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[Commentary Thread] Dear Sweet Kami-sama, Why Do You Hate Me So?
Very interesting. Very interesting indeed...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
If you like that then you are gonna love what comes next. Wink

It took me a while to figure this one out - that's why this is all still in the plotting and planning thread. I admit, it's not the best way to write a story - it's real easy to write yourself into a corner... but my muse gets bored very quickly when I stop too long to think things through. It sucks having a muse with ADHD.

Anyhow, I don't wanna spoil too much... But Rei is gonna learn very quickly the true meaning of 'lesser of two evils' here in a bit.
Woooooooo.  Holy crap.
This one's gonna be a hell of a ride.  Double-length post because it just wouldn't be right otherwise.
I upped the font size because it just wasn't looking right on my monitor.  Let me know if this messes with anyone's setup... but I doubt it will since this way looks much better on a fairly standard-sized laptop monitor.
I love using that word (Interesting) in its ancient Chinese sense.  It implies so many...  THINGS.  Big Grin
So, Rei bound to Zeke is a thing now.  Raven's a bastard.  A sneaky, conniving one that knows just how to play people.  Deimos and Phobos have been outed, and Deimos is (kinda?) crushing on Zeke.  As we can see, this is gonna grind Rei's gears something fierce.
And we haven't even really gotten to Day Two of class quite yet.  Don't worry.  It shouldn't be that bad.  I mean, it's just lunch with most of the Senshi, Kubiak, Kaname and... was that Sousuke over there?  Wink
That's a somewhat different take on Raven than the ones I'm familiar with ... but I only really know the northern (read: Canadian) stories, and not all of those.

As for Kaname and Sousuke, any plans on bringing in their classmates from Fumoffu? Or would that make for too many characters?
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
It's more of an amalgamation. Raven has been a lot of things around the world: teacher, trickster, thief, creator... And I just so enjoy the imagery of Raven being portrayed by Gurney Halleck. (Gurney was actually quite the clown at times - about the closest thing Duke Leto's court had to a jester.)

For the Fumoffu class... I'll figure something out. For one thing, I will definitely import the Jindai High Student Council for the role of the Juban Municipal High's Student Council. For the rest... eh... for the most part they'll play the role of background characters, but I figure some of the episodes from Fumofuu would be great as background noise - you know, as though to emphasize that things at JMHS have become quite queer lately... and it shows no signs of letting up anytime soon.

(I'll especially try to include that school janitor. It was freaking hilarious how he went nutzo.)
Zeke is starting to get more than a little fed up with things...Coming up next, Teletha shows up and a clusterfuck ensues.  Big Grin
Hoo-boy, I wouldn't want to be in that neighbourhood in a few hours. Pretty obvious how the clusterfuck will start off, but what happens after the rescue mission goes pear-shaped?
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Now that would be telling, wouldn't it? Wink Suffice to say there's gonna be a whole lot of blushing and imprecations tossed around after the fact.
Honestly, I wonder if the action falls a bit short in this snippet?
Coming up next, God-mode!  And we will see exactly why Zeke is so reluctant to use it.
Oh, boy.

Somebody's going to notice that... They might not act on it right away, but they'll notice.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Oh, there's quite a few someones that noticed. Belldandy, her sisters, and all their ilk in particular. However, they won't move on this. Raven's purview over reincarnation puts him in a position that rivals Hild and the Almighty. That, and it's his Avatar, which means it's his business. So while they may look in from a distance, their reaction is gonna be a rather large and succinct NOPE! The only way they'll get involved is if they are already directly involved... or Raven asks it of them. Wink

One other party that does notice is the BPRD, and you can bet that a certain big red dude with a stone hand is gonna be getting dispatched to handle this case. (That said, I've... acquired... a good collection of Hellboy and BPRD comics and I'm steadily working my way through them. HB won't appear right away, but it will be soonish, and it will probably be spectacular.)

There'll be others too, and I may just need to do an omake for them.
So, all this noise in the Update thread and nowhere else? Man, you guys are BORING! I mean, I know it's Christmas and all, but at least give us a fun little Christmas Omake...

Anyhow, this may not be in the same vein as Christmas and it may be a bit late... but better late than never!
* Black Aeronaut blows the dust off this thing.

Okay, so things have been crazy lately. But now, I'm free of a crazy job, and getting into the sort of shenanigans that will be for my own good - that is, school.

Really, I do well with school work. I'll be more in my element there so long as I don't get stuck with some hideously boring computer-based training program like they had at Gunner Mate "A" School. *Shudders*

So, back to Dear Sweet Kami-sama, Why Do You Hate Me So?

First off, I wanted to throw out a list of factions, external and internal to Earth.
Let me know what you guys think, and feel free to offer suggestions to make things more 'interesting'.

Internal Factions:

The Untied Nations
The UN  is an obvious one.  It really isn't much different from our own UN aside from an internal schism that occurred when it was discovered that a subversive element known as SEELE existed within the UN.  Fortunately, SEELE has been ousted from the UN, but they are still around.

The Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense
The BPRD has been a branch of the UN since the very founding of the UN, and a thorn in the side of SEELE for just as long.  (It was, in fact, the BPRD's star agents, Hell Boy and Abe Sapien, who blew SEELE's cover wide open.)

While Mithril is a non-governmental organization - effectively a privately funded mercenary group - their aims and goals of counter-terrorism parallel with that of the UN's and so Mithril works hand-in-hand with the UN Military Council.  Unlike the member nations of the Military Council, Mithril can move into conflict zones quietly, use surgical strikes to either deescalate bad situations or simply pull the teeth out of a particular group of terrorists, and all without anyone needing to assume responsibility for operations that go right or wrong.

Literally, a cabal of men bent on world domination.  Corny, but true.  For a long time they had been pulling the strings of the UN, up until two things happened: 1) the landing of ASS-1 disrupted their efforts to begin the Human Instrumentality Project, and 2) Hellboy and Abe Sapien happened.  Unfortunately, the slippery bastards got away, and while their plans have been set back, they still have the Dead Sea Scrolls.  (The Israelis are never gonna forgive them.)

The SCP Foundation
The SCP are not evil, per say.  However, due to some of the extreme measures they take, they are barely tolerated by the UN and the BPRD. (As one might imagine, there is a LOT of bad blood between the SCP and the BPRD.)  Unlike the BPRD which generally takes a hands-off approach when dealing with phenomena that are deemed harmless, the SCP will zealously acquire any and all persons, beings, and artifacts of a supernatural or otherwise undefinable nature, and secure them in their facilities.  Despite misgivings others may have, they do have standards of ethical treatment, and they are fairly effective at what they proclaim to do: Secure, Contain, Protect.  It is theorized by some that the SCP has connections to SEELE, but due to the SCPs incredibly secretive nature, that will be difficult, at best, to prove.

Mithril's direct counterpart and a known branch of SEELE.  Their mission in life seems to be fomenting conflict around the world in an effort to spur technological development.  They do this in part by gifting terrorist organisations with overtechnology derived from ASS-1 as well as Whispered personnel they brainwash or have willingly working for them.  How they operate is a complete mystery as SEELE has since stepped up their security protocols after Hellboy and Abe Sapien blew their cover in a most humiliating fashion.

External Factions

The Empire of Jurai and The Galactic Union
These two more or less go hand-in-hand together, what with the political interactions between the Royal Family of Jurai and the highly influential Kuramitsu family of the Galactic Union.  However, there are notes of dissent, in particular from the people of the planet Airai, whose religion puts them directly at odds with the people of Jyurai.  Note: Earth is a protectorate world in the Empire of Jurai.

The Oni Confederation
The Oni are less like a government and more like a loosely operated pirate guild.  So long as the actions of the lower warlords are in line with the desires of the High Warlord, then they can pretty much get away with anything.  However, this is not to say that the High Warlord himself can't be placed under pressure - should a majority of the lower warlords swing against his desires, he may find himself forcibly 'Retired'.  Their primary interest in Earth?  Tourism - Earth and the Sol System has a myriad of opportunities for resorts catering to thrill seekers and sight seers alike.  They just have to figure out how to get their foot in the door.

The Time-Space Administration Bureau
The TSAB feels as though they have dropped the ball in a very bad way.  The thing is that all worlds they have encountered, be it Earth or some other place, they are all interdimensional counterparts to their homeworld of Midchilda.  And therefore they never imagined that there was life elsewhere.  Not to mention that they severely underestimated the mage potential of Earth.  Now, after the Jewel Seed incident, TSAB has found itself on the backfoot - they never seem to have enough mages, and they just found a galaxy full of them!  But how do you recover from a flub that bad?

The Zentradi People
At one point in time, over a hundred thousand years ago, the galaxy was embroiled in a war between the Protoculture and their Zentradi warriors, and the Protodevlin and their brainwashed Supervision Army.  While the Protodevlin were dealt with relatively quickly, the Supervision Army remained, and eventually the three remaining factions all fought until only the Zentradi remained, hunting down the scant bits of Supervision Army that have eluded them.  And now, after many thousands of years, a Supervision Army gunship has crash on Earth.  Is the Galactic Alliance and the Empire of Jurai ready to deal with the Zentradi?

The Gamilas Empire
Led by the highly charismatic, yet somewhat psychotic and tyrannical Emperor Dessler, the Empire has been bringing peace by conquest to the Magellanic Clouds over the last decade.  And now he has set his sights on the Milky Way at large - starting with Earth as his beach head.
I generally like what I see.  I love a crossover where all the parts are made to mesh neatly. 
On that subject of meshing: You may need to resolve where the Zentradi have been that they weren't crossing paths and butting heads with the Jurai/GU faction.  Or if they were interacting with that faction, what happened and how have things been resolved?
On Earth, if the BRPD is a UN group who funds the SCP and do they actually have any legal authority that is recognized by governments or agencies? 
It's been too long and it may be from a series I don't know details about.  I did a search of the thread but didn't find it.  What's ASS-1?
Some issues to be considered as you move forward:
As Sailor Moon is central to this story, is Sailor Galaxia a force to be reckoned with in the galaxy at large?  I've been told that she travels sublight and so wouldn't pop up very often, but I don't know if that is canon.  She might also be something that the Juraian's get called upon to keep at bay with their ships that have light-hawk wings.
Are Senshi of various planets a known thing out in the Galaxy at large?  If so, what kind of relationships do they form with the planetary and interstellar governments?
Are Ali and Ann a thing in your universe and if so, is the Doomtree related to the Royal Trees of Jurai in some way?
This one always comes up, but it comes up for a reason.  What sort of relations did the old Moon Kingdom have with the Galactic Union, Jurai, and other interstellar powers that are old enough to have been around at the same time?  Is it remembered and if so, what kind of reputation does it have?
How does magic in general (or specific types of magic associated with Earth or Senshi) relate to and interact with psychic abilities (which are a thing in Tenchi Muyo, along with summoning and binding spirits).
Edit - I saw Beldandy mentioned on a skim of the thread.  This leads to the question of how OMG Kami-Sama and the Yggdrasil system relate to D3 and the other dimensional overseers who report to Tokimi.
I don't know if you want any more crossover elements in an already-crowded story but here are some possibilities I've played with in the past:
Outlanders - The Santovasku Empire, which utilizes a combination of bio-tech and sorcery, are descendants of the Moon Kingdom who made it out of the solar system when it fell.  Now they are back on something of a crusade to find and reclaim their Holy Homeworld.
Darkstalkers - Having the supernatural be around but mostly out of sight is easy.  Whether Pyron is out there destroying planets is the issue.  Possibly another reason for people to line up behind Jurai and it's tree-ships of phenomenal-cosmic-power.
No, I don't believe the world has gone mad.  In order for it to go mad it would need to have been sane at some point.
Follow up: If the Oni are a thing in this, presumably so are the other Urusei Yatsura characters.  That includes Oyuki, the current princess of Neptune, which leads to questions of her relation to the royal house of Neptune from Moon Kingdom times and the reactions of the current Neptunian court to Michiru if they become aware of each other.  Also, the possibility of life on other planets of the solar system.
Tangent: Most of the aliens in Urusei Yatsura are based on supernatural creatures of Japanese legend.  Are some of the supernatural beings of Earth actually aliens or their descendants?
Edit: I forgot, we already have supernatural-aliens from the Sailor Moon side of this.  More along those lines, the Tengu themed princess Kurama from Urusei Yatsura is looking for a mate to continue her people.  With Zeke's luck and connections, it seems like she's destined to cross his path down the line.  
Further Edit: Finally got the google-fu going, ASS-1 (Alien Spaceship One) is the Macross SDF-1 when it crashed and before it was given a refit by humans. Got it.
No, I don't believe the world has gone mad.  In order for it to go mad it would need to have been sane at some point.
Deadpan29 Wrote:...
Edit: I forgot, we already have supernatural-aliens from the Sailor Moon side of this.  More along those lines, the Tengu themed princess Kurama from Urusei Yatsura is looking for a mate to continue her people.  With Zeke's luck and connections, it seems like she's destined to cross his path down the line.
Speaking of Kurama, is there any connection between her, Phobos, Diemos, and Sailor Lead Crow? Canonically, the last three are from the same world.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote:I generally like what I see.  I love a crossover where all the parts are made to mesh neatly.
Glad you like it.  I'm still tinkering with the world building in general, but I intend to make things fit as well as I can.  Although, as you'll see, this is still a work in progress.
Quote:On that subject of meshing: You may need to resolve where the Zentradi have been that they weren't crossing paths and butting heads with the Jurai/GU faction.  Or if they were interacting with that faction, what happened and how have things been resolved?
From what I understand of the TM-Universe, there's still a lot of the galaxy that's unexplored.  Enough that the remaining Zentradi forces can go unnoticed - for the most part the Zentradi travel as a single massive fleet with scout fleets deployed to look for Supervision Army remnants.  And if it isn't Supervision Army, the Zentradi aren't gonna bother.  (ASS-1 was actually a Supervision Army Gun Ship, which was why the Zentradi were so interested in it - they thought the Earth people had been turned by the Supervision Army.)
Quote:On Earth, if the BRPD is a UN group who funds the SCP and do they actually have any legal authority that is recognized by governments or agencies?
Oh no.  The SCP is actually self-funded, much how Mithril is, except at the highest levels, they're actually being run by SEELE.  The SCP pretty much operates like your typical off-the-books black organization.  The reality is that they do not have any real authority, but they get away with it because what they do is recognized as a needed thing - half the time they're on top of something before the BPRD can get wind of it.  The BPRD can do things better than the SCP does, but their speed of acting is hampered by red tape.
Quote:Some issues to be considered as you move forward:
As Sailor Moon is central to this story, is Sailor Galaxia a force to be reckoned with in the galaxy at large?  I've been told that she travels sublight and so wouldn't pop up very often, but I don't know if that is canon.  She might also be something that the Juraian's get called upon to keep at bay with their ships that have light-hawk wings.
This is pretty easy.  While Jurai has been around for quite a while (dating back to the collapse of the Protoculture around 150,000 years ago) the issue is that they aren't expecting something with planet-killer powers to only be able to travel at sublight speed.  So it's kinda taken them a while to connect the dots on this matter.  They won't really know the full facts behind the matter until Usagi comes forward as the reincarnated Princess Serenity.
Quote:Are Senshi of various planets a known thing out in the Galaxy at large?  If so, what kind of relationships do they form with the planetary and interstellar governments?
They'll be known of... but it will be kinda rare, and regarded as a sort of an 'anachronistic colloquialism' with titles like 'Champion of Justice'.  However they're real power will largely go unnoticed until the shit hits the fan.
Quote:Are Ali and Ann a thing in your universe and if so, is the Doomtree related to the Royal Trees of Jurai in some way?
They'll be around.  The thing is that the Doom Tree arc has already happened and this is why Rei and the others have their memories of prior events.  Keep in mind, also, that I've stretched the timeline some.  This will have other interesting effects, like Chibi-Usa not freaking out Usagi quite so badly, as by that time children will have inevitably come up as a topic between Mamarou and Usagi.  (But it'll still kinda freak her out that the little runt is her kid from the future.)
Quote:This one always comes up, but it comes up for a reason.  What sort of relations did the old Moon Kingdom have with the Galactic Union, Jurai, and other interstellar powers that are old enough to have been around at the same time?  Is it remembered and if so, what kind of reputation does it have?
Good question.  I guess a good way to play this off would be to have the Sol System be like the Afghanistan of the Milky Way - that it has traded hands between local powers several times, as well as had the royal family come and go before they finally all got killed off.  They'll be recognized as good people, but a hotbed for conflict due to their resources and strategic location.
Quote:How does magic in general (or specific types of magic associated with Earth or Senshi) relate to and interact with psychic abilities (which are a thing in Tenchi Muyo, along with summoning and binding spirits).
Well, for one thing, Gods are recognized as a thing that exists in the galactic community.  This is why the people of the planet Airai have beef with the Juraians.  The Airaians think the Juraians keeping Tsunami all to themselves, when really that's not the case.  And really, there's no such thing as 'magic'.  (Washu would break out the paper fans if someone suggested that.)  What I'm gonna roll with is ATC's idea that so-called magic is simply yet another one of these fundamental forces of the universe, much like gravity, magnetism, weak- and strong-nuclear force, etc.

However, once TSAB comes around and explains their understanding of the subject matter, their terminology will take root in the rest of society, and only because TSAB has the strongest grasp on this stuff.

And yes, this means that ultimately, Ezekiel, the Senshi, and others will be getting Intelligent Devices or similar, and will be regarded as 'Mages'.
Quote:Edit - I saw Beldandy mentioned on a skim of the thread.  This leads to the question of how OMG Kami-Sama and the Yggdrasil system relate to D3 and the other dimensional overseers who report to Tokimi.
Honestly, I'm a little unsure.

One idea I currently have is to play it off that Belldandy and the others aren't really Gods, but higher level beings (say, Fifth-Dimensional instead of Three-dimensional that drifts on the surface of the Fourth-dimension).  Belldandy's people would be a group of highly altruistic folks who are looking out for the well being of the universe in general, and the Yggdrasil computer is a device that helps maintain the stability of the space-time continuum when shit gets out of hand.

And on the side, they like to do humanitarian work in the field.

This would also explain why it's such a bad idea for Belldandy to be involved with Keiichi - her home simply cannot be comprehended by his mind.  But that's love for you.  :p

Not quite sure how to swing the Demons and Nidhog in this case.  Bob?  Got any ideas?
Quote:I don't know if you want any more crossover elements in an already-crowded story but here are some possibilities I've played with in the past:
Outlanders - The Santovasku Empire, which utilizes a combination of bio-tech and sorcery, are descendants of the Moon Kingdom who made it out of the solar system when it fell.  Now they are back on something of a crusade to find and reclaim their Holy Homeworld.
Darkstalkers - Having the supernatural be around but mostly out of sight is easy.  Whether Pyron is out there destroying planets is the issue.  Possibly another reason for people to line up behind Jurai and it's tree-ships of phenomenal-cosmic-power.
Hmmm...  In Sailor Moon, we already have something like the Santovasku in the people of Nemesis, aka Nehelania.

Not so sure about Darkstalkers - it was never my thing, although I'll be the first to admit that Felicia is pretty damn cute.
Quote:Follow up: If the Oni are a thing in this, presumably so are the other Urusei Yatsura characters.  That includes Oyuki, the current princess of Neptune, which leads to questions of her relation to the royal house of Neptune from Moon Kingdom times and the reactions of the current Neptunian court to Michiru if they become aware of each other.  Also, the possibility of life on other planets of the solar system.
Well, that's something that I want to mess around with in order to make things work.  One idea that I have is that Oyuki's people are not actually from Neptune - that's just where they wound up taking refuge.  The reality is that they're actually from Mercury before it somehow got blasted into it's perilously close orbit of the sun, and before it used to sit somewhere between Mars and the Asteroid Belt.  This would explain people on Neptune having ice powers like Ami, rather than pure water power like Michiru.

As for reactions?  Well, for the most part, happy that there were survivors elsewhere than on Earth, and then they'll set about trying to restore the proper order of things by seeing who wants to stay on Neptune and who wants to go back to Mercury once it gets relocated back to its proper orbit.
Quote:Tangent: Most of the aliens in Urusei Yatsura are based on supernatural creatures of Japanese legend.  Are some of the supernatural beings of Earth actually aliens or their descendants?
For the most part, yes.  But, on the other hand, I'll qoute what Raven says to Rei here...
Quote:“The Japanese have known me by many names, child. Amaterasu. Yatagarasu. Tengu. Each one of them is an aspect of what I am. But make no mistake about it. I am indeed a God...”
Which brings me to this...
Quote:Edit: I forgot, we already have supernatural-aliens from the Sailor Moon side of this.  More along those lines, the Tengu themed princess Kurama from Urusei Yatsura is looking for a mate to continue her people.  With Zeke's luck and connections, it seems like she's destined to cross his path down the line.
Heh-heh-heh...  Princess Kurama, last descendant of the rulers of Coronis... and she hears that an Avatar of Raven has finally appeared...  And Zeke thought he had enough trouble with Deimos acting more than a little flirty.
Quote:robkelk wrote:
Quote:Deadpan29 wrote:
Edit: I forgot, we already have supernatural-aliens from the Sailor Moon side of this.  More along those lines, the Tengu themed princess Kurama from Urusei Yatsura is looking for a mate to continue her people.  With Zeke's luck and connections, it seems like she's destined to cross his path down the line.
Speaking of Kurama, is there any connection between her, Phobos, Diemos, and Sailor Lead Crow? Canonically, the last three are from the same world.
Yep, she'll be regarded as their ruler... but Zeke will have equal pull as Raven's Avatar, so it will make relative sense that Kurama seeks Zeke out as a suitor.  Which means Zeke's headache is that much bigger.  :p
a suggestion on the AMG issue is handle them like the TSAB, they are another multi-planetary faction with a major computer system, serious powers/science (i mean looking at Skuld and what she does it kinda fits) and a penchant for humanitarian work
The problem with the Tenchi Choushin and AMG goddesses is the fact both are defined as 10D beings (at the time these series did this, it was what physics seemed to believe about the structure of the universe). Given the Choushin's goals, this makes things awkward. Post Tenchi OVA3, we can fiddle a bit. Current thinking has the Universe be a 12D to 13D construct. There is also the fact there are defined and undefined infinities.

My suggestion? Make this universe a boundary one between the infinities of the Tenchi, AMG, and TSAB multiverses (think Ven diagram, but in a hypercube (hypersphere?)).

The reset of the Tenchi OVA universe, bugs in Yggdrasil, and possibly the dimensional dislocation of the Jewel Seed incident caused a merger of the defined infinities of the three multiverses. Outside the fact the Gods are unsettled by how settled they are, nobody else will notice. To everyone else, it has ALWAYS been this way.

It will also mean there are greater than 10D beings around, which will make the vast majority of Gods (those 10D beings) nervous. I very much doubt Raven will play his games around certain individuals.
Quote:Not quite sure how to swing the Demons and Nidhog in this case. Bob? Got any ideas?
Well, for DW, I define the difference between a god and a demon as hinging on whether or not they believe lower-dimensionals have any kind of value. This isn't a moral thing -- there are evil gods who value their worshipers from 4D spacetimes, and ostensibly good "demons" who think that 4D types aren't "real" people, any more than the characters in a book are. You might want to work with something like that, perhaps making them essentially griefers, using their own supercomputer to vandalize and undermine "smaller" universes, perhaps by hacking Yggdrasil, or by trying to corrupt/rot enough of a universe that the gods can't undo it, basically for the lulz.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Cobalt Greywalker Wrote:The problem with the Tenchi Choushin and AMG goddesses is the fact both are defined as 10D beings (at the time these series did this, it was what physics seemed to believe about the structure of the universe). Given the Choushin's goals, this makes things awkward. Post Tenchi OVA3, we can fiddle a bit. Current thinking has the Universe be a 12D to 13D construct. There is also the fact there are defined and undefined infinities.

My suggestion? Make this universe a boundary one between the infinities of the Tenchi, AMG, and TSAB multiverses (think Ven diagram, but in a hypercube (hypersphere?)).

The reset of the Tenchi OVA universe, bugs in Yggdrasil, and possibly the dimensional dislocation of the Jewel Seed incident caused a merger of the defined infinities of the three multiverses. Outside the fact the Gods are unsettled by how settled they are, nobody else will notice. To everyone else, it has ALWAYS been this way.

It will also mean there are greater than 10D beings around, which will make the vast majority of Gods (those 10D beings) nervous. I very much doubt Raven will play his games around certain individuals.

Another possibility is to have the Choushin and the Megami both be 10D beings - but the 10D be different subsets of the 12+D of the multiverse. They can only interact in forms that use dimensions that both groups can access, such as our 4D universe or analogues thereof.

This would explain why the Choushin thought that looking for a more powerful being then themselves wasn't a fool's errand. It would also explain why the Megami deferred to a superior, if they had actually found an 11D being to serve. And, if BA prefers Raven to be more powerful than the Choushin or the Megami, Raven could be an 11+D being.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote:Rajvik wrote:
a suggestion on the AMG issue is handle them like the TSAB, they are another multi-planetary faction with a major computer system, serious powers/science (i mean looking at Skuld and what she does it kinda fits) and a penchant for humanitarian work
That's more or less what I was tentatively thinking about, only rather than being multi-planetary, they're operating on a much higher level than TSAB does.  Skuld would probably think their dimensional drives are 'cute' in the same way a woman thinks a English Bulldog is cute - ugly, but effective at what it does, and somehow charming despite its demerits.
Quote:Bob Schroeck wrote:
Quote:Not quite sure how to swing the Demons and Nidhog in this case. Bob? Got any ideas?
Well, for DW, I define the difference between a god and a demon as hinging on whether or not they believe lower-dimensionals have any kind of value. This isn't a moral thing -- there are evil gods who value their worshipers from 4D spacetimes, and ostensibly good "demons" who think that 4D types aren't "real" people, any more than the characters in a book are. You might want to work with something like that, perhaps making them essentially griefers, using their own supercomputer to vandalize and undermine "smaller" universes, perhaps by hacking Yggdrasil, or by trying to corrupt/rot enough of a universe that the gods can't undo it, basically for the lulz.
Okay, I think I can work with that.  It would be especially fitting to bring in the whole 'shades of gray' aspect in the form of Hild and her adherents.  It would even go a long way to explaining Hild's relationship with The Almighty (who, in this case, I'm simply gonna call 'Odin' from now on).

In fact, a very interesting way of looking at it would be that Hild is something like Lucrezia Mongfish from Girl Genius - determined to save the world on her terms, despite her personal desires (IE: a healthy, romantic relationship with Odin and be a real mother to Urd).

It would be especially fun to have a moment where Hild pulls Zeke aside, and basically advises him to not let a good thing get away despite the complications that would inevitably arise.

So, basically Hild is in charge of the Demons simply because she knows that if she isn't then they are going to mess things up so badly that, in fine griefer fashion, it's going to mess things up for them as well.

Quote:robkelk wrote:
Quote:Cobalt Greywalker wrote:
The problem with the Tenchi Choushin and AMG goddesses is the fact both are defined as 10D beings (at the time these series did this, it was what physics seemed to believe about the structure of the universe). Given the Choushin's goals, this makes things awkward. Post Tenchi OVA3, we can fiddle a bit. Current thinking has the Universe be a 12D to 13D construct. There is also the fact there are defined and undefined infinities.
My suggestion? Make this universe a boundary one between the infinities of the Tenchi, AMG, and TSAB multiverses (think Ven diagram, but in a hypercube (hypersphere?)).
The reset of the Tenchi OVA universe, bugs in Yggdrasil, and possibly the dimensional dislocation of the Jewel Seed incident caused a merger of the defined infinities of the three multiverses. Outside the fact the Gods are unsettled by how settled they are, nobody else will notice. To everyone else, it has ALWAYS been this way.
It will also mean there are greater than 10D beings around, which will make the vast majority of Gods (those 10D beings) nervous. I very much doubt Raven will play his games around certain individuals.
Another possibility is to have the Choushin and the Megami both be 10D beings - but the 10D be different subsets of the 12+D of the multiverse. They can only interact in forms that use dimensions that both groups can access, such as our 4D universe or analogues thereof.
This would explain why the Choushin thought that looking for a more powerful being then themselves wasn't a fool's errand. It would also explain why the Megami deferred to a superior, if they had actually found an 11D being to serve. And, if BA prefers Raven to be more powerful than the Choushin or the Megami, Raven could be an 11+D being.

Okay then, I think I know what to do now.

Now, originally, ClassicDrogn had this to say way back on Page 1 of this thread, and I ran with it:
Quote:ClassicDrogn wrote:
Well, this is where it came up, mainly. WRT the more on topic part - it sounds a bit like the backstory scene of Twoflower's Slayers Trilogy fics. To paraphrase: 
A golden-haired little girl sang happily, looking down into the project She'd just finished. One of the boys wandered over, and She held it out proudly for him to see. "Look at my butterflies!" She said. Indeed, the terrarium was populated by tiny, short-lived creatures, flitting around and doing their own thing. 
"Laaaame..." He complained, poking at it to make them react. He dropped in an altogether different sort of bug, and watched it catch and pull the wings off of one of the colorful little ones with much more interest. "See, now it's much cooler!"
"Meanie! Get away from my butterflies!" She yelled, kicking the boy in the shin. "Now how am I supposed to get that out without breaking everything?"
Note, it's now fifteen years since I read these, so this is apt to be a very loose rendition.
I'm not saying this is any kind of bad thing, just that it's an example to either intentionally reference or to intentionally avoid making a reference to. I think that as a framing device it works fairly well, in fact.
Now I see that if I want this to work out the way I'd like it to, this universe can't simply be Raven's personal terrarium.

Instead, this would be a very big sandbox where a whole bunch of 10D beings got together and decided to build something awesome.  In this case, it's not just the Choushin that are looking for higher powers - it's the whole group working towards that end.

And then, just when things were getting good, along came Those Kids and they started being dicks in general by letting loose nasty critters into the whole creation as well as acting more directly.  So, Raven being the sort he is, went out and found himself a weapon to fight the nastiness with his power backing the guy up.

This lets me put most of the Gods (like the Choushin and the Nourns) as 10D beings, other Big Names (like Raven, Odin, and Hild) at 11D, and Tenchi being the end goal of what they were all striving for in the form of a 12+D being.

Another nice thing is that this let's me keep Zeke reasonable - he's not going to be the biggest hitter.  That honor goes to Tenchi.  However, Zeke will wind up being the guy that attracts most of the negative attention.  (Although Tenchi will still have his woes as a Harem-master to deal with.  Pity the poor fool.)

Here's a fun little snippet that comes later.  I think you guys might appreciate it.
The morning was later marred by an occurrence of utter madness.  As Sousuke, Kaname, Kubiac, and the The Girls (aka The Sailor Senshi, minus Rei) walked across the school grounds with me, a boy my age suddenly ran past us in a panic... swiftly followed by what appeared to be the girls track team.  While the guy was fast, he had nothing on these young ladies as they were quickly catching up to him.  Seconds after the mob rounded the school building’s corner, there was a loud yelp as the boy appeared over the building’s roof, and then came back down again.

From the splashing sound he made on landing, I had to surmise that he wound up in the school’s swimming pool... which happened to be occupied by the girls swim team.

Seconds later, he appeared once more, this time being quickly pursued by both the track team and the swim team.

“What the fuck?” I deadpanned in English.

Kaname and Kubiac both winced, giving me looks, but then Kubiak himself looked in askance as well.

Kaname sighed.  “That was Ataru Moroboshi - public enemy number one of of every girl here at Juuban High.  The only girl that puts up with him at all is Desk Throwing Shinobu - for that reason alone there’s a rumor going around that she’s a closet pervert.”

“How’d she get the name ‘Desk Throwing Shinobu’?” I asked.

Kaname gave me a wicked grin and said, “How about you mention that closet pervert thing to her and find out?”

I snorted in reply.  “Say no more.”
Quote:So, basically Hild is in charge of the Demons simply because she knows that if she isn't then they are going to mess things up so badly that, in fine griefer fashion, it's going to mess things up for them as well.

That, and she's the biggest fish in their pond -- possibly because she's long outgrown her own griefer stage but is still plagued by the reputation she worked so hard in her youth to make for herself, and which is a major handicap now that she's grown up and trying to be more than she was...?
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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