The thing I find most in common between loathed charicters is that they are usually in a romantic subplot that the loather is on the opposite side of. While not universal, a large portion of these do follow this patern. For instance those who hate Akane usually have a much, much better mate for Ranma. For instance Shampoo, though a large portion of these use the reason that R&A is 'overdone'... while Shampoo&Ranma as a couple is new and fresh as an idea even after over a decade.
With 'Mirror's Multiplied' being the Grand King of these 'Anyone, but Akane' stories. In it it he flat out states that Akane is the one female in the universe that is bad for Ranma... in no timeline, under no conditions, in no possible rational thought process can Akane be remotely sane or desirable... and any other female and/or every other female at once is more desirable than the unspeakable, horrible of corrupt, vile evil that is any and all possible versions of Akane. After this rant he dissappeared for months or years... though if it was a reaction to bad reviews or that he wanted to leave with his opus as an ending I'm not sure.... with the amount of hate, time and effort he puts into Akane bashing I've always wondered if he was only trying make Akane so undesirable that he was the only one in the multiverse she could end up with. Creepy, but it kind of fits in a twisted way.
All in all I think his problem as a writer is that he hit a platoe years ago, in his writing skills, that can only actually be surpassed by getting over himself. I subspect that unless he is actually traumatised by something that he will end up in a loop. 1) Write up a good plot and function for a few chapters, 2) get distracted by subplots and abruptly add in so many charicters that the increasingly convoluted plots rupture under the sheer mass of charicters involved in the story, 3) get bad reviews which drive him away from writing for a while as he goes off to sulk. 4) Randomly wander back into the fanfiction scene and repeat steps 1-4.
With 'Mirror's Multiplied' being the Grand King of these 'Anyone, but Akane' stories. In it it he flat out states that Akane is the one female in the universe that is bad for Ranma... in no timeline, under no conditions, in no possible rational thought process can Akane be remotely sane or desirable... and any other female and/or every other female at once is more desirable than the unspeakable, horrible of corrupt, vile evil that is any and all possible versions of Akane. After this rant he dissappeared for months or years... though if it was a reaction to bad reviews or that he wanted to leave with his opus as an ending I'm not sure.... with the amount of hate, time and effort he puts into Akane bashing I've always wondered if he was only trying make Akane so undesirable that he was the only one in the multiverse she could end up with. Creepy, but it kind of fits in a twisted way.
All in all I think his problem as a writer is that he hit a platoe years ago, in his writing skills, that can only actually be surpassed by getting over himself. I subspect that unless he is actually traumatised by something that he will end up in a loop. 1) Write up a good plot and function for a few chapters, 2) get distracted by subplots and abruptly add in so many charicters that the increasingly convoluted plots rupture under the sheer mass of charicters involved in the story, 3) get bad reviews which drive him away from writing for a while as he goes off to sulk. 4) Randomly wander back into the fanfiction scene and repeat steps 1-4.