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didn't we discuss this before?
03-24-2006, 07:28 AM
Quote: Juuban most certainly does exist in Tokyo - Japan's "embassy row" is in Juuban
I could had sworn we had a discussion of this...the security at the embassies decided to upgrade security in case on of the youma decided to strike at the having the Marines in the U.S embassy stash a few heavy weapons..either a LAV-25 or a Stryker in the garage.
Personally, a Stryker would my preferred choice. A 105mm APDU round will put a dent into a youma.
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Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
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Some thoughts.
03-24-2006, 05:43 PM
Some thoughts
One of the issues with conjoined crossovers is that the reality of disparate series is created around the focus of the story. Are the martial arts of Ranma the focus of the series or is the focus the relationships/conflicts, where the martial arts are the hook that they hang on? Mixing and matching series will always be a rough and tumble exercise. Are the martial artists of Street Fighter inherently tougher than those of Dragonball or Ranma? The focus of all three is different and the universe rules differ. Although in the defense of the Street Fighter cast the Street Fighter Movie has some of the best animated depictions of martial arts in an anime film in that actual techniques are employed, rather than merely drawing kicks and punches or throwing colossal bolts of energy. Sure there are funky moves, but they are actually integrated into the flow of the fight, rather than being the focus of it.
The problem with introducing superheroic elements into reality is that there is no easy or satisfying way to reflect the changes in the society, without removing the connection between the society of the audience which is part of the appeal of the superhero genre. Some game worlds do a pretty good job of this Bobs IST Universe or Aberrant; but these are the exceptions rather than the rule and they both deal with significant changes to the society. Think about the changes created by a single technology in the last 50 years, and then multiply these ten fold; to reflect what superhero science would produce. Alternately you could just say that the super-geniuses are all pricks Sure this would change the world for the better, but those primitive screwheads are not ready for it yet. Besides Im still playing with it and I dont share my toys.
I wont comment on the Sailor Moon stuff as it is another completely different kettle of fish. Can you see any goit standing stock still during the pre-combat dialog? And no they arent paralyzed by the peek-a-boo transformation sequence (unless they are R. Kelly, in which case they are too busy taping it.)
In the name on the..Ack! Caught mid-pose, the dippy bunny girl was blown backwards as the punch smashed her nose flat. As she fell to the ground, squirting geysers of blood, her opponent took the opportunity to hoy her in the ribs several times. As she was vomiting bloody froth onto the pavement the huge combat boot lashed forward, catching her on the point of her chin, the force of the blow flipping her over onto her back.
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Re: Some thoughts.
03-24-2006, 10:07 PM
I have a Tokyo city atlas, and there's definitely no Fuurinkan or Tomobiki anywhere in RL-Nerima.
And Nerima, incidentally, is bigger than Manhattan Island, whereas Azabu-Juuban is quite small. (There's also a substantial JSDF base on the north side of Nerima. Hmmm.)
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Re: Some thoughts.
03-24-2006, 11:29 PM
And a big natural gas tank farm in the middle, too - I remember seeing a website where someone had gone and taken a lot of photos in the real Nerima and posted them, a couple of yeasrs ago. No idea where, though.
- CDSERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
Dr. Akagi will recover. Observe, Rei smiled. Shinji-kun, are these your clothes?
Ritsuko shot up like a spring loaded meerkat. What? Shinji-kun is naked?
See, Anata? Dr. Hentai is alive and well. - Innortal's _I Do_
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Re: Some thoughts.
03-25-2006, 03:20 AM
Sometimes the natural gas tanks show up in anime set in Nerima. For instance, in the Nuku-Nuku OVAs, Eimi and Nuku-Nuku's first fight takes them right into the gas tanks, and they blow them up...
-- Bob
For Jor-El so loved the Earth, he sent his only begotten son...
Re: Some thoughts.
03-25-2006, 09:49 AM
Quote: I wont comment on the Sailor Moon stuff as it is another completely different kettle of fish. Can you see any goit standing stock still during the pre-combat dialog?
Rev, the Senshi have disguise fields and Usagi has an alternate personallity... also in episode one Usagi transforms and hears a friend of her cry out for help from an impossible distance. Then this effect goes bye-bye and the Senshi do manage to constantlyly end up wandering into areas with active youma. The speach is probablely the verbal component to a 'Look at me!! Look at me I'm important and here!!!' spell effect. Doug does the same thing to the Knightsabers. Considering that the youma stop what they are doing and stare most of the time and that youma aren't exactly mental giants, I'm going with it requiring a will save to resist the effect.
Quote: The problem with introducing superheroic elements into reality is that there is no easy or satisfying way to reflect the changes in the society, without removing the connection between the society of the audience which is part of the appeal of the superhero genre.
Easy way... like them trickling in at first and people have adapt to the idea and deal with it? Sure, if hundreds or thousands of super humans pop up all at once it with cause cause major issues. However, if your born into a world with these kinds of people you learn to live with it. Unless Dr. Doom takes over or something most people go into the 'not my problem' mind set. Then complain that Colossus is another immigrant stealling their jobs.
People adapted to instantanious global communication and the fact government had now discovered a method of obliterating cities in less than a minute. It would be rough, but MAD (Multually Ashered Destruction) policies of the Cold War prove people are nervious but will adapt to the situation do to lack of an alternatice. Super heroes are spawned from these change of times issues that came with the World Wars.
Dealing super villians is little different from someone holding you at gun point, its not so much the villian/gun that scares them so much as feeling so helplessness. This is also why people fear magic, its a thret they are basically helpless against... so the burn them. Mutants scare you? Kill them... send them to concentration centers/camps. Americans of Japanese descent got that treatment. Ban all gun laws are also this kind of fear. Many politians run on this kind of fear.
So I have to disagree with you there Rev.
I agree with your first part as it mirrors what I said a few posts up.
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It is the reader - not the world.
03-25-2006, 06:49 PM
Necratoid -
Yes - those born into the superhero world would learn to deal with it. Likewise the society would adapt. However I was speaking to the consumer of the comic/anime/game, rather than the protagonists. The reason people connect to Spiderman as a character is not because he has powers beyond the scope of men - it is because he has problems that they can readily identify. Sick relatives, rent payments and some identity issues, etc. His world is like our own and thus his problems resonate with us. Take the logical progression of super-science - and suddenly Spiderman exists in a world with flying cars, unlimited energy, a huge increase in food production, no sickness or disease, etc. Suddenly he loses the anchor with the reader. His problems become removed from theirs; breaking a vital connection.
In regards to the idea of grand scale wars and mutually assured destruction spawning the superhero. All times spawn heroes of culture, myth, legend and even religion. Are Achilles/Siegfried and their invulnerability any different than Superman bouncing bullets off his rump? Superman owes a lot in his genesis to Achilles - they both share a heel as it were. The rise of the anti-hero in film in the seventies can be observed as a similar phenomenon - with the press of urban blight and the specter of increased danger coupled with the perception that Justice was not only blind, but giving out hand-jobs behind the dumpster out back of the courthouse. Who walks in? Dirty Harry! and Charles 'Death Wish' Bronson; kicking butts, taking names and blowing schnauzer sized holes in the no-goodniks. A hero rises to the threat of the time.
As to the pre-speech Sailor Moon stuff it is the same thing as power levels in Dragon Ball or Ranma. It is merely part of the tapestry - it is a universe/culture in which all combats are pre-faced by extensive posturing and dialogs.
Re: It is the reader - not the world.
03-25-2006, 09:23 PM
Althought I should point out that in Sailor Moon there have been several times when Sailor Moon was interupted/attacked in mid-speech. Its not common but it does happen.
Really, its not all that different from a wuxia or sentai story in that respect, both often include pre-battle (and mid-battle) speechmaking and posing.
Re: It is the reader - not the world.
03-26-2006, 03:55 PM
Ayiekie, people and youma do sometimes make the will save. Thats when they get to attack. The distraction spell/magical effect and is a vehicle for a concept. Blowing it off as just one of those things is rather like how some idiots reject science outright. God told it to happen and thus it did, so its unfathomable how it happened so it just did so there. Rather than that someone figured out the method God used to do that and its not completely unfathomable. (Example of a similar case of logic, note an attempt at religious debate material.)
Also, as the enemies get smarter and mentally stronger the Power Rangers have been getting blown up more and more over the seasons... some don't even make speeches now. Other series I'm not familiar enough with to really talk at this time.
Quote: In regards to the idea of grand scale wars and mutually assured destruction spawning the superhero.
Counter what I actually said Dark Rev... don't latch on to parts of single lines and ignore the rest extremely selectively. Read for the main point. Nukes are a threat starting in the mid-1940s Super Heroes came out from the great depression era. Before that it was cowboys dime novels. Dont make up issues to have with me. And stop stealing my points as your own and complaining I dont get your points.
I never said that the fear of nuclear war caused Super Heroes., I said:
Quote: Super heroes are spawned from these change of times issues that came with the World Wars.
There are 2 official World Wars and 2 unofficial World Wars, (the Cold War was effectively WW3 named that or not and WW4 is effectively 5 years in), dont forget the first one between August 1914 and November 1918. There is literally a Superman comic with him flying into Berlin and dragging Hitler off the England for trial by his coat. Bugs Bunny and Donald Duck did their own propaganda in WW2.
My point involved what the Super Heroes did being effected. I mentioned the X-men being a civil rights comic. I'm building off what I said early not taking for the first time in this thread.
Right. Moving right along, then...
04-01-2006, 01:08 PM
Happy April 1!
We, uh, didn't quite get the project with 100 pictures done. Who could've guessed the people at Aaron's work would eventually object to him drawing when he was supposed to be working?
Instead, we just wrote a "side story" 1/3 as long as an actual chapter. In four days. What the hell is wrong with us?
(Note: the latter question applies equally well to doing-all-that-work-on-a-month-"off", what we actually wrote for April 1, and Hybrid Theory itself. You can decide! Me, I'll be sleeping!)
Re: Right. Moving right along, then...
04-05-2006, 03:59 AM
Well I just gone done with reading the Aprils fools thing. I was laughing hard and long enough that I'm still sore. Good Job.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
Re: Right. Moving right along, then...
05-02-2006, 03:02 AM
and there is the update, and here I was afraid that they would skip this month. Good to know that isn't the case. *scampers of to read*
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
Re: Right. Moving right along, then...
05-02-2006, 03:35 AM
No, no, we're now back to regular updating every month until it's finished, unless one or both of us get mysteriously hit by a semi and splattered. Which would be kinda creepy. Also, highly inconvienent.
Yay update
05-02-2006, 05:33 AM
HT is good stuff, as usual. Poor Rip, she is having a though time of it isn't she? a more coherent review when I am coherent again.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
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Re: Right. Moving right along, then...
05-04-2006, 07:00 PM
Quote: Also, highly inconvienent.
For everyone concerned.
Just finished ch 22. Even though I saw the identity issue coming from a mile away, it was still a nasty slap in the face.
Can't wait to see more.
-- Bob
For Jor-El so loved the Earth, he sent his only begotten son...