Some random thought about the whole gate system...
"The discovery of the alien Stargates is the greatest chance and threat to Fenspace and Earth ever happened. We see the remainders of a civilisation that spanned the stars of the galaxy with technology beyond anything we know. And we see the evidence they did not left peacefully, we see planets hit by kinetic weapons, we even have found a destroyed gate. It did not happen millions of years ago, it happened during a time while the pyramids on Earth were already finished! Just a few thousand years later and the Interwave signals we are creating would have drawn Fenspace into their conflict. But they seem to be gone and we have to ask what made them do so... and if the forces that won this war are still there, somewhere behind the existing gates. We have to solve the puzzle, but we also have to be prepared."
"The discovery of the alien Stargates is the greatest chance and threat to Fenspace and Earth ever happened. We see the remainders of a civilisation that spanned the stars of the galaxy with technology beyond anything we know. And we see the evidence they did not left peacefully, we see planets hit by kinetic weapons, we even have found a destroyed gate. It did not happen millions of years ago, it happened during a time while the pyramids on Earth were already finished! Just a few thousand years later and the Interwave signals we are creating would have drawn Fenspace into their conflict. But they seem to be gone and we have to ask what made them do so... and if the forces that won this war are still there, somewhere behind the existing gates. We have to solve the puzzle, but we also have to be prepared."