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Lettuce+Rogue Bunny=Teaser
Re: Gah
Reito, when Mai throws his offer back in his face, does get annoyed and think: "Why are all Kagutsuchi users...." with a flash of Mashiro in his memories, standing where Mai was.
"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power. Its burning grip tells me to defeat you....
Shining FINGER!" -Domon Kashuu, Mobile Fighter G Gundam
Re: Gah
his mistresses were always troublesome.
Che... how did you find my favorite cloud-watching spot, anyway, Mai? That loud bastard Tate told you, probably... how troublesome.
Well, there is the black/shadows connection, I guess...
- CD is entriely too fertile a spawning ground for crossover crackbunniesSERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
A kung-fu nun in a leather thong was no less extreme than anything else he had seen that day. - Rev. Dark's IST: Holy Sea World
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
We are the stuffed men
*munch munch* Good pizza *munch*.

Short, just to try and get back into the spirit of things.

And she hadn't just meant the Slave, which did make quite an impression but wasn't the main reason for the interest.
As a person, I think I understand where she was coming from.
You wonder, all your life, about could have beens, should have beens, would have beens. Any intelligent being does, to one extent or another. Some don't do it much, or at all. Others, quite the opposite.
I didn't know which of the two groups Fujino belonged to, but basically seeing yourself, as you could have turned out ...
... well, that had an effect she'd later, much later, tell me was profound enough, despite the fact that the full implications thereof would only occur to her over the space of several months' worth of time.
There and then ... well, there really was no need for words to be spoken.
Instant recognition. A flash of something beyond the pale, stretching out to fill more than just the second or two of eye contact.
Fujino was on one side of the square, Viola on the other.
Which was when the Slave came busting out from below the middle, effectively ending the moment.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Leaning together

Rorschach shouldn't have been able to get away with serving any sort of alcohol to any sort of minor, but Kuga Natsuki had always been good at slipping outside the rules, and, considering some of the other things that got ignored about the place in the name of preserving a useful neutral ground, the Police were hardly likely to make a fuss over the matter.
"You shouldn't do that, you know," Yamada - even she didn't know his personal name, and he'd been working for her ever since her first fumbling efforts to learn more about her mother's death. "It's bad for your liver."
She smiled. "You do it."
"I don't have nearly as many years left as you do."
"I'm going to need the courage, shortly." And that was enough banter - their relationship had always turned around the axis of business, not friendship, though certainly both were present. "Which options have you eliminated?"
He slid a flash drive over beside her coaster. "All of them. Either he walked out on his own, that 'patron' of his whisked him away to Never Never Land, or SEARRS has him."
Huh. Not hard to guess which of those options was most likely. "He wouldn't leave. Not without at least saying something."
"I didn't think he sounded the sort," Yamada agreed, and Natsuki gave him a thankful smile. She knew how valuable support could be.
They chatted a little, set up another meeting, and then she finished her drink and walked out.
Shizuru was waiting for her, perched across the back of her bike. "I didn't know you'd be coming here," Natsuki told her.
The older girl put on a deliberately-false hurt look. "You're not happy to see me?" she asked.
'And what's wrong about it, anyway? Evil's in harm, not desire, and most people don't switch-hit only because they're not honest enough to admit that they can. I hardly think she deserves to be punished for being better than that... Besides, the only real reason not to, if you do actually feel attracted to her, is that the conventions and established rules of society would dissaprove.
'You don't strike me as the type to be weak enough to let that stop you.'
She had scowled and glared at something well away from his face. 'It'd be humiliating enough with a boy...'
'It's not like anybody ever said love was easy,' he had pointed out.
'Hmph. Does Mai know you keep saying such scandalous things?'
'Our first date was... interesting, yeah.'

"Of course I am," she murmured, and leaned down to give her a quick, almost furtive kiss before starting to fish through the saddlebags for the spare helmet.

Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
There goes my hope for a Natsuki X Mai X Tate love triangle!
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
Re: Eeeeh?
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
There goes my hope for a Natsuki X Mai X Tate love triangle!
Well, that'd be going a bit overboard, since there's already Mikoto x Mai x Tate in the works.

*grumbles* Inspiration's still not entirely there yet.

There are moments when you know that what you're seeing is the result of skill, rather than merely superior technology at work.
And then there are times when you realize that you're watching pure, unadulterated power.
Watching a girl who couldn't have been more than half my weight and barely came up to my shoulder rip off the arm of something that looked to be a couple of tons worth of weight? And I mean, literally tear it from its mounting.
Yeah, somehow I don't think skill figured into that all too much.
It did give a rough baseline as to the raw power levels granted by the Pearl type Robe, though, which we now had on file thanks to the fact that Fujino had gone with the SOP for all Black operatives, even off the clock ones, and had taken a camera unit along.
So it was that when I came back to the office, still a bit dusty and with more than a bad taste in my brain - more on that later - I was treated to the recording of the skirmish.

Next: conversations with Fujino, and the reason why it should be possible to bleach your mind.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Our dried voices, when

"She kissed me!" cheered Fujino Shizuru as she exploded into the blandly furnished third-floor dorm room that had, somehow or other, become 'HiME central' over the last three months of painstaking research and mocking clashes with Nagi's 'dance'.
Tokiha Mai, the only other member of the group who had been present, cursed softly as the surprise sent her pencil scrawling across half-an-hour's worth of painstaking homework. She was having enough trouble readapting after having gotten used to being able to pick the brains of a native-speaker over her English homework, and erasing that mark without losing any of her work was the last thing she needed. Then what the older girl had said penetrated, and she dumped her text and notebook off her lap and bounced off the bed to give her friend a hug. "About time!"
Shizuru blinked. "You knew!"
That won a roll of the eyes. "She was fretting about it for weeks. Frankly we were all just sick of listening to her."
She had to take a mental step back to decide how that made her feel, and the internal pause was enough to let her regain control over the searing joy that had been bubbling inside her since Natsuki had sprung her surprise and taken the last step towards their having an actual relationship. It wasn't enough to take the beaming grin off her face, but she was at least able to stop bouncing in place. Eventually, she turned the smile a little sly and asked, "Did anyone get pictures? She's even cuter when she's flustered."
Mai laughed. "You're terrible. No, I don't think so, sorry."
"Mou," she pouted. "You're all so inconsiderate."

I have other places to take this conversation, but that seems like a good punch line for the time being.
Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
Re: Our dried voices, when
Okay, I missed something - when did Tate-you vanish?
- CDSERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
A kung-fu nun in a leather thong was no less extreme than anything else he had seen that day. - Rev. Dark's IST: Holy Sea World
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: Our dried voices, when
Okay, I missed something - when did Tate-you vanish?
I haven't really decided exactly when, yet, but probably between one and two months before 'Episode Two' picks up with Natsuki in the bar - in short, recently enough that he and Mai had time to get fairly close, but long enough ago for the initial wave of panic to have passed.
Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
We whispered together
*rubs forehead* Gah. Sick again, I think. Still, here it is.

"Well, it can't be helped now," I said after having changed and gotten a mug (and jug) of something that the analysts claimed was coffee. I wouldn't be so sure, but the taste in my mouth made it easier to ignore the taste in my brain, so I wasn't complaining. The office was mine, and pretty much soundproofed, so we could talk in peace there.
"Either way, it does not mean anything," Shizuru replied placidly. "Meister Viola, I would assume, does not realize what or for that matter who it was she saw. She has, at best, speculation ... and if she is anything like I am, that will not be enough. I was careful in withdrawing from the scene."
"Where you were gathering information?" I drawled. Well, tried to. I don't drawl well. Worse than badly with the sort of mix&match going on in my mind right then. "While I understand your enthusiasm, next time ... and I'm not going to pretend there isn't going to be one ... inform at least someone of where you're going."
"I'll take that under advisement."
I nodded. That was as much of an alright as I was going to get. Then I knocked back the coffee and poured myself another.
"Did you manage to catch up with the shooter?" she asked.
I shrugged. "More or less." There's only so many ways you can get to and from the Port proper, whether you want to get in or out of Windbloom. "'Course, I did sort of underestimate the resourcefulness," I spat the last word, "of Schwarz."
I tapped the left side of my chest. "Explosive charge. Neural trigger via a codeword imprinted into the guy's mind through hypnotic suggestion. Heart go boom."
Shizuru's eyes went wide in a show of surprise at that. Then they were overcome by disappointment. "And I doubt there was anything that could lead us further in his gear."
"There wasn't. They're thorough. Doesn't mean I didn't manage to get anything out of him," I murdered a few million neural connections via caffeine overdose.
"I wasn't aware that you could speak to the dead."
She was definitely interested, but skeptical at the same time.
"I can't. Though I doubt that would be as unpleasant," I muttered, getting another refill. "It's got to do with AT Fields ..."
"I am somewhat familiar with the ..." she began, paused, and looked at me. The sort of look that would have normally lowered ambient temperature by at least a few degrees. "You raped his mind."
"Nothing quite as elegant, no, but call it what you want to," I retorted with a snarl. "It's closer to ripping the bits of his Self that make up his conscious mind and memories out and putting them," I tapped the side of my head, grimacing, "in a walled off spot of space up here. Then dissecting for information."
Frankly, just the sensations involved in doing that were disgusting. Not to mention the moral and ethical implications. I'd considered those more often than I cared to think.
"That is ... disturbing on more levels than I feel comfortable with considering," she admitted after a moment. No screaming or assault with deadly objects followed, which was to be considered a minor victory. "You've done that sort of thing before."
"Twice," I nodded.
"You're not going to try and justify? Since he was going to die anyway?"
"Why? Everything else aside, it boils down to just about the most thorough violation of privacy possible," I was getting far too good at shrugging off emotions. "Might as well try to justify it with the fact that he was a killer. The end doesn't justify the means. If it's any consolation, each time I do it the person I end up effectively lobotomizing makes me feel sick."
"It feels that bad?"
"Not in that way. Imagine experiencing the memories and related emotions of an utterly devoted religious fanatic, willing to do _anything_ for his cause," I growled, then finished the mug. Refilled. "That's what I'm having to deal with right now. Hence the caffeine. I'd bleach my brains out if I could, honestly."
"Wouldn't that usually be alcohol?"
"Doesn't work anymore. Metabolism just treats it like more efficient fuel, don't even get a buzz."
Shizuru took a deep breath, still obviously unsetteled.
I didn't blame her, really. I felt the same way.
"You have something useful, then?" she finally asked.

Things take a turn towards the grim side. And yeah, Katz's mind is a pretty messed up place at the best of times. These are not the best of times. And they're about to get worse.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Are quiet and meaningless
Things take a turn towards the grim side. And yeah, Katz's mind is a pretty messed up place at the best of times. These are not the best of times. And they're about to get worse.
Welcome... to Episode 17.
I guess it's just a hazard of working in the franchise... although I don't imagine his last stop helped any.

The shorter girl patted her on the cheek. "Kawaisou. So, details! I want to know details!"
Shizuru blinked innocently. "About what? And where's everyone else?"
"Nice try. And the Sister's not answering her phone," hardly a surprise, as she'd grown more and more reluctant to involve herself in things outside the church, "Yukino's handling that alumni dinner you foisted off on Haruka, Akane-chan's finally worked up the nerve to have her wicked way with Kazu-kun - she made some kinda pact with Natsuki, I think," which would explain a lot, actually, since Natsuki hated being outdone by anyone, "Midori-chan's passed out in the bathtub, Nao's out terrorizing the local perverts again, Akira-kun says she's on clan business but Takumi blew me off so quickly I'm left kinda doubtful," Shizuru happened to know - since she was the one bankrolling the endeavour - that the official Cutest Couple in the HiME-Sentai (who had been so voted on one of their biweekly kareoke expeditions, over Akane's vehement - and slightly sozzled - objections) were actually out shopping for the necessities of the party being set up for Mai's birthday, next week. "Shiho-chan's retaking a test, Fumi's on the clock, Natsuki's out doing Natsuki-things, and Kenta-kun dragged Mikoto off to try and cheer her up."
That last was bad news. "His parents did not approve?" Both the feral girl and her newly-minted S.O. had been concerned about her introduction to his family, but had also considered it quite neccessary.
The face Mai made was all the answer that question needed. "Ara. Perhaps I could talk to them?"
She blinked. "That... might be worth a try, actually. I didn't get the impression that they were after someone utterly traditional, but Mikoto got something about learning housekeeping out before she broke down, so they'd more likely listen to you than the rest of us. After all, it's not like they know what an unnatural woman you are," she finished with a grin. "And speaking of which, you still owe me some storytelling."
"'Hum', nothing! Give, girl, or I tell her what happened to that blue chemise."
The memory brought an involuntary flush to the older girl's cheeks, and as she settled delicately into one of the room's inordinate number of chairs she mentally promised herself, for the dozenth time, that she was never going to forget to bring her medication on a day-trip, ever again.

There's a little more to this scene, I'd say, but I'm out of patience for the time being, sorry.
Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
As wind in dry grass
I guess it's just a hazard of working in the franchise... although I don't imagine his last stop helped any.
Well, his first was a military clusterfuck, his second (both versions) resulted existential angst. The third one, being the one directly prior to this, actually _did_ help a little, even if there were some rough spots.
Could have been worse. He could have landed in Ranma 1/2.

So, you have a multi-national organization plotting the demise of world order as it currently stood, a less sadistically inclined but equally ruthless group of people - though I use the term loosely - dedicated to the restoration of a ravaged land by whatever means neccessary, and the people who want to keep things as they are - in part because of tradition, in part due to the fact that ... well, change is a scary, scary thing.
And then you have a group of mostly freelance couriers-slash-investigators-slash-what you will, from usual and unusual walks of life, stuck a little to the side of the center of events.
You're running the lattermost, with an agenda against the foremost, and a mysterious contributor whom you trust but whose motives you're not wholly aware of.
Add to that the fact that you've just done something that's left you feeling sick with yourself, for various reasons.
Your associates know some of this.
One of them knows just about all of it, but she's got a stake in the success of your enterprise and a ruthless streak of her very own.
Alongside all this comes a series of events transpiring throughout the world which, and you can almost feel this, has the potential to turn the current order inside out. And that questionable action just gave you some very disturbing insights into your self-appointed enemy's plans. Not enough to be truly useful, enough to make you shiver at the spaces still left open for speculation.
Add to that the fact that you know things are going to be happening soon. And very rapidly.
Thus, my situation in a nutshell.
So, once I felt sufficiently human to face the world again - for which the thanks should go to Fujino-san, and tea ceremony - what did I do?
I went to a party.
And no, I've never made any claims of sanity, in case you're wondering.

Next: the trouble with asking questions.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Or rats' feet over broken glass
Well, his first was a military clusterfuck, his second (both versions) resulted existential angst. The third one, being the one directly prior to this, actually _did_ help a little, even if there were some rough spots.
Oh, yes. I'd forgotten about that, since you're pretty much the only exposure I've had to the show.
Incidentally, I've completely forgotten where I had meant to take this scene.

"There's no need for threats," she said mildly. "Let's see... start with Rorschach - you know it?"
Mai grinned and waved absently. "Meetings that happen there never happened."
"Precisely. It's only a couple of blocks from the business district, and I had gone to meet Kurita-san" - whom Mai knew to be the Fujino Group's local director - "So, since I knew that she had meant to speak with Yamada-san about-" abruptly, she cut herself off.
The smile in the other girl's eyes had gone out, and her face was slightly pale, but she shook herself and rallied gamely. "Any news, by the way?" She almost - almost - managed to make the question seem casual.
Shizuru realized she was resting her fingertips against her cheek, and lowered that hand back to a neutral position. "SEARRS," she said, in a tone that actually fit into the sudden, oppresive quiet.
Mai closed her eyes and took a slow, quiet cleansing breath. Then she opened them again and smiled the slightly-too-natural actress's smile that the other HiME had quickly learned to recognize as heralding serious distress on the part of the girl that - somehow, and age aside - had managed to become a bit of a mother figure for all of them, as well as a friend. "I see. Well, it's not as though that's really a surprise, is it? We'll have to discuss it this evening - in the meantime, you were dishing the dirt."
The older girl regarded her for a moment, thoughts racing behind the standard placid mask. "If Mai-san needs to talk about..." she started, then trailed off as the offer seemed to vanish tracelessly into some dark voice behind the smiling mask. "Well, I managed to get there at about the right time, so Natsuki's bike was parked outside the alley. I had been waiting a few minutes when she came out, carrying her helmet under her arm in that way that does such wonderful things with her hips..."

In the animated version, of course, Shizuru's recollections would be covered in full detail, with every service shot the animators could come up with for illustration, but I have a couple of paragraphs to write on a paper due this Wednesday and that before the three-four hour drive from home to school, since I've come back here for a slightly belated birthday.
So - new scene next time. Stay tuned! -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
In our dry cellar
Oh, yes. I'd forgotten about that, since you're pretty much the only exposure I've had to the show.
Eheh. No worries. I'll have to actually write some of that stuff first before I expect people to remember about it.

Now, milking an old gag for all its worth.

I was being glared at.
This, in and of itself, was not an unusual occurance.
I was being glared at by a Kruger. And while this wasn't Elm Street, I had a sinking suspicion that she could, in the right circumstances, be just as scary.
It was no news to me. The fact that she wasn't exactly a card carrying memeber of the Schrdinger fanclub, I mean.
To me, being mostly an unknown was a neccessity. For somebody dealing with the level of political manouvering that she did on a daily basis, any unknown was a problem. Not that I blamed her. Stressful business, politics.
The situation was such that few, if anyone at all, noticed this, though. They were all far too busy with the fleeing couple.
By that I meant Akane Soir, whose Meister ceremony this was supposed to be, and her boyfriend, who'd barged in on the proceedings declaring his undying love for her and that he'd given up his name and position to be with her ...
... all in favor of cheesy romantic gestures, that I am, but one couldn't help but wonder how they'd be able to support themselves ... eh. Futile wonderings of a mind that should be focused on something else.
Like the fact that Natsuki Kruger shifted her glare somewhat to the side.
I turned. Well, almost.
Before I could turn and look at whatever it was she was glaring at, my arm on that side was snagged and ...
"This is so romantic, isn't it?"
... y'know, somehow, Juliet could sound really, really creepy in the back of that syrupy sweet declaration.
She was also glomped onto my arm. In a rather public place.
Damn, but she was a good actress, though. If it weren't for me being somewhat empathic, I wouldn't have been able to tell she was growling in barely suppressed anger on the inside. Especially when she giggled.
I felt Kruger glare at me from across the room. Spared her a brief look.
"Play along," I could see her mouth.
What followed was, arguably, the longest two hours of my life. Combat time included.
And the only thing running through my head was: I just knew that the park thing would come back and bite us on the ass.

Okay, I'm feeling like I'm back in full, and having much fun with this again. More grim's on the way, but I felt the comedy would provide a counterpoint.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Running Dry (yes, I'm bored with that pattern)

Mikoto snuggled into her boyfriend's side and purred. Midori knew some of the best things - pretty soon, he'd be better than ramen!
Someone knocked on the trunk of a nearby tree, and she snapped awake and snatched Miroku into a low guard.
Yuuichi wasn't looking at her. "Clothes, Neko-chan."
She blinked and looked down, then shrugged and pulled on her shirt and panties (the pants were under a bush a few yards away, and she didn't feel like rooting through the stickers) before bouncing over to give him a hug. "Yuuichi! You're back!"
He chuckled softly and put his bad arm - the doctors had said that he'd never regain full use of it, that the tendons had been injured too badly - around her shoulders to give her a gentle hug. "Yeah... I'm sorry."
Something - she'd never know what - in his voice warned her, and she was ducking out of his grasp and twisting and throwing herself away soon enough and quickly enough that the blade only traced a superficial line of fire along her stomach rather than spearing up under her ribs to pierce her heart.

I can't quite show you his sword, but it looks about like this sword save for the fact that the blade is shaped more like this one's.
Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
Re: Running Dry (yes, I'm bored with that pattern)
Bweh? I certainly expected the twist about as much as Mikoto did [Image: embarassed.gif]
as for Yuuichi's sharp pointy object... where did that come from and how did he hide it? more importantly... when did Midori change into a male? O_o
"We few, we happy few. We band of buggered"
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
Re: Running Dry (yes, I'm bored with that pattern)
as for Yuuichi's sharp pointy object... where did that come from and how did he hide it? more importantly... when did Midori change into a male? O_o
She didn't. But she did provide a number of tips that Mikoto and Kenta found most useful.
I almost waited until my next post to give those links, since most of the actual information about it will come then. Sorry to tease.
Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
Running with it.
Doppelgnger? Brainwashing? Blackmail? Heh ... well, that's one way to use a cliffie.
So, without further ado, ikuzo!

One of these days, I'd have to learn how to tapdance on the head of a pin. Just because.
Certainly, it couldn't be any more difficult than juggling this mess.
Apparently, Soir had talked to Juliet the day immediately after our run in with Pearl and paramour and asked her for, of all the things, relationship advice. Juliet had spun a tale that sounded convincing enough ... sadly enough, since despite precautions the two of them had been overheard, and particulars of their conversation had found their way to Kruger.
I don't think that the Headmistress had been aware of Juliet's extracurricular activities before, but she sure as hell was now. The fallout of that particular revelation was averted, or at least postponed, by ...
... well, from what snippets of actual conversation myself and Juliet managed to have in-between trying to look like a couple - asking like a couple of what? wouldn't be out of place, I think - it took trying to convince Kruger that Juliet had only started her little group and a contract with mine to ferret out Schwarz agents to get the woman to back off.
A weak excuse, she'd admitted herself, but one the Headmistress had apparently been willing to swallow given the situation.
In all, the day I'd hoped would offer a bit of relaxation had turned into something altogether different.
The only consolation being that Kruger hadn't had an opportunity to personally 'consult' with me about the state of affairs. I wasn't deluding myself into thinking she wouldn't, in the coming days, offer up an invitation for a brief and undoubtedly friendly chat ...
Well, I figured I'd deal with that when the time came.

next: tensions.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Running for my life

A lot of people would have been surprised at how much thought Mikoto put into her fighting - at least, so long as they didn't define 'thought' strictly as a verbalised analysis.
So, though she didn't precisely think, 'Between his injured arm and the design of that sword, Yuuichi won't be able to apply his full strength the way I can with Miroku. That should just about balance the fact that he's so much bigger than I am, just like the lighter, faster sword will work to balance my greater reach. The way he pulled it out of nowhere - and that flare of light and energy - mean that the thing has to be an Element, which would suggest a good chance that he has a Child bonded. Miroku could defeat it, likely, but the area might get wrecked and Kenta's still here,' all of those factors and many more were present and active in her awareness as she dived away and rolled back upright with sword in hand.
He had followed, closely, and she brought the blade up and around from the ground to take him in half from the side - without real effect, since he aborted his thrust to angle his own sword to deflect Miroku up and over, then stepped in even closer and ducked under it as she tried to recover. She dropped the hilt and pushed to her left, rotating Miroku around its center of mass into an agressive parry of the full-arm cut Yuuichi aimed at her neck in that narrow window, but had to throw herself back out of his reach to avoid it when he turned the rebound from the clash into a quick, sweeping cut that pivoted back around his wrist and back up from the other side.
The momentum of that motion made it easy to bring her own massive sword back and around and down in a sweeping cut that would have hammered aside any defense he could have made. Despite his obvious inexperience, though, he hadn't taken the bait of her momentarily-turned back, and skipped out of the way then surged back in as the sword went by, with his own blade stretching out before him, point in line with her throat. The posture was badly open - a simple shift in her footing and balance would have had Miroku positioned at the start of a cut nearly as devestating as the one she'd just finished - but inertia would have let him finish his own strike even if she counterattacked, and both of them knew that she couldn't afford to take that risk.
She caught it on the cross - bad form, and usually risky, but effective - and twisted the seeking edge out and safely away. That had turned her edge away from him, and he braced his bad arm against the flat of the blade to keep it that way as, rather than disengaging, he pressed on even harder. Since he did it by placing his forearm rather than his palm, most of the strength in the motion came from his elbow - which had been much less badly damaged - and shoulder - which had been completely untouched - and both had much of his body mass behind them. She shifted her upper hand higher, bracing it against the other side of the sword to spread the impact better, and then his sword's basket crashed against Miroku's guard.
All of the HiME were stronger than girls of their age and size should have been, although most of them rarely had cause to notice it. Whatever had happened, had been done to Yuuichi to let him manifest an Element, though, had given him the same boost, and he was quite literally twice her size and had all his running mass behind him. Even braced and ready she was knocked staggering, and he ducked easily under her desperate, off balance swipe to press his own attack home.
Between the pain and the second counterattack she had to launch to keep him from following up, her balance was just about doomed from the start, and she fell, most ingloriously, flat on her ass. Yuuichi recovered and stepped towards her, then went to his knees as Kenta broke a two-inch-thick branch over his head. He still managed to dodge out of the way of the improvised weapon's second swing, but there was blood running down his scalp and, as he raised his free hand as though to hold his temple in pain, he was visibly weaving on his feet.
"Fuck," he hissed, then turned and ran.

Whee! Action scenes!
Next time, well, wait and see. ^_^ Safe to say that it won't answer all your questions, though.
Just a few.
Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
Running down
*grrr* had to recreate this after a mis-post deleted all the text. Irritating.

"So, you're coming along?" I asked. There was no real need to turn around as the door to the elevator opened.
"I think it will add some gravity to whatever claims you make," Shizuru replied.
That wasn't the only reason though. For one thing, I was sure she wanted to get the measure of this Natsuki. For another ... there were only little hints, but she was edgy. Anxious to actually do something to get closer to her own goal ...
... well, she'd no doubt get the chance.
It had come out of left field, really, despite ... or maybe because of the Schwarz provocation in the recent past. Well, ancient past if you consider politics.
This time, though, and according to the runner who'd come in after nearly finishing off his Frame in the process, the situation had gone from a calm after the storm to ...
... well, last he'd heard when he'd been leaving Remus, the Queen's Otome was getting ready for deployment.
All things considered, the reaction from Romulus should be somewhat similar, given the fact that outposts and a few border towns had, apparently, been swept clear off the map. On both sides of the border. And again, either side saw only a ploy by the other ...
The feeling of events in motion hung heavy as our two Frames cut through the Windbloom night, heading for Garderobe.
Alrighty, then. Let's play.
next: preludes to conflict
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Running into trouble

"How is she?" Shizuru asked when the doctor finally came out into the waiting room.
He finished peeling off his gloves and dropped them in the marked trash can. "Asleep. We don't know for how long - minutes, hours, days... perhaps more. She had lost a lot of blood, and the timing was very close. Five minutes less to get here and she would be walking out with you this very moment. Five minutes more would have been too late for anything. As it is, she should wake up eventually, but there's no way to say when."
Mai let out a breath of relief, and Kenta slumped back against the wall at the news. "I tried to get her to..." he said.
The doctor smiled and shook his head. "You did well, son. We had problems of our own getting Minagi-san to hold still long enough to treat her - and that with her not even able to stand straight. No, rest easy - you got her here soon enough."
"Stubborn girl," Mai whispered, with something that looked almost like a very quiet sort of smile.
Akira had gone off on her own, checking up on the HiME who weren't answering their phones. Now she came into the hallway outside Mikoto's operating room with a terrifyingly serious look on her face and asked the doctor to leave them alone for a few minutes.
No fool, he glanced at his guests, then did just that.
Midori's eyes were still a little bloodshot, but they were no less clear when she looked up from the floor in front of where she'd been leaning on the wall. "How bad is it?"

A bit of a cruel place to leave it, I know, but also well-timed. And it gives me a breather to do some rewatching and get my HiME groove back on, since it's been sort of disbalanced.
Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
Re: Running into trouble
Y'know do either of you guys have any plans to collect and compose your works into a single file?
at this time its getting a bit hard to keep straight both of the storylines in addition to the F/SN one :O_______________________________
"We few, we happy few. We band of buggered"
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
Re: Running into trouble
I wanna see if we can break the 'biggest thread' record first. ^_^
Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
Re: Running into trouble
On here?
If you're comparing to say GAIA online, I've seen those threads run up to over a thousand pages... -_-

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