Dear Imagination,
Only half a month, and I find myself once again writing to comment on your unique suggestions.
1. As to having Naruto raised by a certain dwarven paladin, dimensionally displaced from Azeroth to Konoha:
While Sasuke and Sakura devised a plan to take the bells from Kakashi, Naruto stood there motionless, seeming to stare into space. Suddenly, he jerked from his apparent trance.
"Alright chums, lets do this!" the brightly-clad blond exclaimed, interupting the plotting of the other two genin. He then dashed straight for Kakashi, screaming "Uzuuumakiiii Naaarutooooo!"
Reluctantly, his teammates followed.
Not a good idea.
2. Sending Ranma to visit his nerdy cousin, where he finds that there may be something to the "Saotome charm," even if Kazuya's female pursuers mostly tend toward the... mechanical: out of the question.
3. A HP/DC Comics story with a Neville Longbottom/Poison Ivy pairing: NO NO NO!
4. Alcohol + lightsaber = "The Legend of Drunken Jedi Master."
"I sense in you much beer."
I don't even know where to start.
5. I am not writing a Harry Potter/Naruto crossover just to have a staring contest between Hayate Kakashi and Alastor Moody
The Twisted OneNow, live and in concert, the world's greatest shinobi disco band The Hidden Village People!
"If you
wish to converse with me, define your
Only half a month, and I find myself once again writing to comment on your unique suggestions.
1. As to having Naruto raised by a certain dwarven paladin, dimensionally displaced from Azeroth to Konoha:
While Sasuke and Sakura devised a plan to take the bells from Kakashi, Naruto stood there motionless, seeming to stare into space. Suddenly, he jerked from his apparent trance.
"Alright chums, lets do this!" the brightly-clad blond exclaimed, interupting the plotting of the other two genin. He then dashed straight for Kakashi, screaming "Uzuuumakiiii Naaarutooooo!"
Reluctantly, his teammates followed.
Not a good idea.
2. Sending Ranma to visit his nerdy cousin, where he finds that there may be something to the "Saotome charm," even if Kazuya's female pursuers mostly tend toward the... mechanical: out of the question.
3. A HP/DC Comics story with a Neville Longbottom/Poison Ivy pairing: NO NO NO!
4. Alcohol + lightsaber = "The Legend of Drunken Jedi Master."
"I sense in you much beer."
I don't even know where to start.
5. I am not writing a Harry Potter/Naruto crossover just to have a staring contest between Hayate Kakashi and Alastor Moody
The Twisted OneNow, live and in concert, the world's greatest shinobi disco band The Hidden Village People!
"If you
wish to converse with me, define your