There's a bit in one of Andre Norton's novels, The Jargoon Pard if memory serves me, that associates certain colors with certain specializations or qualities of magic. I don't know where she got these associations, but I recall that she distinguished between Violet Magic, described as (approximate quote) "pure Power among the Spirits," and Purple Magic, which was something a bit more ominous, close to what's usually described as Black Magic. -----
Those who believed the laws of physics made things "possible" or "impossible" were mistaken. Time travel violated one of those laws. Physics took its *revenge*.
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Those who believed the laws of physics made things "possible" or "impossible" were mistaken. Time travel violated one of those laws. Physics took its *revenge*.
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.