Those don't bother me as much as the poor use of longhand numbers, for example: "You 2 should talk to each other." These bug the heck outta me, since I tend to read by pattern recognition. I don't read the actual letters, but the shape of the word, so having numbers randomly interspersed when I don't expect them jars my eyes on the page and does a pretty good job of shattering my suspension of disbelief, for lack of a better term: the headspace I get into when I get into a story. A well-written piece makes me forget that I'm actually reading something, and becomes more like watching a movie in my head. Poor use of numbers as above, excessive misspellings, missing words, and such things are pretty good at knocking me out of that headspace, which makes reading almost more work than it is fun. This story is one of the exceptions. The story was good enough to (almost) forgive the technical mistakes in the writing.
-WFalling out of aeroplanes and hiding out in holes
Waiting for the sunset to come, people going home
Jump out from behind them and shoot them in the head
Now everybody dancing the dance of the deadFalling out of aeroplanes and hiding out in holes
Waiting for the sunset to come, people going home
Jump out from behind them and shoot them in the head
Now everybody dancing the dance of the dead
-WFalling out of aeroplanes and hiding out in holes
Waiting for the sunset to come, people going home
Jump out from behind them and shoot them in the head
Now everybody dancing the dance of the deadFalling out of aeroplanes and hiding out in holes
Waiting for the sunset to come, people going home
Jump out from behind them and shoot them in the head
Now everybody dancing the dance of the dead