ETA: Sailor V for Vendetta
"People should not be afraid of their Neo-Queens. Neo-Queens should be afraid of their people."
"The destruction of Tokyo Tower has nothing to do with the terrorist known as Codename wa Sailor V. It was a perfectly ordinary Gojira attack."
Okay, then. How about
You could say I had an unusual childhood.
I've never had any dreams or ambitions.
I don't aspire to any career or profession in the future.
I don't see myself as unusually talented. I merely learned what I was taught. I didn't even realize it wasn't normal for a person to be fluid in four languages and be able to make himself understood in a number of others until I was sent to attend school.
So far, in the fourteen years that I've been alive, things ran their course as they were wont to, and I don't see this changing anytime in the future.
I guess I could call myself lucky, though.
Even after mother, and then father, went away my guardians cared about me a lot, and taught me a lot. Mostly about not being indifferent.
I don't think I would have liked myself very much if it hadn't been for them, as dysfunctional a family unit as we were.
So when father, who hadn't died but really had just walked away - something I've since learned to deal with - called for me, I went.
And ... despite misgivings, I could not stand aside.
I had been brought up to be a good man. In broad strokes, at least. And I would not be indifferent.
Had he counted on that?
Now I sit here, tense, feeling both dread and anticipation ... and the proverbial weight on my shoulders.
And something springs to mind, in the here and now.
It just sort of _clicks_, though I've never said the words before. I knew them, but I was told not to say them unless and until I felt justified.
"And shepherds we shall be,
for Thee my Lord for Thee,"
"Is he ... praying?" she asked. She'd never had much faith in anything, much less God, but for some reason this struck a chord with her.
"Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,
that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command,"
"We don't have _time_ for this!" her old friend exclaimed, irritated.
"so we shall flow a river forth unto Thee,
and teeming with souls shall it ever be. "
"Flux ratio ... decreasing? Sempai, we've got a five, no, ten point increase across the board," her friend's assistant said, blinking.
"In Nomine Patris, Et Filii, Et Spiritus Sancti."
"As fascinating as that is, we _still_ don't have time for this," the blond looked torn, though another shudder running through the stronghold's superstructure snapped her out of it. "Misato!"
"I'm ready."
"Alright, Shinji! Evangelion Unit-01, launch!" Katsuragi Misato commanded.
NGE: Saint Over Angels
An Evangelion/Boondock Saints crossover
Wot, it _is_ my favorite movie after all. And the concept of Connor&Murph raising Shinji is amusing. Admit it.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm