I once came up with an idea for a race based upon two major cliches from Star Trek: Voyager. The first cliche was that despite being lost on the other side of the galaxy the Voyager kept running into humans all over the place. The second cliche was that practically every sentient species seems capable of interbreeding with members of other species.
I came up with a back story in which a Federation freighter got sucked through an unstable wormhole about 50 years before Voyager wound up in the Delta quadrant. With no way home the crew settled onto a planet controlled by the Kymeeron Confederacy and married some of the locals.
The thing about the Kymeera is that they can interbreed with practically ANYTHING and do so in preference to interbreeding with each other. I gave them stats using GURPS. They all start with HT +2 [20 pts], Attractive [4 pts], Fit [5 pts], and Kymeera Sense (they can instinctively recognise members of their own race) [5 pts], but suffer from Chummy [-5 pts], Phobia (Harming a Kymeera) [-10 pts], Unusual Biochemistry (Yes, the nature of the race means that they ALL have an unusual biochemistry; like snowflakes, no two are alike) [-5 pts], and Xenophilia [-10 pts]. They also get an additional 25 pts in advantages based upon their specific ancestry.
The race is weak militarily (fearing conflict with each other while being fascinated by other species) but have very advanced medical knowledge (due to their unique biology) and creative engineers who routinely combine the technologies of several species. These people are the Anti-Borg; instead of forcing you to adapt to them, they'll adapt to you.
"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
I came up with a back story in which a Federation freighter got sucked through an unstable wormhole about 50 years before Voyager wound up in the Delta quadrant. With no way home the crew settled onto a planet controlled by the Kymeeron Confederacy and married some of the locals.
The thing about the Kymeera is that they can interbreed with practically ANYTHING and do so in preference to interbreeding with each other. I gave them stats using GURPS. They all start with HT +2 [20 pts], Attractive [4 pts], Fit [5 pts], and Kymeera Sense (they can instinctively recognise members of their own race) [5 pts], but suffer from Chummy [-5 pts], Phobia (Harming a Kymeera) [-10 pts], Unusual Biochemistry (Yes, the nature of the race means that they ALL have an unusual biochemistry; like snowflakes, no two are alike) [-5 pts], and Xenophilia [-10 pts]. They also get an additional 25 pts in advantages based upon their specific ancestry.
The race is weak militarily (fearing conflict with each other while being fascinated by other species) but have very advanced medical knowledge (due to their unique biology) and creative engineers who routinely combine the technologies of several species. These people are the Anti-Borg; instead of forcing you to adapt to them, they'll adapt to you.
"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV