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Tenchi Muyo... What are the good fics?
Re: Tenchi Muyo... What are the good fics?
If you like Mihoshi, you will probably enjoy DB Sommer's "Vacation Days"
Ooh, yes, I remember that one! Pretty good as I recall.
There's another -- I can't remember the name or author dammit -- in which the Galaxy Police turns out to be horribly corrupt and is dissolved after a no-confidence vote from the various galactic civilizations it serves, and Mihoshi turns out to have been drugging herself into idiocy because of the strain of protecting an innocent -- Kiyone -- from the worst of the GP's criminal excesses. And their ship "just happens" to be holding a vast amount of GP loot, including a lot of stuff the Juraians are very interested in.
It was good enough that I kept a local copy for frequent re-reading. But I lost my file copy of it in my last hard drive crash, and I can't remember enough specific phrases from it to search via Google. Can anyone identify it?

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Tenchi Muyo... What are the good fics? - by Sirrocco - 06-26-2007, 12:06 AM
Re: Tenchi Muyo... What are the good fics? - by Bob Schroeck - 06-26-2007, 01:18 PM

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