Quote:Sasuke's decided not to follow Itachi's path to power, though. He had his chance to kill Naruto and get the Mangekyou, and he turned his back on it. It's possible he may have changed his mind, but that hasn't been explicitly shown yet.
Hm. I think that that's very simple to explain, actually - given what Sasuke knows about the Mangekyou, it'll be utterly neccessary for him to have it in order to defeat Itachi... and there's only one way to activate it.
My own interpretation is that he wants to kill Naruto (and at least for the purposes of this little story-let, Sakura also) in order to prove to himself that he's severed those bonds and that he doesn't care about them anymore. (Perhaps even to get real proof by killing Naruto and not getting the Mangekyou.)
Which in its own twisted way shows that he does still care, of course.
I doubt it's what Kishimoto intends, but it has a decent amount of story potential, I think.
Aaron Nowack
Aaron Nowack