Quote:I think I'm more likely to have the opposite problem - having things not taking as much time as they really should.
a circumstance where your avatar is very harried and rushed
Well, that and figuring out how to get Morgan headed off on Rane's damn-fool crusade^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H great and noble mission without it being OOC. (Worry about being OOC for a self-insert? Odd maybe, but I can't figure out why I'd do it...)
I kind of like the lj community idea. Probably be a lot easier than trying to keep track of things here.
-Morgan, won't be starting writing today, due to the need for cleaning my room.
Avoiding cleaning my room is not a good enough motivation for damn-fool crusades. >.>
And, where are my FF8 discs?
"Who are you? How do I know you? And, will you go out with me?"
-Misha's mother, sort of.