, for that signal had been confirmation that the Stargate had been secured so that no further reinforcements could arrive for the invaders. Which meant that the next line of defenses would be manned already, by Shakuntalas battalion of the Angrezi Royal Brigade of Guards.
Ready to receive my men, your Highness? he asked on another frequency.
Confirmed, she replied coolly. We have firebases on the heights either side of the road, just move right past us and theyll get a nasty surprise when they think they have you broken.
Ill do that, Ayodhya agreed and reached over to pick up the body of a luckless infantryman next him. It would be a closed coffin funeral for the poor lad, a staff weapon blast had caught him just below the throat and decapitated him, but with his strength augemented by Nekhrun, the admiral could easily carry the body and keep up with the rest of the men.
The almost two hundred Confederate Light Infantry turned and ran, trusting to darkness and surprise to cover them as they headed for the gap in the hills that led to the Stargate.
Are you sure this will work? Jack asked as Sam fiddled with the equipment shed requisitioned from the Leonidas.
No, she replied honestly. But Ive been thinking about how the cloaks work for a while and theres a possibility that I might be able to detect it while its in the atmosphere.
And if its in orbit? asked Daniel.
Then were out of luck, Sam said. Im going to be scanning for ionised particles in the atmosphere caused by interactions between -
Stop! Jack protested. Itll sniff out the cloak right?
Uh, if the theory I have is correct, Sam conceded.
Right, okay. Thats all I gotta know, he explained. When can we start?
She finished twisting together a set of wires and crystals that didnt make any sense at all to Jack, Right now.
The device burbled for a moment and then proceeded to do well, nothing that Jack could determine.
Is it working?
Its working, Sam promised. Its just that there arent any of the particles here. Well need to move around to find some.
That could take forever, Carter.
Jack, Daniel sighed. Arent you forgetting something?
Jack frowned. What do you mean?
Well the Leonidas has ring transporters, right? And they presumably have a good idea of the weather patterns on the island. So cant they just move us up whatever side of the island the prevailing winds are blowing?
Jack sighed and reached for his radio again. I hope that Captain Fumizuki is still feeling accomodating.
As dawn broke over the island, more than a thousand engines roared to life and more than ten thousand Angrezi soldiers moved out from hidden armories around the coasts. The air battle was still raging above them as their own Aspic jets launched to support the Confederate X-Wings in hunting down the remaining Death Gliders. At least two dozen of the latter had been on the ground waiting for dawn and the renewed attack so control of the air was still contested and two full regiments of jump infantry had to remain in reserve, waiting for the opportunity to make a run towards the Stargate.
On the ground, the Jaffa had begun to retreat towards their only means to receive reinforcements. Only one unit continued to advance and a ferocious firefight broke out at one armory as they clashed with half their number of Angrezi mechanised infantry. The sideshow drew off two more battalions from the main clash around the Stargate, but ultimately it wouldnt change anything.
The decision over Angrezis continued freedom would take place in the hills around the Stargate. And it would be at least three hours before the first of reinforcments could reach Nekhrun and Shakuntalas positionsD for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
D for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.